避免急性壓力 遠離過敏
多吃紅色、黃色蔬果 調節免疫力
資訊來源: https://hk.news.yahoo.com/-020200636.html
為大眾提供有關敏感的健康資訊。如欲了解進行食物敏感測試的的詳情,歡迎您致電 (852) 2763 1488或電郵至info@hkbiotek.com與我們聯絡。 更多的敏感測試及營養補充品資料:www.hkbiotek.com
2015年9月28日 星期一
2015年9月26日 星期六
如果您吃下某些食物會有蕁麻疹、皮膚癢、水腫、呼吸不順暢,這表示您有食物過敏的情形了。所謂的食物過敏﹐是指食物中的某些物質進入了體內(通常是蛋白質) ﹐被體內的免疫系統當成入侵的病原﹐發生了免疫反應﹐而對人體造成了不良影響。食物過敏所產生的症狀﹐反應在消化道(如胃熱﹑腹瀉﹑嘔吐等)、皮膚(如發疹﹑紅斑﹑搔癢等)、呼吸道(氣喘﹑胸痛﹑鼻炎等)等器官最多。嚴重時﹐病人的血壓會下降﹐甚至於休克。由於它最容易發生在嬰幼兒身上﹐常造成父母餵養的困擾﹐既害怕小孩吃這個也癢﹐吃那個也癢﹐又擔心小朋友什麼都不能吃﹐會營養不良。
資訊來源: http://vanpoon.blogspot.hk/2008/03/blog-post.html
- 消化系統(70%):腹痛、噁心、嘔吐、腹瀉、消化道出血、口咽部搔癢
- 皮膚(24%):風塊疹(蕁麻疹、風疹)、溼疹、血管水腫、紅斑、搔癢
- 呼吸系統(6%):鼻炎、氣喘、咳嗽、眼睛搔癢紅腫
- 海鮮類:蝦、龍蝦、蟹、貝類及不新鮮的魚,因為不新鮮的魚會釋放組織氨造成過敏的症狀
- 含人工食品添加物的食品:如人工色素、防腐劑、抗氧化劑、香料…等,這些化學物質在日常食品中可見,如果不注意往往會忽略掉,如:市售飲料中的汽水、果汁、茶… 等、醬菜、醬油、黃色布丁、黃色糖果、五香豆干、牛肉干、各種罐頭食品、零嘴(糖果、餅乾、蜜餞…等)、泡麵等。
- 豆莢類:花生、大豆、豌豆。
- 核果類:核桃、腰果、杏仁、胡桃。
- 含咖啡因者:巧克力、咖啡、可樂、茶、可可。
- 某些水果:芒果、草莓、蕃茄、柳橙類。
- 含酒精的飲料或菜餚。
- 其它:蛋、牛奶、香菇、竹筍、殘留農藥的青菜。
- 遺傳因子
- 年齡:70%的食物過敏發生在三十歲之前,
- 氣喘者:氣喘的人對含亞硫酸鹽的保存劑容易產生過敏,亞硫酸鹽主要存在酒、新鮮及脫水的水果(如:芒果乾)、海產類等。
- 詳細而完整的過敏病史。
- 食物過敏性皮膚試驗。
- 血清中食物特異性免疫球蛋白E抗體檢查。
- 食物的食用激發試驗,目前最標準的診斷方式為雙盲安慰劑控制的食物激發試驗。此雙盲試驗除了可確定是否有對食物的不良反應存在外,尚可用來監測追蹤已証實的食物過敏病童其現階段的食物過敏狀況。
- 禁吃會引起過敏的食物。
- 不吃不新鮮的魚類食品。不新鮮的海產﹐會大量產生組織氨﹐促成過敏反應。不只是有過敏體質的人會這樣﹐健康的人也會因為不新鮮的海產造成過敏。
- 如果已產生過敏時要了解發生過敏的原因,以預防再發生過敏。
- 想嘗試吃過去未曾吃過的新的食物時,請先閱讀食物標示,看看有沒有會引起過敏的成份,如:對蛋會過敏的人,您可能會忽略有些餅乾、冰淇淋、油炸粉中也有蛋的成份,所以要詳讀成份標示。
- 如果您發生食物過敏時會產生嚴重的過敏反應時,請隨時帶警示手圈,也請醫師給您在發生過敏時緊急急救之藥品,以備不時之需。
- 有氣喘宿疾者要仔細閱讀食物標示,看是否有含硫添加物。
- 六歲以下的幼童約有1%-3%對食物過敏,尤其是嬰幼兒最多。
- 對牛奶過敏的嬰兒,最好能夠以母乳哺餵。哺育母乳時,母親宜忌食家族中已證實會造成過敏的食物。若無法哺餵母乳,則改喝豆粉製成的嬰兒奶粉,也可在營養師指導下選用低過敏原的配方奶粉。
- 副食品也建議從寶寶六個月以後再添加(一般嬰兒是第四個月即可開始嘗試)。每餵食一種新的食物﹐都應注意寶寶有無過敏的情況。如果有,應立即停止餵食,並請醫師診治及指導。若果正常﹐三﹑五天後才可換另一種新的食物。 切記一週內不可 加超過一種新食物。如果加上一種新食物後,症狀復發,那最少一年內不要食用。
- 要防止食物過敏,唯一的辦法就是避免食入引起過敏的食物。一旦出現過敏現象,就要先回想過去二十四小時吃過哪些東西,一一過濾、剔除;確定過敏原因後,則應避免再繼續食用這些食物,來降低發生過敏的機率。以雙盲安慰劑控制的食物激發試驗找出過敏食物,並避免或取代之 (如對牛奶蛋白過敏的病兒以母奶或水解蛋白奶粉餵食),此為目前最重要的處置方法。
- 類固醇對已發生的體內過敏性發炎反應效果良好,但須在過敏免疫專科醫師的處方下適當使用才不會造成副作用。
- Sodium cromoglycate 或抗組織胺在過敏食物進食前投與,可預防或減輕其發作,但若於進食後已出現過敏症狀才給與,則效果大多不佳。
- 免疫減敏治療並未被証實有效。
- 於發生食物過敏性休克時須緊急注射腎上腺素。
資訊來源: http://vanpoon.blogspot.hk/2008/03/blog-post.html
2015年9月24日 星期四
人類抗體的同型(Antibody isotypes)
抗體(antibody)又稱為免疫球蛋白(immunoglobulin,Ig),主要由參與體液性免疫(humoral immunity)之B細胞經活化成為漿細胞(plasma cell)後所分泌,在人體內有五種不同的抗體,稱為同型(isotype),分別為IgA、IgD、IgE、IgG及IgM,它們各具有不同的免疫功能。
抗體皆由Y字型的單體所構成,此Y字型單體包含兩條較長之重鏈(heavy chain)及兩條較短之輕鏈(light chain),共四條多肽鏈(polypeptide chain),四條多肽鏈間由雙硫鍵(disulfide bond)連接。
若以功能區分,此Y字型單體分為可與外來抗原相結合的抗原結合區(fragment antigen binding,Fab)及調節免疫活性的可結晶區(fragment crystallizable region,Fc),由於不同的抗體需與各種不同的抗原相結合,因此Fab為可變區(variable region),位於Y字型的上端,而Fc則為不可變區(constant region),位於Y字型的基部(圖一)。
(1)IgA:占所有血清中抗體的10%至15%,為一種分泌型抗體,可於母乳、唾液、眼淚以及支氣管中的黏液被發現。IgA最初為單體,而後會被稱為J chain的多肽鏈串連起來成為二聚體、三聚體或是四聚體,不過還是以二聚體最為大宗,其在黏膜免疫上占有相當重要的角色,因黏膜通常是外來病源主要入侵的區域,被分泌至此的IgA可和病原體的多個抗原決定位(epitope)結合,使病原體無法和黏膜細胞結合,最終無法感染或是於宿主體內複製。
(2)IgD:占所有血清中抗體的0.2%,當B細胞成熟時,會表現IgD並使其位於細胞膜表面,為單體型式的膜上型抗體,於2009年的研究中發現IgD可經由互相結合來活化嗜鹼性白血球(basophil)及肥大細胞(mast cell),進而活化免疫反應(Chen et. al., 2009)。
(3)IgE:量極少,占所有血清中抗體0.05%,為單體型式,IgE主要功能和過敏反應(allergic reaction)相關,被漿細胞分泌後可被運送到嗜醶性白血球或肥大細胞之膜表面,當經由Fab辨認並和過敏原結合後,會使這兩種細胞分別釋放組織胺(histamine)或是細胞素(cytokine),進而引發如流鼻水、流眼淚、發癢、呼吸急促和皮膚乾等過敏症狀。由於IgE在正常血液中含量極少,因此,可經由測量IgE含量來了解患者對於過敏原的反應。
(4)IgG:為體內含量最多的抗體,佔80%,亦為單體型式的分泌型抗體,因其含量最多,因此是人體防禦病原體的主要角色,除了可以辨認各種細菌、病毒外,也可活化屬於先天免疫反應的補體系統(complement system),是連結先天及後天免疫反應的重要因子。除此之外,IgG亦是唯一一種可以穿過胎盤為胎兒提供被動免疫力(passive immunity)的抗體。
(5)IgM:占所有血清中抗體的5%至10%,其於B細胞成熟時會表現於細胞膜表面,成為單體型式的膜上型抗體,但其主要的型式則是大量被分泌於血液中並藉由雙硫鍵結合成五聚體的型式,IgM是人體受到外來病原入侵時最快產生反應的循環性抗體,因其為五聚體,共含十個可和抗原結合的Fab,加上也可活化補體系統。與IgG比較,IgM因能以更好的親和性激活補體系統,在病原入侵時快速活化先天性免疫反應(Woof et. al.,2004; Kindt et. al., 2007)。
抗體皆由Y字型的單體所構成,此Y字型單體包含兩條較長之重鏈(heavy chain)及兩條較短之輕鏈(light chain),共四條多肽鏈(polypeptide chain),四條多肽鏈間由雙硫鍵(disulfide bond)連接。
圖一、抗體的單體模式圖(陳巧坪繪圖) |
(1)IgA:占所有血清中抗體的10%至15%,為一種分泌型抗體,可於母乳、唾液、眼淚以及支氣管中的黏液被發現。IgA最初為單體,而後會被稱為J chain的多肽鏈串連起來成為二聚體、三聚體或是四聚體,不過還是以二聚體最為大宗,其在黏膜免疫上占有相當重要的角色,因黏膜通常是外來病源主要入侵的區域,被分泌至此的IgA可和病原體的多個抗原決定位(epitope)結合,使病原體無法和黏膜細胞結合,最終無法感染或是於宿主體內複製。
(2)IgD:占所有血清中抗體的0.2%,當B細胞成熟時,會表現IgD並使其位於細胞膜表面,為單體型式的膜上型抗體,於2009年的研究中發現IgD可經由互相結合來活化嗜鹼性白血球(basophil)及肥大細胞(mast cell),進而活化免疫反應(Chen et. al., 2009)。
(3)IgE:量極少,占所有血清中抗體0.05%,為單體型式,IgE主要功能和過敏反應(allergic reaction)相關,被漿細胞分泌後可被運送到嗜醶性白血球或肥大細胞之膜表面,當經由Fab辨認並和過敏原結合後,會使這兩種細胞分別釋放組織胺(histamine)或是細胞素(cytokine),進而引發如流鼻水、流眼淚、發癢、呼吸急促和皮膚乾等過敏症狀。由於IgE在正常血液中含量極少,因此,可經由測量IgE含量來了解患者對於過敏原的反應。
(4)IgG:為體內含量最多的抗體,佔80%,亦為單體型式的分泌型抗體,因其含量最多,因此是人體防禦病原體的主要角色,除了可以辨認各種細菌、病毒外,也可活化屬於先天免疫反應的補體系統(complement system),是連結先天及後天免疫反應的重要因子。除此之外,IgG亦是唯一一種可以穿過胎盤為胎兒提供被動免疫力(passive immunity)的抗體。
(5)IgM:占所有血清中抗體的5%至10%,其於B細胞成熟時會表現於細胞膜表面,成為單體型式的膜上型抗體,但其主要的型式則是大量被分泌於血液中並藉由雙硫鍵結合成五聚體的型式,IgM是人體受到外來病原入侵時最快產生反應的循環性抗體,因其為五聚體,共含十個可和抗原結合的Fab,加上也可活化補體系統。與IgG比較,IgM因能以更好的親和性激活補體系統,在病原入侵時快速活化先天性免疫反應(Woof et. al.,2004; Kindt et. al., 2007)。
圖二、五種抗體同型模式圖(陳巧坪繪圖) |
2015年9月21日 星期一
過敏 / 為何過敏的人越來越多?
清潔理論指出過度的潔淨干擾免疫系統的正常發展,這種改變會導致過敏性疾病的增加。簡單的說,我們 “高度開發”的生活型態消滅了那些我們免疫系統賴以發展成較不易過敏和具有較好控制狀態的天然細菌的種類及數量。
下圖將免疫系統簡易的劃分成兩種傾向:TH 1和TH2反應。左圖顯示接觸細菌、“汙垢”和某些種類的感染乃是我們免疫系統正常發展的一部分,使得它從出生時“預設”的以TH2為基礎的系統發展成一個“成熟的”以TH1為基礎的系統。而從右圖我們可以看見某些文化上的選擇能夠干擾免疫系統的發展過程,使得TH2反應能持續維持主導地位並促進過敏情況的發生。因此許多現代化的進展例如良好的衛生和消除寄生蟲(蠕蟲)的感染,反而助長了過敏性疾病的流行。
Source: http://wellnesspro88.blogspot.hk/2013/03/blog-post_6.html
清潔理論指出過度的潔淨干擾免疫系統的正常發展,這種改變會導致過敏性疾病的增加。簡單的說,我們 “高度開發”的生活型態消滅了那些我們免疫系統賴以發展成較不易過敏和具有較好控制狀態的天然細菌的種類及數量。
下圖將免疫系統簡易的劃分成兩種傾向:TH 1和TH2反應。左圖顯示接觸細菌、“汙垢”和某些種類的感染乃是我們免疫系統正常發展的一部分,使得它從出生時“預設”的以TH2為基礎的系統發展成一個“成熟的”以TH1為基礎的系統。而從右圖我們可以看見某些文化上的選擇能夠干擾免疫系統的發展過程,使得TH2反應能持續維持主導地位並促進過敏情況的發生。因此許多現代化的進展例如良好的衛生和消除寄生蟲(蠕蟲)的感染,反而助長了過敏性疾病的流行。
Source: http://wellnesspro88.blogspot.hk/2013/03/blog-post_6.html
2015年9月19日 星期六
7 Common Questions About Allergies In Babies - 7個關於嬰兒過敏的常見問題
Specific allergies aren’t inherited, but the likelihood of allergies may be. For example, if mom is allergic to hay fever, several foods and some animals, there’s a good chance her baby will be allergic to something, but we can’t say what for sure.
Here are some common questions people ask about allergies in babies and their answers.
1. What happens if baby has a reaction?
If your baby’s body reacts to a food, he treats that substance like an invader and the immune system attacks. Sometimes that means creating an antibody to detect the food next time. Usually you’ll see some or all of these symptoms:
Hives – little red dots, sometimes raised, on the skin.
Swelling or trouble breathing – if the allergic reaction is severe, this can be deadly.
Eczema – dry, scaly patches of skin on face, arms or legs.
Vomiting or diarrhea – your body’s attempt to pass the foreign substance out.
It’s possible to see a delayed reaction to a certain food. This usually occurs when baby has inherited the allergy, but the gene hasn’t expressed yet.
For example, your child may eat peaches several times before a reaction occurs, but once symptoms show, they usually stay around for a while.
2. What are the common allergens?
We can be allergic to anything, but there are some patterns to be aware of. The list below is responsible for 90% of all food allergies.
Tree nuts
3. How do I respond to an allergic reaction?
Most allergic reactions aren’t serious. You’ll notice the symptoms and they’ll fade a few minutes later.
Some reactions, however, can be quite serious. If your baby is experiencing a severe reaction, like trouble breathing, swelling of the face or lips, or starts severe diarrhea or vomiting, you should call 911 right away. An airway can close up in just a couple minutes and vomiting/diarrhea can cause dehydration fast.
4. Should I take my baby to an allergist?
Yes. An allergist will be able to tell you for sure what your baby is allergic to and whether the symptoms are part of an immune system reaction or a simple food intolerance. The doctor will perform a skin or blood test and help you create a plan for treating the symptoms if your baby accidentally comes in contact with the allergen.
The doctor might give you an epinephrine auto-injector to stop the reaction or inhaler.
5. How can I prevent a reaction?
The key to preventing an allergic reaction is to strictly avoid the allergen. This can tricky, however, as foods show up in unlikely places. You’ll have to read lots of labels.
Educate everyone who cares for the baby (family, friends, daycare, etc.) about the allergy. Notify them on what your baby shouldn’t eat, including foods that might hide that substance (for example, there are eggs in most cookies).
Make sure everyone knows how to respond to a reaction: what steps to take and who to call.
6. What about babies who are still nursing or drinking formula?
Allergens can be passed through your breastmilk, so if your baby has a reaction, you’ll have to figure out what you ate that’s caused it. Then, keep that food out of your diet.
It’s possible for babies to be allergic to their type of formula. Most formula brands are cow’s milk, so you might switch to a lactose-free formula, soy formula, hydrolyzed formula, or other.
7. Can allergies be prevented?
This a tough question to answer. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) suggests delaying when you expose your child to the most common allergens, but there’s also a lot of research that suggests this doesn’t help.
However, experts agree that breastfeeding offers some protection, so nurse as long as you can.
When you introduce new foods, do it gradually with plenty of time in between so you can gauge which food caused a reaction if one occurs.
Source: http://www.5phases.com/blog/allergies/7-common-questions-allergies-babies/
2015年9月17日 星期四
Are Your Food Allergies Making You Fat? - 是食物過敏讓你胖?
YOUR DIGESTIVE SYSTEM may be making you fat. It’s hard to believe—but very true. I want to explain the bugs in your digestive tract, why they upset your gut’s immune system, and how they just might be behind those extra pounds.
I have developed very effective treatments for it, based on understanding the way in which all the body’s systems—the gut, the immune system, detoxification system, hormones and more—are connected. There’s powerful evidence that addressing these key causes of weight gain and illness can help you shed pounds.
For example, I’ve seen patients who lose significant amounts of weight, just by cutting food allergens from their diet. And I have also seen people lose 20 to 30 pounds, simply by balancing the bacterial ecosystem in their intestinal system.
One patient, a 38-year-old woman, had chronic inflammation, fluid retention, acne, fatigue, joint pain, as well as irritable bowel syndrome with bloating and gas. She had tried every known diet, but was unable to lose weight.
Her problem: She could not lose weight because she was inflamed. The imbalances in her gut and the food sensitivities resulted in the inflammation. But when we had her eliminate the foods to which she was allergic or sensitive, and gave her some healthy bacteria to heal her gut, she lost 35 pounds in a few months—and all her other symptoms went away too.
The big debate in medicine is which comes first: inflammation or obesity. I have always believed that we become inflamed first, and gain weight second—which makes us even more inflamed, perpetuating the cycle. Now incredible new research bears this out.
How Your Gut Begins To Leak
High-fat diets change the bacterial flora in the gut. Toxin-producing bugs are promoted by the high-fat diet while anti-inflammatory and protective bugs die off. (And there are over 500 species of bugs in your gut all fighting for territory.)
In fact, our highly processed, high-sugar, high-fat, low-fiber diet—plus many drugs like antibiotics, steroids, anti-inflammatories, acid-blockers, and hormones—completely alter the bacterial ecosystem in the gut, leading to breakdown, inflammation, and a leaky gut.
The researchers found that mice fed the equivalent of an American diet produced more of a bacterial toxin called LPS, which then leaked into the body through their leaky gut.
In humans, these toxins then latch onto immune cells, stimulating them to produce a firestorm of inflammatory molecules such as TNFa, IL-6, and IL-1 (cytokines), which in turn block your metabolism and produce insulin resistance, fatty liver, and obesity.
Even more interesting, the researchers also found that even with a normal diet, injecting LPS into the mice led to the SAME problems—inflammation and obesity. These mice didn’t eat a bad diet. Just injecting toxins into them made them fat.
In fact, when you eat a bad diet, bad bugs flourish. Your whole gut ecosystem is upset and the outside world “leaks” in across a damaged gut lining. The result is not just obesity, diabetes, and heart disease, but so many allergic, autoimmune, and inflammatory diseases.
The researchers explain how giving antibiotics to rats and cleaning out the bad bugs can prevent diabetes. They explain that by adding soluble fiber to the diet, they can increase the population of the good bugs like bifidobacteria and decrease the bad bugs—leading to weight loss. The good bacteria feed on the fiber and reduce inflammation.
And there is more to the gut story. It seems that you are not the only one eating lunch. The bugs in your gut also feast—and they control your fat storage and the calories you absorb. So people with healthy bugs in the gut lose weight, and those with bad bugs gain weight.
When you eat a typical American diet, you foster the growth of bad bugs in the gut. They then damage the gut lining and produce toxins that are absorbed into your system. Because of the damage, partially digested food particles also leak into your bloodstream. Then your immune system reacts to the toxins and foods, producing a firestorm of inflammation. That inflammation then leads to a fatty toxic liver and insulin resistance, which lead to higher levels of insulin in your body. And insulin is a fat-storage, disease- and aging-promoting hormone. So an unhealthy gut makes us fat and sick because it makes us toxic and inflamed.
3 Steps To Eliminate Food Allergens And Re-Balance Your Gut Ecology
1. Try an elimination diet for 3 weeks. Cut out the most common food allergens, including gluten, dairy, eggs, corn, yeast, and peanuts. Some people are sensitive to soy, so you can also cut that out.
2. Eat a whole-foods, plant-based, high-fiber diet. This is essential to feed the good bugs in your gut and to provide the nutrients you need to functional optimally.
3. Take probiotics daily to boost the healthy bacteria in your gut. Look for those that contain 10 billion CFU of bifidobacteria species and lactobacillus species. Choose from reputable brands.
Within a very few short weeks, you will see a dramatic difference that comes from cooling off inflammation by healing your gut. Remember, if you want to get rid of that gut, you have to fix your gut.
Source: http://drhyman.com/blog/2010/04/20/are-your-food-allergies-making-you-fat/
I have developed very effective treatments for it, based on understanding the way in which all the body’s systems—the gut, the immune system, detoxification system, hormones and more—are connected. There’s powerful evidence that addressing these key causes of weight gain and illness can help you shed pounds.
For example, I’ve seen patients who lose significant amounts of weight, just by cutting food allergens from their diet. And I have also seen people lose 20 to 30 pounds, simply by balancing the bacterial ecosystem in their intestinal system.
One patient, a 38-year-old woman, had chronic inflammation, fluid retention, acne, fatigue, joint pain, as well as irritable bowel syndrome with bloating and gas. She had tried every known diet, but was unable to lose weight.
Her problem: She could not lose weight because she was inflamed. The imbalances in her gut and the food sensitivities resulted in the inflammation. But when we had her eliminate the foods to which she was allergic or sensitive, and gave her some healthy bacteria to heal her gut, she lost 35 pounds in a few months—and all her other symptoms went away too.
The big debate in medicine is which comes first: inflammation or obesity. I have always believed that we become inflamed first, and gain weight second—which makes us even more inflamed, perpetuating the cycle. Now incredible new research bears this out.
How Your Gut Begins To Leak
High-fat diets change the bacterial flora in the gut. Toxin-producing bugs are promoted by the high-fat diet while anti-inflammatory and protective bugs die off. (And there are over 500 species of bugs in your gut all fighting for territory.)
In fact, our highly processed, high-sugar, high-fat, low-fiber diet—plus many drugs like antibiotics, steroids, anti-inflammatories, acid-blockers, and hormones—completely alter the bacterial ecosystem in the gut, leading to breakdown, inflammation, and a leaky gut.
The researchers found that mice fed the equivalent of an American diet produced more of a bacterial toxin called LPS, which then leaked into the body through their leaky gut.
In humans, these toxins then latch onto immune cells, stimulating them to produce a firestorm of inflammatory molecules such as TNFa, IL-6, and IL-1 (cytokines), which in turn block your metabolism and produce insulin resistance, fatty liver, and obesity.
Even more interesting, the researchers also found that even with a normal diet, injecting LPS into the mice led to the SAME problems—inflammation and obesity. These mice didn’t eat a bad diet. Just injecting toxins into them made them fat.
In fact, when you eat a bad diet, bad bugs flourish. Your whole gut ecosystem is upset and the outside world “leaks” in across a damaged gut lining. The result is not just obesity, diabetes, and heart disease, but so many allergic, autoimmune, and inflammatory diseases.
The researchers explain how giving antibiotics to rats and cleaning out the bad bugs can prevent diabetes. They explain that by adding soluble fiber to the diet, they can increase the population of the good bugs like bifidobacteria and decrease the bad bugs—leading to weight loss. The good bacteria feed on the fiber and reduce inflammation.
And there is more to the gut story. It seems that you are not the only one eating lunch. The bugs in your gut also feast—and they control your fat storage and the calories you absorb. So people with healthy bugs in the gut lose weight, and those with bad bugs gain weight.
When you eat a typical American diet, you foster the growth of bad bugs in the gut. They then damage the gut lining and produce toxins that are absorbed into your system. Because of the damage, partially digested food particles also leak into your bloodstream. Then your immune system reacts to the toxins and foods, producing a firestorm of inflammation. That inflammation then leads to a fatty toxic liver and insulin resistance, which lead to higher levels of insulin in your body. And insulin is a fat-storage, disease- and aging-promoting hormone. So an unhealthy gut makes us fat and sick because it makes us toxic and inflamed.
3 Steps To Eliminate Food Allergens And Re-Balance Your Gut Ecology
1. Try an elimination diet for 3 weeks. Cut out the most common food allergens, including gluten, dairy, eggs, corn, yeast, and peanuts. Some people are sensitive to soy, so you can also cut that out.
2. Eat a whole-foods, plant-based, high-fiber diet. This is essential to feed the good bugs in your gut and to provide the nutrients you need to functional optimally.
3. Take probiotics daily to boost the healthy bacteria in your gut. Look for those that contain 10 billion CFU of bifidobacteria species and lactobacillus species. Choose from reputable brands.
Within a very few short weeks, you will see a dramatic difference that comes from cooling off inflammation by healing your gut. Remember, if you want to get rid of that gut, you have to fix your gut.
Source: http://drhyman.com/blog/2010/04/20/are-your-food-allergies-making-you-fat/
2015年9月14日 星期一
寶寶一旦過敏 恐致睡眠不足
避免過敏兒夜夜難眠 家長應提前預防
2015年9月12日 星期六
資訊來源: http://blog.xuite.net/honecc/blog/213195373-%E7%9B%8A%E7%94%9F%E8%8F%8C%E6%8B%AF%E6%95%91%E5%85%8D%E7%96%AB%E5%8A%9B%E6%8A%97%E9%81%8E%E6%95%8F
資訊來源: http://blog.xuite.net/honecc/blog/213195373-%E7%9B%8A%E7%94%9F%E8%8F%8C%E6%8B%AF%E6%95%91%E5%85%8D%E7%96%AB%E5%8A%9B%E6%8A%97%E9%81%8E%E6%95%8F
2015年9月10日 星期四
Is It Allergies or a Cold? - 是過敏還是感冒了?
Too often when someone has the sniffles, others assume that they are contagious. However, those sniffles are often caused by something not contagious at all. For those suffering from congestion, runny nose, sneezing, and coughing, a cold may be the first thought, but these are also signs of allergies. Learn the differences between allergies and a cold so you can find the right relief fast.
What Is a Cold?
Also known as “the common cold,” a cold is a virus. According to the Mayo Clinic, there are more than 100 different types of cold viruses. So while symptoms and severity may vary, colds generally share some of the same basic characteristics.
Below are the key features of this common illness:
Colds may be passed through the air from coughing and sneezing, as well as through touch.
Most common symptoms include cough, sore throat, and a runny, stuffy nose.
Sneezing and itchy eyes are less common symptoms.
More severe colds can cause fevers and body aches.
Recovery is usually quick — in fact, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) estimates that the average duration is 7 to 10 days.
If symptoms last more than a week or two, the cold may have progressed into an infection.
People with allergies are sometimes more prone to catching colds.
Despite its name, you can catch a “cold” any time of year. NIAID estimates that the average healthy adult catches two to three colds per year. Young children may get more colds because of their weaker immune systems.
What Are Allergies?
Allergies occur when your immune system has an adverse reaction to certain substances. Upon exposure to triggers, the immune system releases chemicals called histamines. While intended to fight off perceived intruders, the release of histamine is actually what causes allergy symptoms.
The following are the facts you need to know about allergies:
Some of the symptoms are similar to colds, such as sneezing, sore throat, coughing, runny nose, and congestion.
Sore throat in allergies is most often caused by postnasal drip.
Allergies can also cause rashes and itchy eyes.
Fevers and body aches are not signs of an allergy.
Seasonal allergies are most common, but you might also be allergic to certain substances year round. Allergy triggers may include:
pollen from trees, grasses, or weeds
dust mites
animal dander
foods (such as tree nuts, milk, and eggs)
You can tell you might suffer from allergies instead of a cold by the duration of your symptoms — they won’t go away without treatment or removal from the original trigger.
Treating the Common Cold
Since they are viruses, colds themselves are not treatable. Still, there are medications that can help alleviate your symptoms while a cold runs its course. These include:
cough syrups (these are not recommended for children under the age of two)
decongestant sprays (only use for a few days — these are also not recommended for children)
pain relievers, such as acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Advil)
multi-symptom cold relief medicines (such as DayQuil)
Make sure you ask your doctor before taking any over-the-counter cold medications, especially if you take any prescription medications or if you have any underlying health conditions. No cold medications should be used for an extended period of time. Doing so can cause side effects, such as liver damage.
There are also lifestyle remedies you can try that are free of the risk of side effects. Some of the options include:
drinking a lot of water, juice, and herbal tea (avoid caffeine)
using saline nasal sprays
gargling with salt water
using a humidifier
Antibiotics don’t work for colds, since they are viruses. If a cold progresses to a sinus infection, however, an antibiotic may be used.
Allergy Treatments
Unlike a cold, treatments are available for allergies. Antihistamines (such as Allegra, Benadryl, and Zyrtec) tend to be the first line of allergy treatment. These work by blocking histamine reactions to allergens, thereby reducing symptoms. Be aware that some antihistamines can cause drowsiness — either look for a non-drowsy formula, or consider taking them at night only.
In more severe cases, an allergist might prescribe a decongestant to help alleviate sinus congestion from allergy symptoms. These work by breaking up the congestion and drying up the sinuses. The caveat is that these can actually cause congestion to worsen if taken over a long period of time. Decongestants are sold under the brand names Sudafed, Mucinex, and Claritin-D.
As with cold symptoms, saline sprays and humidifiers can help alleviate certain allergy symptoms.
While some of the symptoms of allergies and colds are similar, these are two very different health conditions. Knowing the difference can help you obtain the right treatment so you’ll be on your way to feeling better sooner rather than later. Any allergy or cold symptoms that don’t get better with treatment should be looked at by your doctor to rule out any possible infections. For instance, a sinus infection (sinusitis), can occur when bacteria causes the sinuses to become infected. This can be brought on by either a cold or allergies — both of which cause mucus to build up in the sinus cavities and create blockages.
Those suffering from sinus infections will likely be prescribed antibiotics to help fight the infection, as well as decongestants to reduce symptoms. You should also seek medical attention if you have colored phlegm or a high fever.
Source: http://www.healthline.com/health/allergies/allergies-or-cold#4
What Is a Cold?
Also known as “the common cold,” a cold is a virus. According to the Mayo Clinic, there are more than 100 different types of cold viruses. So while symptoms and severity may vary, colds generally share some of the same basic characteristics.
Below are the key features of this common illness:
Colds may be passed through the air from coughing and sneezing, as well as through touch.
Most common symptoms include cough, sore throat, and a runny, stuffy nose.
Sneezing and itchy eyes are less common symptoms.
More severe colds can cause fevers and body aches.
Recovery is usually quick — in fact, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) estimates that the average duration is 7 to 10 days.
If symptoms last more than a week or two, the cold may have progressed into an infection.
People with allergies are sometimes more prone to catching colds.
Despite its name, you can catch a “cold” any time of year. NIAID estimates that the average healthy adult catches two to three colds per year. Young children may get more colds because of their weaker immune systems.
What Are Allergies?
Allergies occur when your immune system has an adverse reaction to certain substances. Upon exposure to triggers, the immune system releases chemicals called histamines. While intended to fight off perceived intruders, the release of histamine is actually what causes allergy symptoms.
The following are the facts you need to know about allergies:
Some of the symptoms are similar to colds, such as sneezing, sore throat, coughing, runny nose, and congestion.
Sore throat in allergies is most often caused by postnasal drip.
Allergies can also cause rashes and itchy eyes.
Fevers and body aches are not signs of an allergy.
Seasonal allergies are most common, but you might also be allergic to certain substances year round. Allergy triggers may include:
pollen from trees, grasses, or weeds
dust mites
animal dander
foods (such as tree nuts, milk, and eggs)
You can tell you might suffer from allergies instead of a cold by the duration of your symptoms — they won’t go away without treatment or removal from the original trigger.
Treating the Common Cold
Since they are viruses, colds themselves are not treatable. Still, there are medications that can help alleviate your symptoms while a cold runs its course. These include:
cough syrups (these are not recommended for children under the age of two)
decongestant sprays (only use for a few days — these are also not recommended for children)
pain relievers, such as acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Advil)
multi-symptom cold relief medicines (such as DayQuil)
Make sure you ask your doctor before taking any over-the-counter cold medications, especially if you take any prescription medications or if you have any underlying health conditions. No cold medications should be used for an extended period of time. Doing so can cause side effects, such as liver damage.
There are also lifestyle remedies you can try that are free of the risk of side effects. Some of the options include:
drinking a lot of water, juice, and herbal tea (avoid caffeine)
using saline nasal sprays
gargling with salt water
using a humidifier
Antibiotics don’t work for colds, since they are viruses. If a cold progresses to a sinus infection, however, an antibiotic may be used.
Allergy Treatments
Unlike a cold, treatments are available for allergies. Antihistamines (such as Allegra, Benadryl, and Zyrtec) tend to be the first line of allergy treatment. These work by blocking histamine reactions to allergens, thereby reducing symptoms. Be aware that some antihistamines can cause drowsiness — either look for a non-drowsy formula, or consider taking them at night only.
In more severe cases, an allergist might prescribe a decongestant to help alleviate sinus congestion from allergy symptoms. These work by breaking up the congestion and drying up the sinuses. The caveat is that these can actually cause congestion to worsen if taken over a long period of time. Decongestants are sold under the brand names Sudafed, Mucinex, and Claritin-D.
As with cold symptoms, saline sprays and humidifiers can help alleviate certain allergy symptoms.
While some of the symptoms of allergies and colds are similar, these are two very different health conditions. Knowing the difference can help you obtain the right treatment so you’ll be on your way to feeling better sooner rather than later. Any allergy or cold symptoms that don’t get better with treatment should be looked at by your doctor to rule out any possible infections. For instance, a sinus infection (sinusitis), can occur when bacteria causes the sinuses to become infected. This can be brought on by either a cold or allergies — both of which cause mucus to build up in the sinus cavities and create blockages.
Those suffering from sinus infections will likely be prescribed antibiotics to help fight the infection, as well as decongestants to reduce symptoms. You should also seek medical attention if you have colored phlegm or a high fever.
Source: http://www.healthline.com/health/allergies/allergies-or-cold#4
2015年9月7日 星期一
資訊來源: http://reader.roodo.com/pedi_zone/archives/11168555.html
資訊來源: http://reader.roodo.com/pedi_zone/archives/11168555.html
2015年9月5日 星期六
英國國王學院的學者找來 640 個不足一歲的嬰兒,分為兩組,其中一組每周進食少量花生類食物,另外對照的一組則完全避免進食花生,到這些小朋友 5 歲時,接受花生過敏測試,發現從來不碰花生的小朋友,有近 17% 患上花生過敏,至於持續進食花生那一組,只有近 3% 患有過敏,與對照的那一組比較,過敏比例大減 80% 。
資訊來源: http://cablenews.i-cable.com/webapps/program/study/videoPlay.php?video_id=12207491
英國國王學院的學者找來 640 個不足一歲的嬰兒,分為兩組,其中一組每周進食少量花生類食物,另外對照的一組則完全避免進食花生,到這些小朋友 5 歲時,接受花生過敏測試,發現從來不碰花生的小朋友,有近 17% 患上花生過敏,至於持續進食花生那一組,只有近 3% 患有過敏,與對照的那一組比較,過敏比例大減 80% 。
資訊來源: http://cablenews.i-cable.com/webapps/program/study/videoPlay.php?video_id=12207491
2015年9月3日 星期四
什麼是 Gluten-free 飲食?
Gluten-free 即無麩質,麩質亦即我們把麵粉分為高筋、低筋所指的「筋」,是小麥、大麥和黑麥內的蛋白質。以往對麩質有食物敏感的人,才需以無麩質飲食法來對治,但近年美國視之為「健康飲食」潮流,還有荷李活明星吹捧,這一個健康新風潮,該如何解讀?
小麥過敏(Wheat allergy):為食物過敏症,即身體免疫系統誤認小麥內蛋白質需要「攻打」,令患者每次進食後都出現不同反應,包括痕癢、出疹、嘴腫、喉嚨腫脹,嚴重可令氣管收縮而不能呼吸,一般進食後兩小時內便出現徵狀。除小麥外,因大麥及黑麥的蛋白質結構類似小麥,故部分患者進食這兩種麥類也會出現過敏反應。接受免疫球蛋白E(IgE)檢測便可確診。
乳糜瀉(Celiac disease):是一種消化系統疾病,患者進食麩質後會出現嚴重腹瀉,因身體無法消化麩質所致,長期可致腸道發炎,影響營養吸收。估計只有1%人口是此症患者。需要透過臨牀觀察及腸道檢查來確診。
麩質不耐症:對麩質不耐而非乳糜瀉的患者,徵狀較輕微,包括肚脹及容易腹瀉。小麥過敏及乳糜症患者理論上不能進食麩質,但這類人士因病徵輕微,或可接受低麩質飲食(low gluten diet)。
以米飯為主糧的華人飲食文化中,其實本質已經是 gluten-free。中國人一餐飯,灼菜、蒸肉餅、煲飯,只要不用豉油,理論上已經無麩質。
另一值得大眾參考,小麥是食物製作的主要成分,由主糧如麵包與麵食,到甜品零食如餅乾蛋糕等等,要奉行 gluten-free 飲食法,即食物選擇大減,攝取熱量便因而減少。但陳勁芝強調:「這不是 gluten 本身令你變胖或變瘦,而是它衍生的飲食行為所致的結果。」以往坊間沒有gluten-free食物,患者的飲食抉擇,會是以糙米飯或高澱粉質蔬菜來代替主糧,並且戒吃零食、甜品與啤酒等。她認為這些行為才是控制體重的關鍵所在。
失去麩質,麵包如何成形?方法是加入一種由細菌外殼提煉的黃原膠(Xanthan Gum),此種物質為增稠劑(thickener),常用於製作奶涷、軟糖等甜品,某程度上可取代麵包成形過程中的糊化與固化的過程。「Gluten-free 麵包膨脹時可做到形狀,但取代不到『筋』那個狀態,故此麵糰延展力仍不足。」
麩質寡糖 本有益腸道
無麩質麵粉 自製配方
無可否認的是,Gluten-free 飲食法開始受到大眾關注,除了預製食品外,坊間也有一些烘焙班提供gluten-free課程。不少學員都是過敏症兒童的家長,他們希望為孩子自製可吃的麵包。事實上,現在要在坊間尋找無麩質麵包並不容易,所以唯有自製。但亦需留意,食物敏感的致敏原,可透過廚具或廚房環境「交叉污染」,若是因為食物敏感而需戒吃麩質,家中應另備一套廚具,專門用來製作無麩質食品,才最安全。
自製 Gluten-free 麵粉
170克 – 糙米粉
205克 – 白米粉
120克 – 木薯粉
165克 – 粘米粉
2茶匙 – 黃原膠(Xanthan Gum)
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