2015年11月30日 星期一

趕走壞情緒 益生菌短暫抗憂鬱

陽明大學醫學團隊研發「快樂益生菌」,可提升憂鬱民眾的腦內血清素、多巴胺濃度,降低壓力荷爾蒙,從腸道就能控制腦內情緒,改善大腦憂鬱因子。 聯合報系資料照

益生菌吃下肚,就能左右大腦血清素與多巴胺濃度,陽明大學生化暨分生所教授蔡英傑解釋,若大腦是一台處理大小事的iPhone手機,腸道就像Apple watch,連結iPhone協助處理周邊資訊,腸道可比擬人類的第二大腦,或稱是「隱藏版大腦」。腸道內的上千種細菌與大腦連結,國際研究「菌腦腸軸線」可能影響人體神經傳導物質分泌,傳至大腦改變精神健康。

2015年11月28日 星期六

What Can Figs Do for You? - 吃無花果的益處

If you're serious about maintaining your health for the long run, you know that your diet should be rich in fruits and vegetables. Not all are created equal, however, so choose your five to eight daily servings wisely.

Figs, popular around the world since ancient times for both their culinary and medicinal purposes, are one of the most nutritious and tasty fruits around. They're good for more than just their taste, however! Recent studies have shown that they may be helpful in treating a range of medical concerns from diabetes to eczema. Before you add the ingredients for fig quick bread to your shopping list, consider some of the benefits that this fruit might have for your diet.

Figs and Your Appetite
Read about this nutritious fruit that some believe can lower cholesterol »

Well-loved for their sweet, mild flavor and multiple uses, figs are one of the richest plant sources for a variety of vitamins and minerals. They're particularly high in fiber and calcium. That alone is a great reason to consider slicing up a few as part of a nice salad or adding them to a savory chutney with dinner. Additionally, their high fiber content can also help alleviate constipation and keep you feeling full longer. If you’re looking to shed pounds, you might find a powerful ally in figs.

Calcium can help you ward off osteoporosis and a ton of other nasty ailments, too, and you won't find a better plant source of calcium than figs. Fig allergies and negative drug interactions are uncommon, so you can add a moderate number of them to your diet without worry.

Figs and the Skin
In some folk medicine traditions, figs are used to treat a variety of skin issues, such as eczema, vitiglio, and psoriasis. There haven't been any conclusive, scientific studies done that confirm their dermis-healing powers, but anecdotal evidence and preliminary research suggests that figs show promise in this field.

Figs are a good source of many enriching vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals, and improving your overall health often balances your skin and helps with your circulation. If you feel like your skin is better when you eat more figs, enjoy! Your body will thank you, and your skin might, too.

Figs and Diabetes
It’s not just the fruits of this shrub that can help. Some evidence also suggests that the leaves of the fig shrub could help regulate the symptoms of diabetes. A 2003 study showed that fig extract can help to treat diabetes by normalizing blood fatty acid and vitamin E levels. Speak with your healthcare provider to see if this complementary treatment might be a good fit for your overall diabetes management program. It isn't a substitute for healthy eating, medications, or daily testing, but your doctor will be able to determine if this could be a tasty way to help you better manage your sugar levels.

Fig-Orange Chutney Recipe
Figs are a delicious way to increase your daily intake of important vitamins and minerals, so check Middle Eastern, Mediterranean, and Iranian cookbooks for recipes that may include this versatile fruit. Don't stop with figs, though — make sure you get a variety of vegetables and fruits in your diet to maintain your health. Mix it up and try fruits and vegetables in a variety of colors to be sure you're getting all your nutrients.

Fig chutney goes well with your favorite curries, as well as with more simple dishes like sautéed chicken breasts. This recipe uses dried fruits, which are high in antioxidants and fiber.

2/3 cup dried figs, halved
1/4 cup minced sweet onion
1 teaspoon minced garlic
3/4 cup fresh-squeezed orange juice
1/4 cup balsamic vinegar
1 navel orange, peeled and chopped roughly
1 teaspoon chopped rosemary

In order to make the chutney, heat the canola oil in a skillet at medium-high heat until it starts to smoke. 
Then add the onions and cook for two minutes until they’re lightly browned. 
Add the garlic, and after 30 seconds add the orange juice and vinegar. 
Bring the mixture to a simmer and loosen any sticky brown bits. 
Toss in the figs and cook for 2 minutes or until they start to plump. 
Then remove from heat and add the orange and rosemary. 
Leave to cool.

Source: http://www.healthline.com/health/figs#2

2015年11月26日 星期四




不管家庭主婦把家裡打掃得多乾淨,都很難避免有塵蹣的存在,數量或多或少。塵蹣是一種 8 隻腳的微小的蛛形綱節肢動物,肉眼看不到,最喜歡生長在溫暖潮濕的環境中,適合生長的溫度為22℃~26℃、相對濕度為70%~80%。塵蹣是讓人頭痛的過敏原,這種過敏原來自塵蹣的排洩物或屍體的合成蛋白質,每一隻塵蹣能產生的排洩物量是牠們自身體重的 200 倍,常藏在有灰塵的地方,例如地毯、棉被、床單、床墊、床單、抱枕、枕頭、布玩偶,當拍動寢具的時候,灰塵在空氣中飄散,就可能會引起過敏患者的過敏症狀。

控制塵蹣的生長,可先從控制溼度做起。購買除濕機,將相對溼度調整到 50%以下,如果經濟許可,使用空氣清靜機,除了可以將塵蹣濾除,還可以去除空氣中的異味。而塵蹣喜歡吃人身上掉下來的皮屑和毛髮,因此保持居家環境乾燥和乾淨是遠離塵蹣的不二法則。


1. 斷絕蟑螂食物來源
2. 使用殺蟲劑
一種是噴劑, 但是這種殺蟑方式, 容易讓空氣中瀰漫著噴劑的臭味;另一種是使用藥劑引誘蟑螂來吃。 由於蟑螂有彼此互吃糞便的習慣,沒吃藥劑的蟑螂吃了有吃藥劑蟑螂的糞便後 ,也會死掉, 因此有連鎖殺蟑的效果。 但不管是使用噴劑或藥劑,都應該放置在小朋友拿不到的地方,以免誤食。
3. 堵住蟑螂的進出口
例如水管(如排水孔加裝防蟑螂的排水蓋板,只允許排水, 蟑螂無法由排水孔爬進屋內 )、窗戶(加裝紗窗並確定沒有破洞)等縫隙。

另外一種常見的過敏原是寵物,一般最常見的寵物種類是貓狗。貓咪喜歡舔毛,唾液和皮屑是過敏原,養貓引起過敏的比例較高,養狗的影響較小。尤其貓咪的習性喜歡磨蹭人,這些過敏原就容易殘留在人的身上,引發過敏,因此家裡面有小寶寶,盡量不要養貓。 另養鳥則對呼吸道比較不好,可能引起咳嗽症狀。




2015年11月23日 星期一

Gluten Allergies Food List: What to Avoid & What to Eat - 麩質過敏食物清單:怎麼避免和吃什麼

If you have a gluten allergy, it's important to know what foods contain gluten. Learn about what foods contain gluten for those with a gluten allergy.

Part 1 of 6: Overview
A gluten allergy is the body's inability to digest or break down the gluten protein found in wheat and certain other grains. Gluten intolerance (also known as a gluten sensitivity) can range from a mild sensitivity to gluten to full-blown celiac disease. According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, about one out of every 133 Americans has celiac disease. This is a severe autoimmune disorder in which a person's immune system attacks gluten, if consumed, in the small intestine.

Part 2 of 6: Causes of Gluten Allergy
Although the exact cause of gluten intolerance is unknown, most theories revolve around changes in the way that wheat is grown and processed. One theory states that wheat is higher in gluten than it once was because it makes bread "springier" and easier to slice. Another possible cause is the way wheat is grown at a higher rate — bred to produce higher yields or to make it disease-resistant.

For those with celiac disease, gluten intolerance is not just an inconvenience — it can be debilitating. In such cases, you must not eat any foods containing gluten. Gluten can cause long-term damage to your small intestine, and may result in nutritional deficiencies. Currently there are no known cures or effective treatments for celiac disease. Diet is still the most effective “cure” and preventative measure.

A simple blood test that measures levels of antibodies associated with celiac disease can reveal if you have the condition. However, tests for gluten intolerance often come back negative. This may cause you to believe it’s okay to eat gluten, even though it may lead to symptoms such as fatigue or irritability.

Part 3 of 6: What to Avoid
Wheat is one of the main staples of a Western diet and is public enemy number one for those with a gluten allergy.

In addition to pure wheat, all of its forms are also off-limits. This includes:
wheat starch
wheat bran
wheat germ
cracked wheat
fu (common in Asian foods)
graham flour

The list of gluten-containing grains doesn't end at wheat. Other offenders are:
oats (oats themselves don't contain gluten, but are often processed in plants that produce gluten-containing grains and may be contaminated)
triticale and Mir (a cross between wheat and rye)
Gluten may also show up as ingredients in barley malt, chicken broth, malt vinegar, some salad dressings, veggie burgers (if not specified gluten-free), and soy sauce. The protein may even hide in many common seasonings and spice mixes.

Part 4 of 6: What to Eat
The list of off-limit items may seem daunting at first. Thankfully, there are plenty of replacements on the menu. Lots of foods are naturally gluten-free, including:
fruits and vegetables
dairy products
lean beef

Many other grains and foods are gluten free as well:

It may seem daunting to go gluten-free at first. But for many, the advantages far outweigh the inconvenience. The first step is to get rid of all the gluten-containing products in your kitchen and stock it with alternatives such as gluten-free breads, pasta, crackers, and cereals. For baking, use substitute flours. These can include:

You'll need xanthan gum or guar gum as a substitute for gluten when baking. Stick to unprocessed, fresh, whole foods to naturally stay gluten-free.

Read More: Try these gluten-free desserts

Part 5 of 6: Eating Out
Eating at restaurants can be particularly challenging when considering a gluten allergy, but this doesn’t mean you can’t ever dine out. You should be able to dodge the gluten bullet if you stick with the same types of items you eat at home, such as grilled meats and steamed vegetables.

Foods to avoid in restaurants include fried foods, certain sauces, or anything that has been fried in the same pan with a gluten-containing food.

Celiac disease requires extra caution when eating out. Make sure that dietary restrictions are communicated to the chef in advance. Certain restaurants are almost certainly out of question for those on a gluten-free diet, including fast food restaurants, buffets, salad bars, and most bakeries. On the flipside, some establishments, such as vegetarian restaurants, cater to the gluten-free diet.

Part 6 of 6: Outlook
If you have celiac disease, being gluten-free is essential for your health. A gluten-free diet may seem too challenging to deal with, but with time — and a bit of effort — it can become second nature. If you can, start off gradually, so you can get used to going gluten-free. For example, you might try one completely gluten-free meal per day and gradually add more meals until gluten is completely out of your diet. Also, a gluten-free diet is easier if you shop at stores and eat at restaurants that cater to your dietary needs. If you want complete control (and guarantee that your food is gluten-free), cooking from scratch is the easiest way to avoid gluten. Discuss any specific dietary considerations with a doctor or nutritionist.

Source: http://www.healthline.com/health/allergies/gluten-food-list#WhattoEat4

2015年11月21日 星期六


說到「益生菌」(probiotics),有些人只會想到益力多,或想到乳酪。其實,什麼叫益生菌? 根據世衛定義,益生菌是「一些微生物,當適量的進入人體內,會對健康產生好處」。人類對益生菌的興趣,早到公元前已有出現,傳統的發酵食品和奶類,就是含益生菌的食品。時至今日,益生菌的魅力未減,由於香港人生活忙碌,腸胃健康日差,市面上越來越多益生菌的產品,大家對這種保健品的興趣增加。在選購之前,大家應該先了解以下益生菌的基本知識,以免被商業宣傳誤導。


 當你仔細一看益生菌產品的盒子,都不難發現一些複雜的菌名。益生菌分為兩類,分別是乳酸桿菌 (Lactobacillus) 及雙歧桿菌 (Bifidobacterium),每類菌再細分為不同品種,由兩個拉丁文構成名稱,例如最常見的嗜酸乳酸桿菌 (Lactobacillus Acidophilus)和分歧雙歧桿菌 (Bifidobacterium bifidum)。還有一些根本不屬於細菌(bacteria),但仍是常見的益生菌,如布拉酵母菌 (Saccharomyces boulardii),是一種酵母菌 (yeast),要特製為膠囊方可服用。除了益生菌,還有所謂「益生原」(prebiotics),益生原是一些不能消化的食物原素 (如FOS),在腸道內可以選擇性刺激益生菌生長。若兩者配合一起使用,稱為「合生元」(synbiotics)。




 不同菌種的功效有不同的科學實證,對我們選擇產品有一些提示。洛德乳酸菌(Lactobacillus reuteri) 有超過50份臨床報告支持,是最多臨床實證支持的菌種,科研發現它能改善嬰兒腸胃炎肚瀉、腸絞痛及預防濕疹;改善成人胃氣及消化不良、偶發性便秘或肚瀉、乳糖不耐、服用抗生素後的不適等。雷諾氏乳酸菌(Lactobacillus rhamnosus) 及嗜酸乳酸桿菌 (Lactobacillus acidophilus) 也有科學實證支持其減低小兒肚瀉的功效。製劑方面,除了傳統膠囊及粉末外,個別品牌的益菌製劑採用咀嚼片方式,不會被胃酸、膽汁殺死,活性令人滿意;亦有臨床數據證明孕婦及初生嬰兒都可服食,安全性高。關於購買和使用益生菌的詳情,可向藥劑師查詢。

2015年11月19日 星期四

Are Probiotics Effective for Ulcerative Colitis? - 益生菌能有效治療潰瘍性結腸炎?

Ulcerative Colitis and Bacteria
Ulcerative colitis is an inflammatory disease of the large intestine that causes bloody diarrhea, cramping, and bloating. The disease has an unusual course in that it is relapsing and remitting. There will be times that the disease is quiet and then it will flare up, causing symptoms. Standard medical treatment has two components: keeping the flare-ups from happening and treating the active flare-up when it occurs. Active flare-ups are often treated with corticosteroids like prednisone. For long-term maintenance, however, doctors and patients prefer drugs other than steroids. While the precise cause of ulcerative colitis is not known, it is believed to be related to problems with the immune system in the gut.1 In fact, current theories hold that an imbalance of gut bacterial flora (normal, healthy bacterial content of the bowel) may exacerbate the disease.2 

Can Probiotics Stop a Flare-up of Ulcerative Colitis?
Recently, a group of researchers collected and reviewed all the clinical studies that examined probiotics for the treatment of active ulcerative colitis—in a report called a systematic review—and found that probiotics do not shorten the duration of a flare-up when added to regular treatment. The researchers reviewed studies on several different types of probiotics and found that none was able to induce remission faster than placebo or no treatment.3 Likewise, no preparation of probiotics was able to resolve the clinical symptoms of the disease faster than people not taking probiotics, the control group. Interestingly, ulcerative colitis patients taking probiotics reported fewer and less-severe symptoms during the flare-up, according to this review of studies. In other words, while probiotics did not end the flare-up faster, the severity of symptoms was not as bad in patients taking probiotics. 

Are Probiotics a Useful Ulcerative Colitis Maintenance Treatment?
Some clinical studies have shown that probiotics may be as effective as traditional ulcerative colitis medications, including the gold-standard treatment mesalazine. German researchers followed a group of 327 patients with a history of ulcerative colitis, giving half of them the standard drug mesalazine and the other half probiotics (namely Escherichia coli Nissle 1917). After one year of treatment, the average time to remission was the same in both groups and the quality of remission (time without a flare-up) was the same in both groups.4 Similar results were seen in other studies. 5 Another probiotic, Lactobacillus GG, may also be helpful in sustaining remission in ulcerative colitis. 1

What Are the Potential Drawbacks of Probiotics?
So far, no serious side effects have been associated with prolonged use of probiotics in ulcerative colitis. In a systematic review of studies, the rate of side effects was the same in probiotics users as in those taking mesalazine.6 However, as these agents are cultures of living bacteria, caution should be used in patients with compromised immune systems (such as those on long-term corticosteroids). Generally speaking, the potential benefits of probiotics over traditional pharmacological interventions for ulcerative colitis are that they are potentially less expensive and possibly safer over long periods. They may also protect against other diseases of the bowel including Clostridium difficile colitis, travelers’ diarrhea, and diarrhea associated with prolonged use of antibiotics.

Probiotics are probably not useful in inducing a faster remission during a flare-up of ulcerative colitis, however, the preparations of healthy bacteria may make the symptoms less severe. Probiotics may be helpful in increasing the time between flare-ups. This benefit may be even more impressive when added to standard maintenance therapy. While probiotics are generally free of serious adverse events (side effects), it is important to consult with your physician before adding probiotics to your ulcerative colitis treatment regimen. This is especially important if you have a compromised immune system or are on high-dose corticosteroids. 

Source: http://www.healthline.com/health/ulcerative-colitis-take-control-probiotics#2

2015年11月16日 星期一
















































資訊來源: http://www.questclear.com/qc/blog/view?t=atd&id=632

2015年11月14日 星期六


1. 噴嚏:每天數次陣發性發作,每次多於3個,多在晨起或者夜晚或接觸過敏原後立刻發作。
2. 清涕:大量清水樣鼻涕,有時可不自覺從鼻孔滴下。
3. 鼻塞:間歇或持續,單側或雙側,輕重程度不一。
4. 鼻癢:大多數患者鼻內發癢。
1. 找出自己對什麼東西過敏,將其去除,包括塵蟎、花粉、寵物、食物、傢俱等。
2. 若是對塵蟎過敏,一定要注意家居衛生,保持室內清潔無塵以減少塵蟎,用吸塵器清潔屋子。
3. 若是對花粉過敏,應該在花粉傳播季節儘量少出門,關閉門窗。即使出門也一定要做好防護措施,比如戴口罩。
4. 病人最好不要接觸和餵養寵物,以防止過敏。
5. 儘量不要吃易引起過敏的食物。如魚虾、雞蛋、牛奶、面粉、花生、大豆等

2015年11月12日 星期四

Food Allergy vs. Sensitivity: What’s the Difference? - 食物過敏與敏感:有什麼區別?

Gluten-free, dairy-free, nut-free…specialized diets are everywhere you look. But not everyone with special dietary needs has the same reaction to their offending foods. What’s the difference between being allergic to a food and being sensitive or intolerant to it?

The key difference between a food allergy and sensitivity is the body’s response. When you have an allergy, your immune system gets involved. If you have a sensitivity or intolerance, the reaction is largely triggered in the digestive system.

Food Sensitivities
Food sensitivities and intolerances are far more common than food allergies, according to the British Allergy Foundation. Neither involves the immune system. Either a food triggers an intolerance in your digestive tract, where your body is unable to properly break it down, or the body reacts to a food you are sensitive to. For example, milk intolerance is where your body is unable to break down lactose, a sugar found in dairy products. Or if you are sensitive to histamines, you may get headaches after you eat foods that contain histamines.

You may be sensitive or intolerant to a food for a variety of reasons, including:

not having the right enzymes you need to digest a certain food
reactions to food additives like sulfites or artificial colors
psychological factors, like an extreme dislike of certain foods
pharmacological factors, like sensitivity to caffeine or other chemicals
sensitivity to the toxins naturally found in certain raw legumes like lima beans
The symptoms of intolerance are all digestive-related and can include: gas and bloating, diarrhea, constipation, cramping, or nausea. Symptoms of food sensitivity vary.

Food Allergies
Your immune system is your body’s defense against invaders — whether bacteria or the common cold virus. You have a food allergy when your immune system identifies a protein in what you eat as an invader. It reacts by producing antibodies to fight it.

“A food allergy is an immune-mediated reaction to the food,” explains Farzan. “The most common type of food allergy is an Immunoglobulin E (IgE)-mediated reaction. IgEs are allergic antibodies which cause an immediate reaction due to release of chemicals, such as histamine, from mast cells.” 

Unlike a food intolerance or sensitivity, food allergies can be fatal. In extreme cases, ingesting or even touching a small amount of the allergen can produce an intense reaction.

Symptoms of food allergy include:

skin reactions, like hives, swelling, and itching
anaphylaxis, including difficulty breathing, wheezing, dizziness, and, ultimately, death
digestive symptoms

The Difference in Symptoms
Symptoms of food intolerance include gas, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, cramping, and nausea.

Symptoms of food allergy include hives, swelling, itching, anaphylaxis, and dizziness.

Source: http://www.healthline.com/health/allergies/food-allergy-sensitivity-difference#FoodAllergies3

2015年11月9日 星期一



◎    皮膚方面:「急性蕁麻疹」為最常見的臨床表現,包括手腳、臉、全身皮膚起疹、發癢,嘴唇紅腫、眼睛癢、眼睛浮腫等。

◎    胃腸道方面:常見的症狀為肚子痛、拉肚子、噁心、嘔吐等。

◎    呼吸道方面:包括流鼻水、鼻炎、打噴嚏、喉嚨不適及聲音沙啞等,過敏嚴重時,甚至出現喉頭水腫,覺得呼吸困難。

















1. 去除引起過敏的食物:是主要的治療方法,但如果必須同時去除多種食物,則要考慮營養不足的問題,尤其當對象為小孩時。







資訊來源: http://www.mababy.com/knowledge/article.aspx?aid=69303B59D6A65501

2015年11月7日 星期六



1. 衛生假說(環境太乾淨)

最近幾年,免疫學家認為,1 ∼ 5 歲孩童正值免疫系統的發展期,有時候還是要在這時期讓小孩的免疫系統得到適當訓練,將來才會變得對環境比較有抵抗力,也降低過敏反應的嚴重度。


有些研究者對一種叫內毒素(endotoxin)的死細菌的遺骸特別感興趣。內毒素在動物身上尤其豐富。2002 年一篇發表在《美國醫學會期刊(JAMA)》的研究指出,小孩在1 歲內接觸兩種或更多寵物,到六、七歲時,對塵蟎、草和貓狗等過敏的機率,比那些都沒有接觸過寵物的小孩少了一半。研究者認為,這種跟寵物等的接觸,至少要從小孩出生後不久直到兩、三歲,每天共處,才能奏效。

澳洲一項發表在2011 年《過敏與臨床免疫學》的研究,還給寵物一個清白:幼年養過貓狗的人,到了青少年階段,鼻子過敏的比率反而比較低。研究人員從歐洲和澳洲找來近8500 個民眾參加研究,其中超過四分之一的人有鼻子過敏症狀(包括流鼻水、眼睛癢、喉嚨痛等)。

結果發現,跟5 歲前沒養寵物的人相比,住在農場的孩子到了青少年期,鼻子過敏的比率降低了30%;而家裡養貓或養狗,鼻子過敏的比率各降低了15%。研究也發現,家裡兄弟姊妹多或上托兒所的孩子,長大後鼻子過敏的比率比較低;而家族有過敏病史、母親懷孕時抽菸,則可能讓孩子過敏的風險較高。研究主持人、澳洲墨爾本大學的麥瑟森(MelanieMatheson)博士建議父母,不必為了預防孩子過敏而不敢養寵物(尤其是狗);事實上,養寵物可能有助保護孩子免於過敏。



2. 氣候變遷
「溫度每增加攝氏1 度,被醫生診斷出有氣喘的盛行率會增加10%,」郭育良指出,氣喘患者絕大部份是因塵蟎引起,塵蟎過冬會死掉,但如果冬天的溫度與濕度高,研究也發現,家裡兄弟姊妹多或上托兒所的孩子,長大後鼻子過敏的比率比較低;而家族有過敏病史、母親懷孕時抽菸,則可能讓孩子過敏的風險較高。研究主持人、澳洲墨爾本大學的麥瑟森(MelanieMatheson)博士建議父母,不必為了預防孩子過敏而不敢養寵物(尤其是狗);事實上,養寵物可能有助保護孩子免於過敏。


3. 空氣污染
空氣污染可能激發更多呼吸道過敏問題。醫界發現,像一氧化碳、二氧化硫等汽機車廢氣,會使人的氣管發炎惡化。林瑞雄教授與郭育良教授等人,在1996 年對全台做的研究發現,汽車等交通污染愈多的區域,氣喘盛行率就愈高(而氣喘很大部份是因過敏引起的)。其中台北市、台南市、高雄市的氣喘盛行率大於11%。另方面,居住環境愈趨封閉,從平房改住高樓大廈,門窗緊關、採用中央空調,造成空氣不流通,也有利於過敏原生長。調查曾發現,如果把居家窗戶打開,讓室內空氣流通,塵蟎等過敏原的量可以降低一半左右,江伯倫教授指出。

4. 濫用抗生素
已有研究顯示,小孩在1 歲前使用抗生素或退燒藥,日後得氣喘與各類過敏的機率會提高。即使是大人,濫用抗生素也會增加過敏的風險。濫用抗生素,一味殺掉環境裡的細菌,不僅會讓人體的免疫系統無法全面發展,並且也把人體腸胃道裡面的益生菌都殺死,反而不利。

5. 飲食西化、吃太多加工食品





資訊來源: http://www.cw.com.tw/article/article.action?id=5055801

2015年11月5日 星期四






2015年11月2日 星期一

Common Fall Allergens and How to Fight Them - 常見的過敏原及解決方法

Part 1 of 6: Fighting Back Against 4 Autumn Allergies
When it comes to seasonal allergies, most people immediately think of the pollen explosion in the springtime. But an itchy throat, teary and red eyes, sniffles, and sneezing aren’t relegated to April and May alone. When the leaves start to fall and the air cools, a host of allergens can cause the same set of symptoms.

Part 2 of 6: Rid Yourself of Ragweed
A single ragweed plant can produce up to 1 billion grains of pollen per season. This yellow flowering weed blooms in August but causes allergic symptoms well into the fall, until the first freeze kills the plant. It grows nationwide but is most prevalent in rural areas of the East and Midwest. Approximately 75 percent of people who suffer springtime allergies will also be affected by ragweed pollen, according to theAsthma and Allergy Foundation of America.

Plan of Attack

Monitor your local pollen count. Most local newspapers and TV news websites publish a daily report. Stay indoors as much as possible, especially during peak hours (usually mid-morning to early afternoon). If you have to go outside, wear a painter’s mask to filter pollen.
Keep home and car windows completely closed. Take off your shoes and jacket before entering your home. You don’t want to track in any pollen that you’ve picked up outside. Vacuum carpets and upholstery regularly.
Wash your clothes, linens, and curtains regularly. Don’t line dry your laundry outdoors. Bathe your pets — especially outdoor dogs and cats — frequently.
Part 3 of 6: Mold & Mildew
black mold
These fungi thrive both outdoors and indoors. They grow from and produce spores that, like pollen, are spread by the wind or indoor air. Mold and mildew tend to grow year-round. In the fall, they grow on damp fallen leaves and compost piles. They thrive in damp areas indoors like basements, bathrooms, and kitchens.
Unlike pollen, mold and mildew aren’t killed by the first frost, but they do tend to go into a dormant phase during the winter months.

Plan of Attack

Rake your yard of fallen leaves and remove leaves from gutters. Don’t leave piles of leaves in your yard. Keep compost and yard-waste piles far away from the house, and wear a protective mask when raking leaves and cleaning compost bins. Be sure to empty bins regularly.
Air should be between 35 and 50 percent humidity. Clean bathrooms and the kitchen regularly using vinegar or store-bought anti-mildew agents to avoid mildew and mold buildup.
Part 4 of 6: Dust Mites
dust mites
Dust mites are microscopic arthropods that feed primarily on flakes of human skin that are shed naturally around the home. They’re a common year-round allergen that thrives in temperatures ranging from the high 60s to mid 70s. Dust mites usually die in extreme temperatures or if the humidity drops below 70 percent.
It’s next to impossible to completely rid your home of dust mites. But you can take steps to keep them at a manageable level.

Plan of Attack

Clean air vents throughout the house before turning the central heating unit on for the first time after summer. Cover your mattress and pillows in dust-proof covers (dust mites love the bedroom). Regularly wash all bedding in hot water (130°F or higher).
Use a dehumidifier to keep the air below 50 percent humidity. Dust and vacuum your home regularly, and be sure to wear a filtering mask while cleaning. Consider installing hardwood floors instead of wall-to-wall carpet.
Part 5 of 6: Tidy Up Pet Dander & Fur
pet dander
Pet dander is comprised of dead skin that is shed by animals in the home. Up to 40 percent of people with seasonal allergies also have pet allergies. Pet allergies are triggered by an extra-sensitive immune system reacting to dander, fur, saliva, or urine from pets.
Some dog breeds cause more reactions than others. Saint Bernards and bulldogs are among the worst offenders. Cats are twice as likely as dogs to cause allergic reactions in people.

Plan of Attack

Avoid contact with furry pets, especially cats and dogs, if you have known allergies. If you’re set on having a family pet, consider breeds that are hypoallergenic, such as Havanese and Schnauzers. Wash and groom pets regularly. Wearing a filtering mask can help keep your allergies in check.
Consider only allowing pets in specific areas of the home and keep them off furniture. Keep litter boxes and pet bedding away from air vents, and use an air purifier to help clean the air of pet allergens.
Part 6 of 6: Treatment-Medication and Immunotherapy
For many people, fall allergies can be controlled with over-the-counter or prescription allergy medications that contain antihistamine. They usually come in the form of pills, lozenges, eye drops, or nasal sprays.
Neti pots with a saline rinse can be used to treat symptoms of allergies. Immunotherapy (allergy shots) can be an effective option if you have severe allergies that don’t respond to over-the-counter options. The shots work by gradually exposing the immune system to a certain allergen so it can build up a tolerance.
Preparing yourself against allergies doesn’t mean standing guard at the window in fear of pollen and other allergens. Taking the precautions mentioned above can help make your allergies more manageable throughout the year.