2015年5月30日 星期六





2015年5月28日 星期四

South Portland woman allergic to nearly everything – 波蘭女差不多對所有東西都過敏

Goodwin says she has Mast Cell Activation Syndrome which makes her allergic to nearly everything. Contact with things like perfume, deodorant, grass, even sunlight can cause her to have a reaction, “I get hives and flushing all over my body, my body turns red and it feels like it’s on fire, it burns, and it itches.” She says the pain is almost unbearable, “I start to get abdominal pain, I have diarrhea, I have nausea, I feel light-headed and my lungs start to swell. It gets harder and harder to breathe.” Goodwin takes 38 pills per day to control these symptoms but even those don’t work sometimes.

For the most part she’s confined to her South Portland apartment, “there’s part of me that feels like if this is what the rest of my life is going to be like, stuck inside, it’s not worth living.” 

The one thing she says would bring some sense of normalcy to her life is a house. But building a house she can live in is going to take work. She says, “it will need to be a smaller house because obviously I can’t maintain a big house and then I’ll have to work with my doctor to see what kind of flooring I can have, and paint.”

Unfortunately her dream of building a home is temporarily on hold; Goodwin says the bills are piling up. Because of her condition she says she’s spending more than she’s bringing in from Social Security and Disability. She told CBS 13, “I have to decide sometimes whether I can eat or buy my medicine or pay rent.”

Goodwin says she’s not sure if there’s an end in sight but she’s not giving up, “I just have this drive, I’m not going to let this take me down.”

Source: http://www.wgme.com/news/features/top-stories/stories/south-portland-woman-allergic-nearly-everything-27150.shtml#.VVGLf46qqkp

2015年5月25日 星期一

全家一起用餐 好處多






資料來源: http://www.epochtimes.com/b5/15/4/29/n4422713.htm

2015年5月23日 星期六

孩子「感冒」吃藥一年都沒好 原來是患上過敏性鼻炎

紅網株洲4月14日訊(長株潭報記者 杜方江)春回大地,乍暖還寒,過敏性鼻炎也跟著活躍起來,省直中醫院耳鼻咽喉—頭頸外科主任符曉稱診平均每天可遇4—5例過敏性鼻炎患者,「很多人誤以為感冒。」今年12歲的株洲男孩曉童(化名),因「感冒」,媽媽隨便買些葯給他吃而拖延了病情,引發了哮喘。

  紅網株洲4月14日訊(長株潭報記者 杜方江)很多人以為鼻炎是小問題,其實不然,若不及時治療,後患無窮,不僅會引起咽炎、喉炎、中耳炎、副鼻竇炎,可能帶來全身性的影響。「總是流水樣的清鼻涕,流不停,鼻癢鼻塞,以及連連打噴嚏,甚至一連打10幾個,這些癥狀跟感冒還是有所區別的。」符曉提醒市民要注意區別。同時他較推崇中藥治療,「通過調節體質,從而達到治療的效果。」

2015年5月21日 星期四

Is Gluten Sensitivity Real? 真的有麩質敏感這回事嗎?

You’ve probably seen the recent glut of sensational headlines in the media proclaiming that non-celiac gluten sensitivity is some kind of widespread collective delusion—simply a figment of the imagination of anyone who claims to experience it.
These stories point to a new study which found that a group of patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) were not sensitive to gluten. (1) The researchers who performed this study had previously published a paper showing that IBS patients were sensitive to wheat, and that removing wheat from their diet led to an improvement of symptoms.
However, in this new study, the authors specifically isolated gluten and found that there was no difference in symptoms between the patients eating high-gluten diets and those eating low-gluten diets.
This is a significant finding, but to claim that it proves that non-celiac gluten sensitivity doesn’t exist is both inaccurate and irresponsible. It’s a great way to get clicks and generate attention, but it’s an extreme distortion of what the study actually found.

Why this study doesn’t disprove gluten sensitivity

First, this study examined the effects of gluten in a specific population: people with irritable bowel syndrome. Even if it is true that gluten sensitivity is no more common in people with IBS than in people without IBS (which is premature to conclude on the basis of a single study), it does not overturn the large body of evidence that links non-celiac gluten sensitivity to a variety of health problems ranging from allergies to schizophrenia to autism spectrum disorders. (2345)
Second, this study does not suggest that people with IBS—or anyone else with gluten sensitivity—should feel free to start chowing down on wheat. In fact, it suggests the opposite. For the first week of the trial, all patients were put on a gluten-free diet that was also low in FODMAPs (a class of carbohydrates present in wheat, as well as other foods).
After this lead-in period, the participants were assigned to one of three groups: a high-gluten diet, a low-gluten diet, and a placebo. Those on the high gluten diet were given 16 grams per day of purified wheat gluten; those on the low gluten diet were given 2 grams per day of purified wheat gluten plus 14 grams per day of whey protein isolate; and those on the placebo diet were given 16 grams per day of whey protein isolate.
The majority of participants experienced a significant improvement of symptoms during the 7-day gluten-free, low FODMAP lead-in period. But there was no difference in symptoms between the high gluten, low gluten, or placebo groups during the subsequent treatment period. In other words, patients did react adversely to wheat, but they did not react to isolated gluten.
This of course suggests that something other than gluten in the wheat was causing the problems patients experienced. We now know that there are several compounds in wheat other than gluten that could be to blame. These include not only FODMAPs, but also agglutinins (proteins that bind to sugar), prodynorphins (proteins involved with cellular communication), and additional proteins that are formed during the process of wheat digestion, such as deamidated gliadin and gliadorphins (aka gluteomorphins). (6)
Another possibility is that both the placebo and low-gluten groups were reacting to the whey protein. Whey is >99% casein- and lactose-free, which is what most people who are sensitive to dairy react to. However, it is certainly possible for people to react adversely to whey, and in my experience this is more common with patients with digestive problems. If some of the “placebo” and low-gluten patients were, in fact, sensitive to whey, then that would invalidate the results of the study.

How to find out if you’re sensitive to wheat, gluten, or both

This study showed that for people with IBS on a low FODMAP diet, eating isolated gluten does not cause symptoms. But one might ask: who cares? Do you eat isolated, purified gluten? Do you know anyone who does? I doubt it. People eat wheat—not gluten. And as both this study and numerous other studies have demonstrated, there are several components of wheat other than gluten that cause problems.
In practical terms, this study still supports the idea that patients with IBS should avoid wheat, because it contains FODMAPs and possibly other compounds that make them feel worse. What this study does tell us is that it’s possible that IBS patients may be able to tolerate other non-wheat products that contain gluten, presuming they are low in FODMAPs and other compounds that they may react to.
Here’s the best way to determine if this is true for you:
  1. Remove all gluten-containing foods and products from your diet for 60 days.
  2. At the end of the 60 day period, cook up a bowl of barley, eat it, and see what happens.
  3. A few days later, eat a piece of wheat bread.
Barley is a gluten-containing grain that is low in FODMAPs. If you react to it, that suggests you’re intolerant of gluten or other gluten-like compounds. If you don’t react to barley, but you do react to the wheat bread, that suggests you are intolerant to something in wheat specifically.
You may be able to safely consume gluten-containing products other than wheat—though it’s worth pointing out that many of these products (primarily grains and processed foods) would not be foods you should be consuming regularly anyways.

Is “non-celiac wheat sensitivity” a better label?

If there’s an important takeaway from this study, it’s this: non-celiac wheat sensitivity may be a different clinical entity than non-celiac gluten sensitivity. The former would be used to describe patients that are intolerant of wheat, but are able to eat other gluten-containing foods without symptoms. The latter would apply to patients who are sensitive to any food or product that contains gluten, including wheat. In fact, this distinction was originally proposed by researchers in response to another study which found no effects of gluten in patients on a low FODMAP diet. (7)
Now I’d like to hear from you. Are you ready to give up on the idea that you’re gluten sensitive after reading this study? Why or why not? Have any of you already done the experiment that I suggested above? What did you discover?

2015年5月18日 星期一

Understanding gluten 認識什麼是麩質

So, what is gluten?
Some people cannot eat gluten for medical reasons.
But many people don’t eat it because they think it will make them gain weight or some fitness instructor told them not to or because everyone is talking about it.
Ten years ago, no one in the food industry was talking about it.
Recently, Jimmy Kimmel did a segment asking “gluten-free” people at a popular exercise spot one simple question: What is gluten?
Sadly, not one person got it right.
They had no idea what gluten is or why they should or should not be eating it.
The truth is, unless there is a medical reason, you shouldn’t eliminate entire food groups from your diet.
By definition, gluten is a substance (protein) present in grains such as wheat, barley, rye, spelt, triticale, some oats and several other grains. It causes illness in people with celiac disease and gluten allergies.
There are major problems with the gluten-free movement, including a lack of education.
For those with legitimate problems, going on a gluten-free diet can be life-changing. They share the good news with friends and family — inadvertently giving them false hope that it will make them feel better, too.
Going gluten-free will not help you lose weight and will not make you feel better if your body is able to digest it.
It isn’t uncommon to see someone on a “gluten-free diet” at the bar enjoying a beer because they have no idea what gluten is. It’s difficult to find beer that is not a direct derivative of gluten.
On the flip side, the gluten-free fad has created a stigma in the food industry.
When someone with a real illness or allergy comes into a restaurant, some servers don’t take it seriously when patrons say they are on a gluten-free diet.
They think it is a fad or the person is overdramatizing their situation.
That is a huge problem because gluten problems are serious.
A person with an illness or allergy could be sick for days or weeks from minimal exposure to gluten.
Only 20 parts per million, comparable to one drop of food coloring in a gallon of water, is enough to cause illness for some, and the levels of illness can vary greatly from person to person.
Servers don’t understand that picking the croutons off the top of the salad isn’t enough.
They don’t understand that gluten-free pasta cannot be cooked in the same pot that was just used for regular pasta.
This is why education is imperative.
If you own a restaurant, don’t put your establishment in a libelous situation where someone could become very ill or die because your staff doesn’t understand the seriousness of celiac disease and food allergies.
If your team isn’t properly trained, you could be held legally responsible if an incident occurs.

2015年5月16日 星期六

急性食物敏感 嚴重者可致命



2015年5月14日 星期四



資訊來源: http://www.appledaily.com.tw/realtimenews/article/new/20150501/602170/

2015年5月11日 星期一

家有過敏兒 錯誤觀念誤治療







資料來源: http://www.cna.com.tw/news/ahel/201504300060-1.aspx

2015年5月9日 星期六

忽略過敏預防 小心寶寶體重過輕、矮人一等

一般配方奶的牛奶蛋白分子較大,(約介於14000~67000 道爾吞之間),免疫系統極有可能視之為過敏原,這些被視為過敏原的牛奶蛋白一旦進到寶寶未發育健全的腸胃道後,容易誘發過敏。「部分水解蛋白配方」能將容易引起刺激的大分子蛋白質分解成小分子(約3000~5000 道爾吞),同時培養幼兒的口服耐受性,由內而外打好底子,幫助調整體質。許多人會誤以為,營養在水解過程中會流失,其實不然,僅是將容易引起刺激的大分子蛋白質分解成小分子,但牛奶中的營養價值仍是完整的。

2015年5月7日 星期四

Pollution among the factors causing more allergies among children – 污染問題導致小朋友過敏的情況日趨嚴重

Three-quarters of parents with at least one child under the age of three report that the child has allergies, a study shows - and researchers warn the figure will grow.
Some 58 per cent of the youngsters had eczema or a skin allergy, 32 per cent had rhinitis or hay fever and 25 per cent airway allergies such as asthma. Some of the children suffered more than one type of allergy.
The findings of the survey by the Allergy Association, commissioned by the University of Hong Kong, were based on interviews with 511 parents.
Only 30 per cent of the children were believed to have inherited the condition from their parents - meaning the rest might be down to factors such as pollution, exposure to second-hand smoke, caesarean delivery or not being breastfed exclusively in their first six months.
"We have seen many more allergy cases in this generation than the last," said Dr Marco Ho Hok-kung, chairman of the association.
"I believe the number is only going to rise in the future, in keeping with the global trend. It is vital to understand the risk of allergies and take preventive measures."
Allergies could affect the long-term growth of infants, said Ho. Some research suggests that infants who develop an allergy before the age of two have a 24 per cent increased risk of developing emotional problems later in life.
Families with children suffering from allergies often have to devote a lot of effort to preventing exposure to allergens such as peanuts, milk or seafood in meals and dust mites at home.
According to the World Health Organisation, 40 to 50 per cent of children across the globe are bothered by one or more types of allergy.
Ho said if either parent had an allergy, there was a 30 per cent chance of their child inheriting it. This increased to 50 per cent if both parents were sufferers. And in general, every child has 5 to 15 per cent chance of developing an allergy even if neither parent has the condition.
Paediatrician Dr Alfred Tam Yat-cheung said risks could be attributed to environmental factors such as pollution and exposure to second-hand smoke. They could be reduced by giving birth naturally and feeding the babies only breast milk in their first six months, he said.

2015年5月4日 星期一

轉季溫差大 敏感咳增兩成








