2015年10月31日 星期六

辨清敏感源 有機食物能否防敏感?










2015年10月29日 星期四

Allergy Ingredients - 過敏成分

Allergy-Friendly Ingredients: Easy Substitutions for Meals and Treats

Food Allergy Substitutions Made Easy
Sometimes, people with food allergies and sensitivities feel left out, longing for a classic treat or itching to try a new recipe. But with a few substitutions, it’s possible to make delicious dishes that are free of major allergens, such as peanuts, tree nuts, milk, egg, soy, and wheat. Follow our tips for simple food allergy substitutions – and start enjoying safe and delicious meals today!

Replacing Peanuts and Tree Nuts
Peanuts and tree nuts—such as almonds, hazelnuts, cashews—are two of the most common food allergens, according to Food Allergy Research & Education (FARE). Both peanuts and tree nuts are used to add crunch to baked goods, salads, and stir-fries. Enjoy the same crispy textures without the nuts by swapping in sunflower or pumpkin seeds instead. This is especially delicious if you lightly toast them first. You can also use sunflower or pumpkin seed butter as a substitute for peanut butter in cookies, sandwiches, and Thai-style peanut sauces. Check the specialty aisle of grocery stores for seed products labeled as peanut- and tree nut-free.

Replacing Milk
Milk allergy can be a very serious condition, warns FARE. Lactose intolerance is a milder condition, but it can still cause people discomfort. If you have milk allergy or lactose intolerance, you can look for dairy-free milk substitutions at the grocery store. These may include rice, oat, soy, or almond beverages.  Many of those food allergy substitutions taste great, sipped cold from the glass or added to baked goods. You can also look for dairy-free butter alternatives, such as allergy-friendly margarines, in the specialty aisle of grocery stores.

Replacing Egg
Eggs add structure to many dishes, as well as protein and flavor. But don’t settle for limp cookies and flat muffins just because you have an egg allergy! Start exploring the egg substitutions recommended by Allergic Living, such as mashed banana or blended tofu. Unfortunately, some of those substitutions won’t work for egg-focused dishes, like quiche. Instead, look for special recipes designed with allergic diners in mind.

Replacing Soy
Soy sauce adds protein, savory depth, and saltiness to many Asian-style recipes. If you have soy allergy or sensitivity, skip the soy sauce and add concentrated beef or mushroom broth instead. Remember to opt for low sodium options. If you eat meat, swap tofu for chicken in stir-fries, stews, and kebabs. If you’re a vegetarian, substitute cubes of parboiled potatoes or cooked white beans (e.g., cannellini) instead. Those dense, savory ingredients will give your meal substance and flavor.

Replacing Wheat
Wheat is ground into flour, which is used in most North American baked sweets, breads, and pastas. It can be tricky to replace with a one-to-one substitution. So if you have a wheat allergy or gluten intolerance, use a blend of wheat-free flours, recommends Living Without. For example, a mix of brown rice flour, tapioca flour, and cornstarch may be the perfect base for your next batch cookies.

Seeking Support
If you have multiple food allergies or sensitivities, it can be difficult to find allergy-safe ingredients and recipes. FollowKids with Food Allergies’ advice and visit a qualified dietitian who specializes in food allergies and sensitivities. Ask them how you can enjoy a wider variety of foods and meet your nutrition needs, while avoiding your allergens. Sometimes, a little support is all you need!

Care and Caution
When it comes to food allergies, there is no substitute for care and caution. The Living Confidently with Food Allergy Handbook recommends reading food labels every time you buy a product, even if you have eaten it before. If you have a serious food allergy, avoid products that list your allergen in the ingredient list or “may contain” warning. And never eat without your emergency medicine (i.e., epinephrine auto-injector) on hand. With a little bit of extra care, you can enjoy delicious, nutritious, worry-free meals every day of the week. 

Source: http://www.healthline.com/health/allergy-ingredients#2

2015年10月26日 星期一








資訊來源: http://www.isu.edu.tw/upload/04/7/files/dept_7_lv_3_382.doc

2015年10月24日 星期六

MSG Allergies - 味精過敏

Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is used as a flavor-enhancing food additive. It can have a bad reputation, as many believe it can cause allergy-like symptoms and side effects.

However, much of the evidence has relied on anecdotes and limited clinical studies. So what's the truth about MSG? Is it really as bad as it's been made out to be?

Despite concerns, decades of research have failed to demonstrate a relationship between MSG and serious reactions for most people. People have reported reactions after eating foods with MSG, but researchers have been unable to scientifically prove the allergy.

In 2014, Clinical Nutrition Research did present a link between MSG and allergy reactions in a small subset of people who suffer from chronic hives. However, the majority of these reports involve mild symptoms, such as:

tingling skin
a burning sensation in the chest
Larger doses of MSG have been found to cause symptoms. But those portions are unlikely to be found in restaurant or in grocery store food. After reviewing the evidence in 1995, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) put MSG in the same "generally recognized as safe" category as salt and pepper. A 2009 review published in the journal Clinical & Experimental Allergy came to a similar finding.

The exception to the safety of MSG is more questionable in children. A 2011 study in Nutrition, Research and Practice revealed a link between MSG and children with dermatitis. However, further research is warranted to make a definitive statement about this connection.

Those sensitive to MSG may experience:
runny nose or congestion
mild chest pain
numbness or burning, especially in and around the mouth
facial pressure or swelling

More serious symptoms may include:
chest pain
heart palpitations
shortness of breath
swelling in the throat

Your doctor may ask if you’ve eaten any food containing MSG within the last two hours if they suspect you have a MSG allergy. A rapid heart rate, abnormal heart rhythm, or a reduction of airflow to the lungs may confirm a MSG allergy.

Most allergic reactions to MSG are mild and go away on their own. More serious symptoms, such as anaphylaxis, require emergency treatment in the form of a shot of epinephrine (adrenaline).

Call your doctor and go to the nearest emergency room immediately if you experience one of the following symptoms:

shortness of breath
swelling of the lips or throat
heart palpitations
chest pain

The best treatment for a food allergy is to avoid eating that food. However, MSG is a prominent ingredient in many different types of food. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, MSG is found in virtually all food. It’s found in high doses in food that is high in protein, such as:


Labeling is only required when MSG is added as an ingredient. In those cases, it will be listed as "monosodium glutamate."

People with a true allergy to MSG should avoid packaged and processed foods. Instead, opt for raw foods including fruits, vegetables, and organic meats instead. Other substances to avoid include:

dried meats
meat extracts
poultry stocks
hydrolyzed protein, which may be used as binders, emulsifiers, or flavor enhancers
Food labels may refer to these products as "dried beef," "chicken stock," "pork extract," or "hydrolyzed wheat protein."

A very small part of the population has a reaction to MSG. Most of those reactions are typically mild. Try avoiding the foods listed above if you suspect an MSG allergy. There’s a good chance that you’ll only experience mild discomfort even if you eat foods containing MSG.

It would be prudent for children and adults with complex medical histories to limit consumption of MSG until further research can confirm safety.

Your doctor may put you on a strict avoidance diet and prescribe an epinephrine shot if you’ve experienced severe reactions.

Source: http://www.healthline.com/health/allergies/msg#Overview1

2015年10月22日 星期四

新生兒食用花生 可降低過敏風險

父母常會詢問是否該讓他們的孩子食用花生製品,對於這個問題的答案常莫衷一是。然而《新英格蘭醫學》期刊(The New England Journal of Medicine)近來發表一篇研究,指出在新生兒早期食用花生製品將可有效降低花生過敏風險。

研究人員挑選4~11月大且具有對花生過敏高風險的新生兒,將他們隨機分派至兩個組別,一組定時食用含有花生成分的食品;一組則完全不食用任何花生製品,這項實驗持續進行至孩童五歲大後測試過敏反應,發現定時食用花生製品的孩童組別對花生較不易過敏。英國倫敦國王學院萊克教授(Dr. Gideon Lack)談到,防止新生兒攝取花生製品可能會提高過敏風險。

美國兒科學會(The American Academy of Pediatrics)曾於2000年所發表的指導方針中建議,孩童在滿三歲前都不應食用花生以避免產生過敏反應。但2008年時,此學會改變立場,闡述目前並無有力的證據顯示——避免新生兒食用特定食品能夠幫助防止過敏發生。


然而這次的研究採用隨機抽樣,使兩組孩童間唯一的差別在於是否食用含有花生蛋白質的製品。此研究在美國國家衛生研究院與其他組織監督下,在實驗進行前,這些4~11個月大的新生兒已經確認對蛋製品過敏或得過濕疹,被認定有高風險會對花生過敏,並已接受皮膚點刺測試(skin-prick test),若被判定已對花生過敏則會屏除於實驗外。

530位參與實驗的新生兒在一開始都尚未對花生過敏。半數的家長被告知須避免給孩子食用花生。另一半孩童的家長則必須每周定期讓孩子食用至少六克的花生,當這些孩童滿五歲時,便會再進行一次過敏測試。結果僅有 1.9%定期食用花生的孩童產生過敏反應;相對的,避免食用花生的組別則有 13.7% 對花生過敏。有另外98名新生兒在實驗初期就已具有輕微的花生過敏反應。他們同樣在滿五歲時接受測試,結果定期食用含有花生成分的組別只有10.6%產生過敏,未食用任何花生製品的組別則高達35.3%。



2015年10月19日 星期一

Allergic Asthma - 過敏性哮喘

What is Allergic Asthma?
If you ever have trouble breathing during allergy season, you may have allergic asthma. Allergic asthma is asthma caused by an allergic reaction. It is also called allergy-induced asthma.

People with allergic asthma usually start feeling symptoms after inhaling an allergen such as pollen. The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America reports that more than half of asthma sufferers have allergic asthma. Allergic asthma is treatable in most cases.

People develop allergies when their immune system overreacts to the presence of a harmless substance. This substance is known as an allergen. Common symptoms of allergies include itching and swelling. However, some people may also develop breathing problems from inhaled allergens. This is known as allergic asthma. It occurs when the airways swell as part of an allergic reaction.

In general, only inhaled allergens cause allergic asthma. Some allergens which can cause this condition include:
pet dander
Cockroaches, milk, fish, shellfish, eggs, peanuts, and tree nuts can also cause allergic asthma. However, an asthmatic reaction to these allergens is less common.


Symptoms of allergic asthma are the same as symptom of regular asthma. They include:
chest tightness
rapid breathing
shortness of breath

If you have hay fever or skin allergies to the allergen causing your asthma, you might also experience:
itchy skin
flaky skin
runny nose
itchy eyes
watery eyes

If you swallowed the allergen, these symptoms might be present as well:
swollen face or tongue
tingly mouth
swollen mouth, throat, or lips
anaphylaxis (severe allergic reaction)

Skin prick tests are commonly used to check for allergies. Your doctor will poke your skin with a needle containing a small amount of allergen. After 20 minutes, your skin will be checked for red bumps. These bumps are the sign of an allergic reaction.

Additional tests may be used to check whether your allergies are accompanied by asthma.

Spirometry measures the amount of air you inhale and exhale. This test looks for narrowing in the bronchial tubes of your lungs.

Peak Flow measures air pressure as you breathe out. This is a simple test of lung function.

Lung function tests check whether your breathing improves after you use an asthma medication (bronchodilator). If this medication improves your breathing, you probably have asthma.

Treating allergic asthma can involve treating the allergy, the asthma, or both.

To treat your asthma, your doctor may prescribe two inhalers. The asthma inhaler is used to prevent asthma. The fast-acting relief inhaler is used to treat asthma symptoms.

Allergy treatment depends on the severity of your symptoms. You may need an antihistamine to deal with classic allergy symptoms such as itching. You might also need allergy shots if your symptoms are more severe.

Allergic asthma can have serious complications. One such complication is anaphylaxis. This type of severe allergic reaction may have symptoms such as:

mouth or facial swelling
difficulty swallowing
nasal congestion
slurred speech
Untreated anaphylaxis can be life-threatening. It may cause problems such as an abnormal heart rate, weakness, low blood pressure, rapid pulse, cardiac arrest, and pulmonary arrest.


Allergic asthma attacks are not always preventable. However, you may be able to make them less common by changing your environment.

At Home
Dust and vacuum regularly and use a HEPA filter. This can reduce the number of allergens in your environment.

Keep your windows and doors closed when pollen counts are high. Pollen is a common allergen. It triggers asthma-like symptoms in people with hay fever. If pollen makes you wheeze, see your doctor.

Don’t use an air conditioner or fan that smells like mold. Purchase new appliances if necessary. Mold can trigger asthma and allergy symptoms. It is also potentially life-threatening when inhaled. Remove any traces of mold from your walls or floors using a mold-removing cleaner.

Additional Measures
Use a dehumidifier or air conditioner if the humidity in your home gets above 40 percent.
Avoid keeping animals indoors if you have pet allergies. With severe allergies, you may need to avoid animals completely.

Clean and disinfect your kitchen and bathroom to prevent cockroaches.
Wear a HEPA mask when you garden. This can help you avoid inhaling pollen or mold.

Source: http://www.healthline.com/health/asthma/allergic-asthma#Causes2

2015年10月17日 星期六

空氣品質差 吃魚油防過敏又補腦




資訊來源: https://hk.news.yahoo.com/-080337618.html

2015年10月15日 星期四

Allergy Elimination Diet - 消除過敏飲食

Food allergies have received more attention in recent years, and it’s rare to find a food label without allergen information on it. However, people often have food allergies that they are not aware of, and are subsequently unable to defend themselves properly against them.

This can happen because allergies can develop over time, but many times this happens because the reactions are milder and we do not associate such reactions as being necessarily allergic—we think they are indigestion or skin irritation.
One way to identify a potential food allergy to commit to an allergy elimination diet, which limits the kinds of foods you eat to help isolate potential allergies that may be hiding in your food. While not something to be taken lightly, and best supervised by a physician, these elimination diets can be a way of protecting yourself from allergies that may otherwise go unidentified.
There are medical tests that can help determine particular food allergies, but there is no foolproof allergy elimination diet, but when done correctly, they can be a great way of isolating allergenic or intolerable foods.
Elimination diets are called food challenge tests for a reason—they form a process of trial and error which we stand to gain the most from when we are informed and careful about the process.
What the Diet Entails
When talking about allergy elimination diets (also known as food challenge tests), we need to make a distinction between diets in which the aim is to help reduce symptoms related to indoor/outdoor allergies and those diets that are for identifying most of the major food allergies people experience. Here we will be looking at the latter of the two and some general guidelines, or best practices, for people considering an elimination diet.
While there are many claims being made about various specialty allergy elimination diets (such as extended fasting or the “caveman” or raw/rare foods diet), to get the best results for your individual case, it is a good idea to get some professional guidance before starting any diet.
Risks and Considerations
It is important to always consult a physician about an allergy elimination diet, especially because there are some potential risk factors.
For one, there is some evidence to indicate that a prolonged elimination diet can cause more acute allergic reactions in some people. If you know you have certain food allergies and are starting to reintroduce foods back into your diet, you should do so under the supervision of a physician.
A physician can also help you plan around eliminated foods to ensure you are still getting the proper nutrition while on the diet. Sometimes we outgrow our allergies and sometimes we develop new ones as we get older, but with the proper medical guidance and careful attention to our diets, we can identify and manage our specific food allergies and enjoy our food without worry.
Starting the Diet
When starting an elimination diet, you will need to completely remove the food in question for at least two weeks, and sometimes maybe as long as two or three months.
Try to stick to simple dishes and preparations, and be careful with packaging and leftovers. This is particularly important early on in the process to prevent any cross-contamination. As you continue with the diet, pay close attention to any changes in your symptoms—if your symptoms improve, you may have found the allergenic food, but if they persist, than it is likely the eliminated food is not the cause.
If your symptoms improve, you can gradually begin to return the omitted food to your diet, though it is best to start with the simplest form of the food, to avoid other ingredients that may also cause a reaction. If the symptoms get worse, it is a good idea to start the test over again and remove the question food from your diet again in order to check against possible preparation or other conflicts. For example, maybe something fried will not sit as well and cause you not to feel well, and could be mistaken for an allergic reaction.
Keep a Food Journal
One thing that can be helpful in keeping track of the food you eat and any symptoms you may experience is keeping a journal or log of your food challenge test.
Write down everything you eat, trying to be as thorough and accurate about ingredients as you can (it is also a good idea to write down dates and times as well). Then keep track of the symptoms you experience, paying attention to how you feel in relation to what you eat. This information can be even more useful with a time and date.
As you proceed with your diet, say after three to four weeks, you will be able to monitor trends in your symptoms. A food journal is also a great resource for your physician to be able to review when you consult with him or her about your diet.

2015年10月12日 星期一




想知道自己是否有麩質過敏?看看以下的這些症狀你有幾個? 或許,我幫你找到了長久以來困擾著你的答案: 

如果你懷疑你可能有腹腔疾病,應該先去尋求你的醫生,做個血液測試和腸道超因波,並且, 一段時間戒斷含有麩質的飲食,測試自己經過這段時間後,是否變得比較快樂(因為症狀減輕)。 這個方法,可讓你了解對食物的敏感性,我們的免疫系統對食物的靈敏度會告訴你身體需要什麼樣的食物,甚至立即危及到生命。 當然,只要你仍然一直吃著有麩質的東西(經常或過量),妳就有可能會出現這些症狀。如果仍然出現症狀,你可能就必需完全戒斷掉含有麩質的東西。


★仔細閱讀食品標籤; 不要吃 任何包含以下穀物:小麥,黑麥和大麥。 
有一段時間, 燕麥 也有一些被認為含有麵筋(麩質)。因為經常在機器處理燕麥的同時,也處理了小麥。現在,大多數製造商已經不再這樣做,所以,只要有特別標示不含麩質的燕麥產品,就可以吃了當然,你也可以詢問製造商的成份的說明,會更有保障。

可以吃 的不含麩質的澱粉食物:
蒸餾白醋 不包含麵筋。 
麥芽醋 不包含麵筋。

*麵粉 或 穀類 製造的食品,除非所使用的是純米粉,玉米粉,馬鈴薯粉或大豆粉 
*麥芽 或 麥芽調味-除非來自玉米 
*澱粉 或 改良性澱粉食物-除非是用葛根,玉米,馬鈴薯,木薯,玉米或糯玉米製成  
*植物膠-除非使用卡羅伯豆,刺槐豆,纖維素,瓜爾豆,阿拉伯樹膠,樹膠 aracia,膠黃蓍膠,xantham或植物澱粉製成 
*醬油 或醬油膏,除非你知道它們不含有小麥

1. 益生菌,果糖和菊粉植物纖維
2. 洋蔥,大蒜,韭菜,耶路撒冷朝鮮薊,蘆筍,菊苣根,jicama,蒲公英,香蕉,龍舌蘭,果醬。
3. 奶和奶製品,奶油,人造奶油,植物油,起酥油,豬油:整體而言–低脂肪,脫脂,乾燥,蒸發,濃縮奶,牛奶,奶油,奶油,奶酪Velveeta食品,美國奶酪;所有的切達乳酪,瑞士,Edam和巴馬。
4. 100%,肉類(無添加麥劑),海鮮,家禽(麵包用純玉米粉,馬鈴薯粉或大米麵粉);花生醬,雞蛋,各種豆類或豌豆
5. 麵包和穀物: 奶油米;玉米麵,霍米尼;水稻;野生稻;無麩質麵條;水稻晶圓;純玉米粉圓餅,玉米,馬鈴薯,大豆,木薯,葛根,角豆,蕎麥,小米,莧菜和藜粉等所做的麵包。
6. 飲料: 茶,碳酸飲料(啤酒除外),果汁,礦泉水和碳酸水,酒,咖啡
7. 水果: 新鮮,冷凍,罐裝的水果或水果乾,所有的果汁
8. 蔬菜: 新鮮,冷凍或罐裝蔬菜,白,甜馬鈴薯,山藥
9. 小吃和甜品: 布朗和白糖,凝乳酶,水果糖,明膠,果凍,果醬,蜂蜜,糖漿,純可可,水果冰
10. 增稠劑: 明膠,葛根澱粉,玉米胚芽粉或麥麩,馬鈴薯粉,馬鈴薯澱粉麵粉;米糠麵粉,米粉,大豆粉,木薯澱粉,西谷米
11. 調味品: 無麩質醬油,蒸餾白醋,橄欖,鹹菜,番茄醬,鹽,胡椒,香草,香料萃取物,食用色素,丁香,生薑,肉荳蔻,肉桂,小蘇打,發酵粉,味精

1. 酸奶油,商業巧克力牛奶和飲料,非乳製品奶精,所有其他乳酪製品,酸奶。
2. 肉餡餅,肉罐頭,香腸,冷盤,熱狗,漢堡包,辣椒,商業煎蛋卷,souffles,乾酪,大豆蛋白肉替代品
5. 蛋奶沙司,布丁,冰淇淋,冰,果子露,糖果,巧克力,口香糖,可可,薯片,爆米花,調味可可粉,啤酒,巧克力飲料,營養補充劑,飲料混合物
6. 商業用的湯,雞湯,湯混合物,boullion
7. 調味糖漿(淋冰淇淋的煎餅),蛋黃醬,辣根醬,沙拉醬,番茄醬,肉醬,芥末,塔科醬,咖哩調味粉,調味粉,肉類萃取物。

1. 小麥,大麥,黑麥,燕麥(見上面提到的註1)
3. 麵包,饅頭,麵包,餅乾,鬆餅,餅乾和穀類食品含有小麥,小麥胚芽,燕麥,大麥,黑麥,麩皮,格雷厄姆麵粉,麥芽,卡沙,matzo,麵包屑,糕點,比薩餅麵團,麵條,義大利麵,通心粉及其他麵食;餃子,餅乾,華夫餅乾和薄煎餅,麵包餡
4. 小麥,黑麥,燕麥做的奶油或麵包蔬菜,吐司麵包,蛋糕,餅乾,麵包圈,糕點,餃子,冰淇淋筒,餡餅,蛋糕,餅乾混合物準備,餅乾,麵包布丁
5. 阿華田,麥芽含飲料,cocomalt,啤酒,麥芽酒
6. 湯塊,小麥澱粉,所有的麵粉含有小麥,燕麥,黑麥,麥芽,大麥或格雷厄姆麵粉的通用麵粉,白麵粉,小麥粉,麩皮,餅乾粉;達勒姆麵粉,小麥胚芽。
7. 合成辣椒,啤酒酵母,酵母提取物(含大麥)麥芽飲料

資訊來源: http://www.saladblog.com.hk/read.php?id=12605

2015年10月10日 星期六

食物敏感 飲食手記

  • 高危食物:醃製食物(例如:芝士、醬料)
  • 常見徵狀:痕癢、出疹、類似過敏症的反應
  • 高危食物:加工食物、包裝食物、味精
  • 常見徵狀:頭頸痛、呼吸困難、痕癢、鼻敏感
  • 高危食物:啤酒、麫包、早餐穀物、蛋糕
  • 常見徵狀:有肚風、胃氣、肚痛、肚瀉
  • 高危食物:部份水果、蘋果、啤梨、蜜糖、甜飲品、蜜糖
  • 常見徵狀:肚瀉
  • 高危食物或用品:莓類、葡萄、番茄醬、咖喱粉、酒精類及化妝品
  • 常見徵狀:哮喘

資訊來源: http://health.popart.hk/newver/newsinfo.php?pid=2858&title=%E9%A3%9F%E7%89%A9%E6%95%8F%E6%84%9F%20%E9%A3%B2%E9%A3%9F%E6%89%8B%E8%A8%98

2015年10月8日 星期四

21 Homemade Baby Food Recipes - 21個自製嬰兒食品食譜

Is Your Baby Ready for Solids?
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends waiting until 6 months to start solid foods, but it is possible to start as soon as 4 months as long as certain developmental stages have been reached. According to a study released by the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, babies who started eating solid foods at 4 months old had a reduced risk of allergies and asthma. It is most important that the baby can sit upright, hold their head up, and shows signs of interest in solid food. Once you’ve gotten the okay from your child’s pediatrician, you’re ready to bring on baby’s first foods!

A Few Things to Keep in Mind
New eaters only need about 1 to 2 tablespoons of a food, so keep portions small.

Be on the lookout for allergies, especially when feeding your child foods that contain common allergens.

Common Allergens

Be cognizant of foods that can cause gas. Onions, beans, wheat, dairy, and cruciferous vegetables can potentially make your baby uncomfortable. You may want to wait until your baby is a little older (8 to 10 months) to introduce these items.

Go organic, wild, pastured, and grass-fed whenever possible. If your budget doesn’t allow you to go 100 percent organic, try to at least buy organic when using anything on the Dirty Dozen list. This includes:

sweet bell peppers
cherry tomatoes
snap peas (imported)
Most of all, don’t forget to have fun!

4 to 6 Months Old
When your baby is 4 to 6 months old, you will want to use simple, single-ingredient purées. This can help you to spot and identify a food allergy. Once you have proven your child’s tolerance to individual foods, you can try combinations to enhance flavor and likeability.

1. Pea Purée

Peas are a small yet mighty source of nutrition, packing Vitamins A and C, iron, protein, and calcium. If the skin of the peas makes the texture less appealing for your child, make sure to strain them to make it as smooth as possible.

View the recipe.

2. Banana Purée
Often called a “perfect” food, bananas are rich in potassium and fiber. Bananas are also known as one of nature’s own antacids and are very gentle on the stomach. Although bananas are one of the best first foods for babies, be careful not to overdo it. Too much banana can cause constipation.

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3. Baby Brown Rice Cereal
Rice cereal is one of the most common foods to introduce because it is non-allergenic and easily digested. Mixing it to a fairly thin texture can help babies make the transition from an all-liquid diet to a more solid one. This same process can be applied to steel cut oats.

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4. Avocado Purée

This buttery treat is a wonderful “good fats” food for baby’s brain and physical development. Plus, the creamy texture of perfectly ripe avocado is one that babies seem to love. To help prevent browning, put the avocado pit in the puree when refrigerating.

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5. Baked Sweet Potato Purée
In-the-know adults eat sweet potatoes for their health benefits. Sweet potatoes are loaded with vitamins, antioxidants, and fiber, so it makes sense that your baby can benefit from this delicious tuber, too. A simple purée with a touch of water or milk makes for a yummy and nutritious first food.

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6. First Carrots Purée
Carrots are a wonderful introduction to solids because of their naturally sweet taste and pleasant texture. This simple preparation of carrots provides a rich supply of the antioxidant beta carotene and vitamin A.

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7 to 9 Months Old
For a 7- to 9-month-old baby, you can make thicker purées with multiple ingredients. Remember to introduce one new ingredient at a time and combine foods that you know baby is not allergic to. You can also add meat and other proteins at this stage.

7. Pumpkin Thyme Purée
This easy and elegant seasonal recipe is full of beta carotene, potassium, and iron. Make a big batch and freeze it in ice cube trays for single-portion servings for later!

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8. First Spinach with White Yams
This simple combination of spinach and yams adds a healthy dose of calcium, iron, vitamin A, and folate to your baby’s diet. The yams add a touch of sweetness to create a pleasant introduction to greens.

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9. Beets and Blueberry Mash
Not only is this blend a beautiful shade of magenta, it’s also a nutritious combination of antioxidants, vitamins, and fiber. You can also mix this purée with a little cereal for a delicious breakfast for baby.

View the recipe.

10. Avocado and Banana Baby Food
This is a pairing of two wonderful foods: avocados (good fats and fiber) and bananas (potassium and vitamin C). The banana also adds a bit of sweetness and lightens up the usually dense avocado purée. Nix the sugar, and stick with the natural sweetness of the ingredients themselves for young babies.

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11. Veggies and Sole Purée
Potatoes, carrots, peas, and fish make for a delicious combination that’s ready to eat in under eight minutes. Vegit is a seasoning ingredient in this recipe which can also be subbed for Mrs. Dash, another low-sodium seasoning. This is a great, simple introduction to fish for your baby.

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12. Butternut Squash and Pear Purée
Butternut squash is a great ingredient because it rarely causes allergies. Pear adds an additional touch of sweetness to this recipe.

View the recipe.

13. Papaya Purée
Papayas have a higher acidity than a lot of other fruits, so it’s best to wait until your baby is 7 to 8 months old to introduce this fruit. The enzymes in papaya (and in pineapple) aid digestion, so this is a perfect food to help relieve your baby’s constipation or tummy troubles.

View the recipe.

9 to 12 Months Old
At 9 to 12 months old, your baby can enjoy chunkier purées and mashes. You can also add whole milk and dairy, such as cheese or yogurt, to their foods. At this stage, many babies can even advance to adult food and complex combinations, finely minced or softened.

14. White Fish, Carrot, and Leek Purée

This purée combination is a savory, brain-boosting powerhouse. White fish contains omega-3 fatty acids that help boost development of baby's central nervous system. Leeks provide cardiovascular support and carrots are loaded with antioxidants.

View the recipe.

15. Quinoa Ratatouille
Baby’s first French classic couldn’t be tastier! Traditional ratatouille ingredients meet the super grain, quinoa, in a delightful “gourmet” purée.

View the recipe.

16. Baby Beef Stew
This baby-friendly version of a classic comfort food is full of iron, thanks to the beef. The recipe requires a little more prep time than other baby food recipes, but your house will smell amazing.

View the recipe.

17. Raw Baby Purée of Blueberries, Mango, Avocado, and Mild Chiles

Another nutrient-dense combination, this recipe combines creamy avocado, tangy mango, blueberries, and the interesting addition of mild green chilies!

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18. Creamy Provencal Chicken
This dish incorporates Herbes de Provence, a mild blend of spices that can help introduce your child to more exciting flavors, without the addition of salt.

View the recipe.

19. Quinoa Banana Mash
Quinoa is a protein-packed grain that makes a great addition to your growing baby’s diet. This adds an exciting new texture to the banana mash, an ingredient that your baby probably already loves. Also, try serving cooked quinoa by itself to your baby. The cooked seeds stick to baby’s fingers, which makes it an easy food to eat.

View the recipe.

20. Cherry and Mint Greek Yogurt Baby Food Purée

This homemade cherry purée is a delicious topping for the yogurt base. Make sure to use full-fat, organic yogurt!

View the recipe.

21. Apricot and Banana Food with Cinnamon
Spice things up in baby’s diet with a dash of cinnamon. For a great breakfast, try adding this purée to a bit of cereal or cooked oatmeal, which can also make a great breakfast.

View the recipe.

Source: http://www.healthline.com/health/childrens-health/homemade-baby-food-recipes#10