個人護理用品成分標籤上的成分多不勝數。很多成分名稱,常令人看了以後也不明所以。其實只要我們細心閱讀並牢記一下,就能認出幾種特別有害的成分,例如在化妝品及護膚品中最常添加的防腐劑 – 苯甲酸酯類(Parabens)。
Parabens 家族
There are countless ingredients in the label of personal care products, and most people have no idea what they are. Actually, if we spend some time to read the label with care and remember a few points, we can identify a number of particularly harmful substances, such as the most commonly found preservative in cosmetics and skincare products- parabens.
Parabens are currently a very controversial group of substance: on the one hand, they are very cheap synthetic preservative that are highly anti-bacterial, and are commonly used in cosmetics, skincare and food; on the other hand, when parabens enter human body after being absorbed by skin, they can affect the estrogen activities in the endocrine system, thus related to a woman's risk for breast cancer.
The Ministry of Health in Japan listed parabens as substances that may cause allergies. It was experimentally proven that parabens can penetrate the stratum corneum and be absorbed by skin. Research estimates that daily intake of parabens through daily commodity can be as high as 17.76g for adults and 378mg for children. Although the paraben concentration in most daily commodities meets safety requirements, parabens cannot be decomposed by metabolic enzymes, so we must note its cumulative concentration in our body. Due to the risks involved in using parabens, many advocate a ban on using parabens in personal care products.
The Parabens family
The parabens family is the most commonly used synthetic preservative, with members such as ethylparaben and methylparaben. We can easily identify the members of this family by remembering the latter part of their name- ‘paraben’.