An allergy to shellfish may develop at any time during a person's life but tends to be present in adulthood. Learn more about shellfish allergies and how to treat them.
Part 1 of 6: Overview
Although most major food allergies begin in childhood, one allergy in particular stands apart: shellfish. An allergy to shellfish may develop any time during a person's life, but tends to present in adulthood. It can be caused by foods that you’ve eaten before with no issues.
There are two kinds of shellfish, crustaceans and mollusks. Here are a few examples of crustaceans to watch out for if you’re allergic:
Mollusks include:
Most people who are allergic to one type of shellfish are also allergic to the other type. There’s a chance you may be able to eat some varieties. However, doctors usually recommend that people with shellfish allergies avoid all varieties to be safe.
Along with fish, shellfish allergies are the most common adult-onset food allergies. It’s estimated that more than 6.5 million American adults suffer from allergies to one or both, according to Food Allergy Research & Education.
A shellfish allergy is different from other allergies in other ways as well. For example, allergic reactions to shellfish are unpredictable, sometimes occurring long after a person has consumed the allergen and has shown no other symptoms. Allergic reactions to shellfish also often become more severe with each exposure.
Part 2 of 6: Symptoms
Shellfish allergies are most often the immune system’s response to a protein found in shellfish muscles called tropomyosin. Antibodies trigger the release of chemicals such as histamines to attack the tropomyosin. The histamine release leads to a number of symptoms that can range from mild to life-threatening. Symptoms of shellfish allergies tend to lean toward the severe.
It can take some time for symptoms to present after eating shellfish, but most develop within minutes. Symptoms of a shellfish allergy may include:
tingling in the mouth
abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea, or vomiting
congestion, trouble breathing, or wheezing
skin reactions including itching, hives, or eczema
swelling of the face, lips, tongue, throat, ears, fingers, or hands
lightheadedness, dizziness, or fainting
A severe, life-threatening allergic reaction known as anaphylaxis may occur in the most serious cases. An anaphylactic reaction requires immediate medical attention. Symptoms of anaphylaxis include:
a swollen throat (or lump in the throat) that makes breathing difficult
rapid pulse
extreme dizziness or loss of consciousness
a severe drop in blood pressure (shock)
Part 3 of 6: Treatment
There’s currently no cure for a shellfish allergy. The best treatment is to avoid foods such as shrimp, lobster, crab, and other crustaceans. Finned fish are not related to shellfish, but cross-contamination is common. You may want to avoid seafood altogether if your shellfish allergy is severe.
Many doctors also recommend that people with shellfish allergies carry epinephrine (EpiPen, Auvi-Q, or Adrenaclick) for self-administration in case you accidentally ingest any. Epinephrine (adrenalin) is the first-line treatment for anaphylaxis.
Deaths from an anaphylactic reaction from eating shellfish are rare, but they’re more common than with other food allergies. Most doctors agree that someone who has both a shellfish allergy and asthma should have an epinephrine pen on hand in case of an emergency.
Part 4 of 6: Iodine
Iodine is an element found throughout the body and is essential to the production of thyroid hormones as well as various amino acids. In short, human beings can’t survive without it. There has been some confusion in recent years regarding the relationship between shellfish allergy and iodine. Many people falsely believe that iodine may trigger an allergic reaction in people with a shellfish allergy. Iodine is often used in medications and in contrast agents used in medical imaging.
The misconception is largely related to a Florida court case about a man who died from a severe allergic reaction. The man had a known shellfish allergy. The allergic reaction occurred a few minutes after he received contrast iodine from a cardiologist. The man’s family was awarded a $4.7 million settlement for successfully arguing that the contrast iodine used in his treatment for acute coronary syndrome had caused the man's death.
A study published in the Journal of Emergency Medicine concluded that iodine is not an allergen. According to the researchers, "Allergies to shellfish, in particular, do not increase the risk of reaction to intravenous contrast any more that of other allergies."
Part 5 of 6: Allergy Test
A simple skin prick test can identify a shellfish allergy. The test involves puncturing the skin of the forearm and introducing a small amount of the allergen into it. If you’re allergic, a small itchy red spot will appear within a few minutes as the mast cells release histamine.
There’s also a blood test available to diagnose a shellfish allergy. The test is called an allergen-specific IgE antibody test or radioallergosorbent (RAST) test. It measures the immune system’s response to shellfish.
Allergy testing is the only sure way to tell if a reaction after eating shellfish is indeed a shellfish allergy.
Part 6 of 6: Prevention
The only way to prevent a shellfish allergy is to avoid all shellfish and all products that contain shellfish.
Here are some tips for avoiding shellfish:
Ask the staff how food is prepared when eating in a restaurant. Asian restaurants often serve dishes that contain fish sauce as a flavoring base. A shellfish-based broth or sauce may trigger an allergic reaction. Make sure to ask that the oil, pan, or utensils used to cook shellfish aren't also used to prepare other foods. Stay away from steam tables or buffets.
Avoid eating at a seafood restaurant or shopping in a fish market. Some people react even if they inhale steam or vapor from cooking shellfish. Cross-contamination also is possible in establishments that serve seafood.
Read food labels carefully. Companies are required to disclose whether their food product contains shellfish. However, they aren’t required to disclose if the product contains mollusks, like scallops and oysters. Be cautious of foods that contain vague ingredients, like “fish stock” or “seafood flavoring.” Shellfish also may be present in surimi, glucosamine, Bouillabaisse, Worcestershire sauce, Caesar salads, and many other dishes.
Let people know. When flying, contact the airline in advance to find out whether any fish or shellfish dishes will be prepared and served on the flight. Tell your employer or your child’s school or daycare about any allergies. Remind a host or hostess of your allergy when you reply to an invitation to a dinner party.
You should always carry your epinephrine pen and make sure it hasn’t expired. You or your child should wear a medical bracelet or necklace containing your allergy information.
為大眾提供有關敏感的健康資訊。如欲了解進行食物敏感測試的的詳情,歡迎您致電 (852) 2763 1488或電郵至info@hkbiotek.com與我們聯絡。 更多的敏感測試及營養補充品資料
2015年8月31日 星期一
2015年8月29日 星期六
2015年8月27日 星期四
皮膚過敏怎麼辦 7招數給予十足呵護
1. 不能搔抓,忌用熱水及肥皂洗擦,如實在奇癢難忍時,可用冷毛巾適當冷敷一下。避免粗糙衣領或羊毛化纖織品的摩擦,防止濫用刺激性強的外用藥,禁食辛辣刺激性食物。
2015年8月24日 星期一
忌口並不能真正治病、改善體質,但有些病者,在未能從整體治療的得到裨益前,施以適當的飲食調節,仍是可行、容易的方法。暫時忌口的較常見兩種情況是:過敏症(allergies),以及胃腸道念珠菌增生 (candida overgrowth)。
2000年,佛羅里達大學 R Cade等研究者發表報告,以量度血液中IgG抗體計,87%的自閉症患者對麥麩敏感 ;同時,90%對酪蛋白(牛奶含有) 敏感 。而他們的膳食中戒除麥麩、酪蛋白,81%的自閉症患者於三個月內有顯著進步。
食物的敏感反應,較傳統的免疫抗體測試,是量度IgE。IgE作介體的免疫系統過敏反應,其特點是身體會釋放組織氨(histamine)、反應迅速(通常是進食或吸入致敏原數十分鐘內出現)、可能有過敏性休克( anaphylactic shock)、常採用皮膚刺點測試(skin prick test),是目前大部份西醫採用的測試所採用。
但近年來,以量度IgG為基礎的過敏測試卻漸普及,此類過敏反應不釋放組織氨,對皮膚刺點測試沒有反應,沒有過敏性休克,反應較延慢 (數小時至數天),但卻更常見於各類慢性病(濕疹、牛皮癬、自閉症、過度活躍症、精神分烈、抑鬱症等),測試方法通常是取幾滴血樣本然後送實驗室進行。上述R Cade等研究者的研究,正是以IgG檢測出來的結果。
麥麩 (小麥、大麥、德國裸麥,包括絕大部份麵包、麵條、餅乾)
酪蛋白 (牛奶、芝士、乳酪、忌廉;但純牛油卻可以)
砂糖、代糖、色素等化學添加劑 (白砂糖、黃糖、Aspartame、Equal、NutraSweet、Spoonful、Diet Coke、Coke Zero)
其次常見過敏食物包括:雞蛋、朱古力、黃豆 (豆漿、豆腐花、維他奶等)、花生 (花生油、花生醬、「麻醬」也常混有花生) ,如果病者非常喜歡這些食物,隔天吃或天天吃,而持續地病著,就應特別留意了。病者過敏的,往往是最常接觸、進食的東西。
第二類宜暫時忌口的病者,是念珠菌增生(candida overgrowth)問題的人士。念珠菌本來是健康身體內的微生物之一,但增生卻會誘發很多問題。一般人最常認識的是女士的的陰道炎 (下體痕癢、似豆腐渣的分泌物)、幼兒口腔炎 (鵝口瘡;thrush)。
然而,常被忽略但卻極常見的是胃腸道的念珠菌增生。念珠菌喜歡吃糖,然後釋放一堆擾亂了身體的物質。最常見的症狀是:嗜甜,當吃過甜食、澱水化合物後,容易感到有氣脹、疲累、難以專注、皮膚痕癢等等。而如果你有下列的三種或以上症狀,都很可能是有胃腸道念珠菌增生: 氣脹;胃酸倒流;思緒混沌;容易鼻炎、耳炎;視力間歇性模糊;低血糖症 (飢餓時手震、飯後睏倦、睡眠時出汗而非因炎熱等);便秘或腹瀉;輕微貧血;濕疹、牛皮癬、各類紅疹脫皮頭屑;灰甲;下體痕癢。
究竟念珠菌從何而來?通常是濫用抗生素、類固醇後的惡果。而研究發現,採用抗念珠菌的飲食及治療後,典型的改善包括: 飯後氣脹減少、便秘腹瀉減少,專注力改善、衝動暴力行為減少、皮膚質素改善、思路清晰。有些人會書寫筆跡變得更端正,讀書障礙、自閉症、抑鬱情緒、精神分裂症也改善了。
抗念珠菌的飲食,主要是避免一切含簡單碳水化合物的東西,包括砂糖、甜水果、果汁、奶類、茹類。任何乳製品、小麥製品也應避免。吃甚麼好?以不太甜的新鮮蔬菜、水果為主,輔以全穀(whole grain)的小米(millet)、蕎麥(buckwheat)、藜麥(quinoa)、糙米(brown rice)。天然海鮮、肉類、蛋類不限。輔助天然藥物方面,可選擇:橄欖葉、葡萄籽、椰子油、檸檬、丁香、肉桂、大蒜、薑、水克菲爾(water kefir)、益生菌(probiotics)等。
2000年,佛羅里達大學 R Cade等研究者發表報告,以量度血液中IgG抗體計,87%的自閉症患者對麥麩敏感 ;同時,90%對酪蛋白(牛奶含有) 敏感 。而他們的膳食中戒除麥麩、酪蛋白,81%的自閉症患者於三個月內有顯著進步。
食物的敏感反應,較傳統的免疫抗體測試,是量度IgE。IgE作介體的免疫系統過敏反應,其特點是身體會釋放組織氨(histamine)、反應迅速(通常是進食或吸入致敏原數十分鐘內出現)、可能有過敏性休克( anaphylactic shock)、常採用皮膚刺點測試(skin prick test),是目前大部份西醫採用的測試所採用。
但近年來,以量度IgG為基礎的過敏測試卻漸普及,此類過敏反應不釋放組織氨,對皮膚刺點測試沒有反應,沒有過敏性休克,反應較延慢 (數小時至數天),但卻更常見於各類慢性病(濕疹、牛皮癬、自閉症、過度活躍症、精神分烈、抑鬱症等),測試方法通常是取幾滴血樣本然後送實驗室進行。上述R Cade等研究者的研究,正是以IgG檢測出來的結果。
麥麩 (小麥、大麥、德國裸麥,包括絕大部份麵包、麵條、餅乾)
酪蛋白 (牛奶、芝士、乳酪、忌廉;但純牛油卻可以)
砂糖、代糖、色素等化學添加劑 (白砂糖、黃糖、Aspartame、Equal、NutraSweet、Spoonful、Diet Coke、Coke Zero)
其次常見過敏食物包括:雞蛋、朱古力、黃豆 (豆漿、豆腐花、維他奶等)、花生 (花生油、花生醬、「麻醬」也常混有花生) ,如果病者非常喜歡這些食物,隔天吃或天天吃,而持續地病著,就應特別留意了。病者過敏的,往往是最常接觸、進食的東西。
第二類宜暫時忌口的病者,是念珠菌增生(candida overgrowth)問題的人士。念珠菌本來是健康身體內的微生物之一,但增生卻會誘發很多問題。一般人最常認識的是女士的的陰道炎 (下體痕癢、似豆腐渣的分泌物)、幼兒口腔炎 (鵝口瘡;thrush)。
然而,常被忽略但卻極常見的是胃腸道的念珠菌增生。念珠菌喜歡吃糖,然後釋放一堆擾亂了身體的物質。最常見的症狀是:嗜甜,當吃過甜食、澱水化合物後,容易感到有氣脹、疲累、難以專注、皮膚痕癢等等。而如果你有下列的三種或以上症狀,都很可能是有胃腸道念珠菌增生: 氣脹;胃酸倒流;思緒混沌;容易鼻炎、耳炎;視力間歇性模糊;低血糖症 (飢餓時手震、飯後睏倦、睡眠時出汗而非因炎熱等);便秘或腹瀉;輕微貧血;濕疹、牛皮癬、各類紅疹脫皮頭屑;灰甲;下體痕癢。
究竟念珠菌從何而來?通常是濫用抗生素、類固醇後的惡果。而研究發現,採用抗念珠菌的飲食及治療後,典型的改善包括: 飯後氣脹減少、便秘腹瀉減少,專注力改善、衝動暴力行為減少、皮膚質素改善、思路清晰。有些人會書寫筆跡變得更端正,讀書障礙、自閉症、抑鬱情緒、精神分裂症也改善了。
抗念珠菌的飲食,主要是避免一切含簡單碳水化合物的東西,包括砂糖、甜水果、果汁、奶類、茹類。任何乳製品、小麥製品也應避免。吃甚麼好?以不太甜的新鮮蔬菜、水果為主,輔以全穀(whole grain)的小米(millet)、蕎麥(buckwheat)、藜麥(quinoa)、糙米(brown rice)。天然海鮮、肉類、蛋類不限。輔助天然藥物方面,可選擇:橄欖葉、葡萄籽、椰子油、檸檬、丁香、肉桂、大蒜、薑、水克菲爾(water kefir)、益生菌(probiotics)等。
2015年8月22日 星期六
Probiotic May Prevent Acid Reflux, Constipation, and Colic in Infants - 益生菌可以防止嬰兒胃酸倒流,便秘,腹絞痛
Colic caused by digestive problems may be soothed with a simple probiotic, a new study claims.
Researchers at an Italian university reported today that giving infants a probiotic during their first three months of life can help prevent stomach problems like colic from developing.
The study, published in JAMA Pediatrics, found that administering five drops of the probiotic lactobacillus reuteri results in much shorter crying episodes, less spitting up, and less constipation.
It also saved parents money, said the authors from University of Bari Aldo Moro. “These conditions often cause numerous visits to the pediatrician, changes in feeding patterns, parental anxiety, and loss of parental working days with important socioeconomic consequences,” they wrote.
A probiotic is a dose of live bacteria similar to those found naturally in the body. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not approved any health benefit claims associated with probiotics.
Probiotics, sometimes called “good bacteria,” can suppress the growth of “bad bacteria” like E. coli, said Dr. Frank Greer, a researcher at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and an expert in infant nutrition.
How Do Probiotics Help?
Although it's well known that probiotics influence the health of the gut, how they do so remains a mystery, Greer told Healthline, “I would certainly feel better about this study if anyone could explain how probiotics make colic better.”
Colic, while common and not life-threatening, can send even the most patient parents over the edge. Babies believed to have colic cry for at least three hours per day, at least three days per week.
Try These Ten Tips to Get Your Kids to Sleep »
The exact cause of colic is unknown. Hunger, acid reflux, gas, cow's milk proteins in breast milk, and overfeeding may all contribute to stomach problems associated with an uncomfortable baby.
“To think that colic can be cured by something as simple as a single probiotic is very unlikely,” Greer said. “It may help some babies with colic, but certainly not all.”
The study reported that infants who received the probiotic cried for about 38 minutes at a time, as opposed to 71 minutes. They spat up three times a day versus almost five times a day compared to infants who received a placebo.
The study involved 554 newborns in nine hospital pediatric units.
Breastfeeding, Crying, and Colic
Dr. Claudia Frye, a pediatrician at UnityPoint Health in Bettendorf, Iowa said babies with colic tend to cry for prolonged periods, often at the same time of day every day. The fact that the study was dependent on parental reporting further calls into question the severity of the crying fits.
“Some parents can have the fussiest baby in the world but tolerate it very well," she said. "Others can get to wits end with their baby.”
Frye said that the study has merit, but she cautioned that if an infant has asthma, eczema, or an autoimmune disorder, a probiotic should not be used.
“The natural process of establishing the right balance of lactobacillus and other micro-organisms naturally in the intestine helps your body do what it is supposed to do with what you eat,” she said. “We need to understand how this works in the body.”
Interfering with that process—by not breast-feeding, giving an infant antibiotics, or keeping a baby in an overly sterile environment—may lead to colic. Colic also can be caused by factors not related to stomach problems, such as an under-developed nervous system.
Explore Top Breastfeeding Tips »
Although some have speculated that lactobacillus reuteri is present in breast milk, Greer and Frye don't believe it. Frye said the bacteria can colonize a mother's skin, so breast-fed babies might get it that way.
“As a grandfather of five grandchildren below the age of six, all exclusively breast-fed, they all had fussy times of days,” Greer said.
Everyone has varying levels of probiotics in their system, Frye said, so dosing is a challenge. Frye and Greer both noted that the study did not take into account other medications and herbs the children may have been taking.
The study showed that parents who used the probiotic as a preventive measure saved almost $119 per child on health care costs.
BioGaia, a large manufacturer of probiotics based in Sweden, funded the study and provided the lactobacillus used in the experiment.
Learn More About Symptoms of Colic and Crying »
The study, published in JAMA Pediatrics, found that administering five drops of the probiotic lactobacillus reuteri results in much shorter crying episodes, less spitting up, and less constipation.
It also saved parents money, said the authors from University of Bari Aldo Moro. “These conditions often cause numerous visits to the pediatrician, changes in feeding patterns, parental anxiety, and loss of parental working days with important socioeconomic consequences,” they wrote.
A probiotic is a dose of live bacteria similar to those found naturally in the body. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not approved any health benefit claims associated with probiotics.
Probiotics, sometimes called “good bacteria,” can suppress the growth of “bad bacteria” like E. coli, said Dr. Frank Greer, a researcher at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and an expert in infant nutrition.
How Do Probiotics Help?
Although it's well known that probiotics influence the health of the gut, how they do so remains a mystery, Greer told Healthline, “I would certainly feel better about this study if anyone could explain how probiotics make colic better.”
Colic, while common and not life-threatening, can send even the most patient parents over the edge. Babies believed to have colic cry for at least three hours per day, at least three days per week.
Try These Ten Tips to Get Your Kids to Sleep »
The exact cause of colic is unknown. Hunger, acid reflux, gas, cow's milk proteins in breast milk, and overfeeding may all contribute to stomach problems associated with an uncomfortable baby.
“To think that colic can be cured by something as simple as a single probiotic is very unlikely,” Greer said. “It may help some babies with colic, but certainly not all.”
The study reported that infants who received the probiotic cried for about 38 minutes at a time, as opposed to 71 minutes. They spat up three times a day versus almost five times a day compared to infants who received a placebo.
The study involved 554 newborns in nine hospital pediatric units.
Breastfeeding, Crying, and Colic
Dr. Claudia Frye, a pediatrician at UnityPoint Health in Bettendorf, Iowa said babies with colic tend to cry for prolonged periods, often at the same time of day every day. The fact that the study was dependent on parental reporting further calls into question the severity of the crying fits.
“Some parents can have the fussiest baby in the world but tolerate it very well," she said. "Others can get to wits end with their baby.”
Frye said that the study has merit, but she cautioned that if an infant has asthma, eczema, or an autoimmune disorder, a probiotic should not be used.
“The natural process of establishing the right balance of lactobacillus and other micro-organisms naturally in the intestine helps your body do what it is supposed to do with what you eat,” she said. “We need to understand how this works in the body.”
Interfering with that process—by not breast-feeding, giving an infant antibiotics, or keeping a baby in an overly sterile environment—may lead to colic. Colic also can be caused by factors not related to stomach problems, such as an under-developed nervous system.
Explore Top Breastfeeding Tips »
Although some have speculated that lactobacillus reuteri is present in breast milk, Greer and Frye don't believe it. Frye said the bacteria can colonize a mother's skin, so breast-fed babies might get it that way.
“As a grandfather of five grandchildren below the age of six, all exclusively breast-fed, they all had fussy times of days,” Greer said.
Everyone has varying levels of probiotics in their system, Frye said, so dosing is a challenge. Frye and Greer both noted that the study did not take into account other medications and herbs the children may have been taking.
The study showed that parents who used the probiotic as a preventive measure saved almost $119 per child on health care costs.
BioGaia, a large manufacturer of probiotics based in Sweden, funded the study and provided the lactobacillus used in the experiment.
Learn More About Symptoms of Colic and Crying »
2015年8月20日 星期四
20 歲的 Carmen 自一歲半起飲用純牛奶後會感到反胃及嘔吐,被確診患有先天乳 糖 不 耐 症(Lactose Intolerance)。Carmen表示,多年來尚可吃少量乳酪、酸奶、羊奶等低乳糖奶製品,惟最近兩年發現進食酸奶亦會出現腹瀉症狀。她嘆道:「十分無奈,現在出外用餐要更小心選擇菜式,含芝士等乳製品可免則免。」她稱,雖然感覺到病情有惡化跡象,但因「怕麻煩」而沒有再求醫,只以戒口來避免病發。
註 冊 營 養 師 關 建 慧表示,後天性乳糖不耐症多是因疾病感染或生活習慣改變,以致乳糖酵素缺乏刺激或使用所引起。她續稱,患者對於乳糖不耐的情況會隨著時間改變,但由於每個人體質不一,病症所持續的時間亦會有所不同,有人甚至一輩子都受乳糖不耐症困擾。她續稱,曾有嚴重病例是患者發病時沒有明顯病症,最終因過量攝入不耐物質導致窒息死亡。而任何人對任何食物都可能有不耐症,但症狀未必會在進食不耐物質後即時出現,有機會延至數天後才病發, 一般人難以察覺問題和找出引致不適的食物,再對症下藥。
2015年8月17日 星期一
2015年8月15日 星期六
Foods That Help Your Body Heal - 有助於身體癒合的食物
Get a Boost from Power Foods
Whether you’re fighting fatigue, searching for ways to boost your immune system, or recovering from an illness, doctors often recommend healthy lifestyle changes. Prevention and management of symptoms can often significantly be helped through the foods you eat.
Kelp—Increases Your Iodine Intake
Low thyroid levels can cause sluggishness, weight gain, and moodiness. Iodine is essential to the thyroid, the butterfly-shaped gland in the neck.
Kelp is rich in calcium, magnesium, potassium, and—most important for low thyroid levels—iodine. Be aware that overconsumption of iodine can create problems too. The key is a moderate amount to raise energy levels and brain functioning.
Other power greens include kale, bok choy, spinach, parsley, green beans, and alfalfa.
Ginger—Reduces Nausea
You may recognize ginger as a cooking spice, but its centuries-old uses range from aiding digestion and calming upset stomach to treating arthritis. Ginger is now widely recognized for its ability to reduce nausea, particularly for postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV).
Sources of ginger include ginger root (prepared as tea), foods and drink, and in an herbal form in extracts, capsules, and oils.
Mushrooms—Power Food
Mushrooms are hailed for their health-promoting properties. Common types of mushrooms include white button, shiitake, portabella, and crimini.
Studies continue to examine how shiitake mushrooms may fight cancer by boosting the immune system through the compound lentinan, believed to slow tumor growth. According to the American Cancer Society, “at least one randomized clinical trial of lentinan has shown it to prolong life of patients with advanced and recurrent stomach and colorectal cancer.”
Fats: Good vs. Bad
Calorie-counting often leads to the drastic reduction of fat from the diet. However, fat is essential for your brain to function properly. Cutting fat entirely may lead to depression.
Healthy fats—monounsaturated and polyunsaturated—may reduce your risk of heart disease. Healthy sources include fatty fish, avocado, olive oil, and certain nuts, such as walnuts, almonds, and pecans.
Beets—Energize You
Carbohydrates give you energy. However, in today’s fast-paced world, many of us often turn to processed carbs that don’t provide other nutrients. Beets are a natural energy supply packed with carbs, calcium, iron, and vitamins A and C.
Beets are equipped to satisfy a mid-afternoon sugar craving without the guilt. Plus, studies published in the journal Nahrung reveal that beets may help fight cancer and protect against heart disease.
Probiotics—Fight Disease
Probiotics are live microorganisms ("friendly bacteria”) that your body needs to protect against disease. They can be found in foods like yogurt, kefir, and soy beverages. Probiotics can also be obtained in supplement form.
Ongoing studies continue to explore the potential of probiotics to treat diseases including irritable bowel syndrome, skin infections, and certain cancers. A report from the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine supports the use of probiotics to treat diarrhea and prevent infections of the urinary tract.
Calcium—Heals Broken Bones
Eating calcium-rich foods (versus calcium pills) is a recommended step toward healing broken bones. The next step is incorporating vitamin D, which helps your body absorb the calcium.
Calcium sources include dairy products (such as yogurt and milk), green vegetables (such as kale), nuts, and beans. Vitamin D sources include eggs, dairy, and fatty fish (such as sardines and salmon).
Swiss Chard—Bountiful in Benefits
A relative of the beet, Swiss chard provides an excellent source of vitamins C, E, and K, as well as fiber, zinc, and calcium. A wide green leaf with stalks that range in color from white to red to yellow, Swiss chard combines bitter and salty.
This nutrition-packed vegetable supports bone health, fights stress-related disease, and holds anti-inflammatory properties. Sautee it, toss it in a salad, or replace it for spinach in any dish.
More Resources—Prevention and Management
Healing and healthy living require balance. Avoid or limit empty calories and foods that rob you of energy and harm your health. Opting for nutritious foods to fuel your day will help prevent illness and improve recovery should an injury occur.
Learn more about healthy eating and nutrition.
Whether you’re fighting fatigue, searching for ways to boost your immune system, or recovering from an illness, doctors often recommend healthy lifestyle changes. Prevention and management of symptoms can often significantly be helped through the foods you eat.
Kelp—Increases Your Iodine Intake
Kelp is rich in calcium, magnesium, potassium, and—most important for low thyroid levels—iodine. Be aware that overconsumption of iodine can create problems too. The key is a moderate amount to raise energy levels and brain functioning.
Other power greens include kale, bok choy, spinach, parsley, green beans, and alfalfa.
Ginger—Reduces Nausea
Sources of ginger include ginger root (prepared as tea), foods and drink, and in an herbal form in extracts, capsules, and oils.
Mushrooms—Power Food
Studies continue to examine how shiitake mushrooms may fight cancer by boosting the immune system through the compound lentinan, believed to slow tumor growth. According to the American Cancer Society, “at least one randomized clinical trial of lentinan has shown it to prolong life of patients with advanced and recurrent stomach and colorectal cancer.”
Fats: Good vs. Bad
Calorie-counting often leads to the drastic reduction of fat from the diet. However, fat is essential for your brain to function properly. Cutting fat entirely may lead to depression.
Healthy fats—monounsaturated and polyunsaturated—may reduce your risk of heart disease. Healthy sources include fatty fish, avocado, olive oil, and certain nuts, such as walnuts, almonds, and pecans.
Beets—Energize You
Beets are equipped to satisfy a mid-afternoon sugar craving without the guilt. Plus, studies published in the journal Nahrung reveal that beets may help fight cancer and protect against heart disease.
Probiotics—Fight Disease
Ongoing studies continue to explore the potential of probiotics to treat diseases including irritable bowel syndrome, skin infections, and certain cancers. A report from the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine supports the use of probiotics to treat diarrhea and prevent infections of the urinary tract.
Calcium—Heals Broken Bones
Eating calcium-rich foods (versus calcium pills) is a recommended step toward healing broken bones. The next step is incorporating vitamin D, which helps your body absorb the calcium.
Calcium sources include dairy products (such as yogurt and milk), green vegetables (such as kale), nuts, and beans. Vitamin D sources include eggs, dairy, and fatty fish (such as sardines and salmon).
Swiss Chard—Bountiful in Benefits
This nutrition-packed vegetable supports bone health, fights stress-related disease, and holds anti-inflammatory properties. Sautee it, toss it in a salad, or replace it for spinach in any dish.
More Resources—Prevention and Management
Healing and healthy living require balance. Avoid or limit empty calories and foods that rob you of energy and harm your health. Opting for nutritious foods to fuel your day will help prevent illness and improve recovery should an injury occur.
Learn more about healthy eating and nutrition.
2015年8月13日 星期四
What Is Lactobacillus Acidophilus? - 什麼是嗜酸乳桿菌?
Not all types of bacteria are bad for you. In fact, your body needs a certain amount of bacteria to function properly. Lactobacillus acidophilus is a form of bacteria that’s found naturally in the body, usually in the intestines, mouth, or female genitals. It’s considered beneficial to human health because the bacteria doesn’t cause disease. It produces vitamin K as well as lactase, the enzyme that breaks down lactose (the sugars in milk products).
This “helpful” bacteria is also a popular probiotic. Probiotics provide living bacteria that help the body absorb nutrients and keep a healthy balance of good bacteria. They help treat conditions like diarrhea, lactose intolerance, eczema, asthma, vaginal infections, and irritable bowel syndrome.
You can find probiotics like lactobacillus acidophilus in Greek yogurt. Learn eight ways Greek yogurt can benefit your health.
Where to Get It
Lactobacillus acidophilus and other probiotics are found in some fermented foods, such as yogurt, kefir, soy products, and pickles. You can also buy probiotic supplements in liquid, tablet, or powder form.
Eating yogurt is often recommended for people who are lactose intolerant. This is because yogurt has less lactose than milk and other dairy products. Lactobacillus acidophilus is one of the probiotics in yogurt that’s responsible for “pre-digesting” the lactose, which makes it easier to digest.
To find out if a yogurt brand has Lactobacillus acidophilus, look for the bacteria name in the ingredient list. Yogurts that contain probiotics will have the National Yogurt Association's "Live and Active Cultures" seal.
Try a Probiotic Breakfast!
An easy way to get more probiotics like Lactobacillus acidophilus into your body is through a delicious morning treat. Tomorrow morning, try this delicious smoothie recipe, which is also low in calories:
¾ cup blueberries, fresh or frozen
½ banana, chilled
6 ounces plain or nonfat Greek yogurt
1 tablespoon ground flaxseed
What You Should Know First
Research on the effects of probiotics is still very limited, but there is some evidence that probiotics can treat short-term diarrhea and atopic eczema.
Probiotics are generally considered safe, and the most common side effect is extra gas. However, Lactobacillus acidophilus may be dangerous for people who have damaged intestines or a weakened immune system. Probiotics can also interact with certain medications, so speak to your doctor first.
Supplement forms of probiotics aren’t regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). There is a risk that harmful bacteria can contaminate good bacteria, or that the bacteria will die on the shelf before the product is sold.
Supplement companies may make false health claims or misrepresent a product to boost sales. Make sure you’re buying from a reliable source by checking the FDA and Federal Trade Commission (FTC) websites for reports against the manufacturer.
Additionally, the supplement label should list the type or types of bacteria used. Look for the names and ask your doctor whether this strain might be helpful for your condition.
Although more research is needed, probiotics are often recommended by doctors for lactose intolerance and other various digestive issues. Talk with your doctor to see how Lactobacillus acidophilus or other probiotics can be a part of your treatment plan.
This “helpful” bacteria is also a popular probiotic. Probiotics provide living bacteria that help the body absorb nutrients and keep a healthy balance of good bacteria. They help treat conditions like diarrhea, lactose intolerance, eczema, asthma, vaginal infections, and irritable bowel syndrome.
You can find probiotics like lactobacillus acidophilus in Greek yogurt. Learn eight ways Greek yogurt can benefit your health.
Where to Get It
Lactobacillus acidophilus and other probiotics are found in some fermented foods, such as yogurt, kefir, soy products, and pickles. You can also buy probiotic supplements in liquid, tablet, or powder form.
Eating yogurt is often recommended for people who are lactose intolerant. This is because yogurt has less lactose than milk and other dairy products. Lactobacillus acidophilus is one of the probiotics in yogurt that’s responsible for “pre-digesting” the lactose, which makes it easier to digest.
To find out if a yogurt brand has Lactobacillus acidophilus, look for the bacteria name in the ingredient list. Yogurts that contain probiotics will have the National Yogurt Association's "Live and Active Cultures" seal.
Try a Probiotic Breakfast!
An easy way to get more probiotics like Lactobacillus acidophilus into your body is through a delicious morning treat. Tomorrow morning, try this delicious smoothie recipe, which is also low in calories:
¾ cup blueberries, fresh or frozen
½ banana, chilled
6 ounces plain or nonfat Greek yogurt
1 tablespoon ground flaxseed
What You Should Know First
Research on the effects of probiotics is still very limited, but there is some evidence that probiotics can treat short-term diarrhea and atopic eczema.
Probiotics are generally considered safe, and the most common side effect is extra gas. However, Lactobacillus acidophilus may be dangerous for people who have damaged intestines or a weakened immune system. Probiotics can also interact with certain medications, so speak to your doctor first.
Supplement forms of probiotics aren’t regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). There is a risk that harmful bacteria can contaminate good bacteria, or that the bacteria will die on the shelf before the product is sold.
Supplement companies may make false health claims or misrepresent a product to boost sales. Make sure you’re buying from a reliable source by checking the FDA and Federal Trade Commission (FTC) websites for reports against the manufacturer.
Additionally, the supplement label should list the type or types of bacteria used. Look for the names and ask your doctor whether this strain might be helpful for your condition.
Although more research is needed, probiotics are often recommended by doctors for lactose intolerance and other various digestive issues. Talk with your doctor to see how Lactobacillus acidophilus or other probiotics can be a part of your treatment plan.
2015年8月10日 星期一
What Is Allergic Eczema? - 什麼是過敏性濕疹?
Part 1 of 6: Overview
When your body comes in contact with something that could make you ill, your immune system promotes chemical changes to help your body ward off disease. You are exposed to thousands of substances each day, and most will not cause your immune system to react. However, you may come into contact with substances that are not typically harmful to the body but cause your immune system to overreact nonetheless. These substances are known as allergens, and this overreaction is known as an allergy.
Have a board certified dermatologist examine your skin problem »
An allergic reaction can take a number of forms. For some people, breathing becomes difficult, they cough, and they experience burning eyes and a runny nose. Other allergic reactions cause changes in the skin. Allergic eczema is an itchy skin rash that develops when you come into contact with an allergen. The condition often occurs hours after you have been exposed to the substance that causes the allergic reaction.
Allergic eczema is also known as:
allergic dermatitis
contact dermatitis
allergic contact dermatitis
contact eczema
Part 2 of 6: Causes
What Causes Allergic Eczema?
Allergic eczema occurs when you come into direct contact with an allergen. This type of allergic reaction is known as delayed allergy because it can take several exposures to the allergen to cause a reaction. Also, the symptoms of allergic eczema may not develop for 24 to 48 hours after you have come in contact with the allergen.
Although allergic eczema can develop because of an immune response to any substance, some common triggers include:
nickel, which can be found in earrings, jewelry, belt buckles, and metal buttons on jeans
perfumes found in cosmetics
certain clothing dyes
hairdressing chemicals and hair dye
antibiotic creams or ointments used on the skin such as neomycin
Allergic eczema may also result when the skin is exposed to chemicals in the presence of sunlight. One example is an allergic reaction that occurs after using sunscreen and spending time in the sun.
Part 3 of 6: Symptoms
Recognizing the Signs of Allergic Eczema
The symptoms of allergic eczema will be different for each person. They may also change over time. Symptoms typically develop on the skin where contact with the allergen has occurred. In rare cases, symptoms may spread to other areas of the skin.
Common symptoms include:
itching of the skin
a burning sensation or pain on the skin
red bumps on the skin that may ooze (weep), drain, or crust
warm, tender skin
skin that becomes scaly, raw, or thickened
skin that becomes dry, red, or rough
inflammation of the skin
cuts (fissures) in the skin
skin rash
Part 4 of 6: Diagnosis
How Is Allergic Eczema Diagnosed?
If you have symptoms of this disorder, your doctor will examine your skin. Although your doctor may be able to diagnose an allergic reaction, he or she may need to do further testing to determine exactly what you are allergic to. Typically an epicutaneous (on surface of the skin) or patch test will be required.
Patch Test
During this test, patches that contain common allergens are placed on your back. These patches remain in place for 48 hours. When your doctor removes the patches, he or she will check for signs of an allergic reaction. Your doctor will check your skin again in two more days to see if there is a delayed allergic reaction.
If your doctor is not able to make a diagnosis based on the patch test, other tests may be needed. Your doctor may perform a skin lesion biopsy (taking a sample of your skin for laboratory testing) to make sure that your skin condition is not due to another health problem.
Part 5 of 6: Treatment
How Is Allergic Eczema Treated?
Treatment for allergic eczema depends on the severity of your symptoms. In all cases, it is important to wash the affected skin with plenty of water to remove traces of the allergen.
If your symptoms are mild and do not bother you, no further treatment may be needed. You may wish to use a moisturizing cream to keep the skin hydrated and to repair damage. Over-the-counter corticosteroid creams can help with itching and inflammation.
If your symptoms are severe, your doctor may recommend prescription-strength ointments or creams. Corticosteroid pills or a shot can also be prescribed if needed.
Part 6 of 6: Long-Term Outlook
What Is the Long-Term Outlook for Allergic Eczema?
With treatment, you can expect allergic eczema to clear up within two to three weeks. However, the condition may return if you are exposed to the allergen again. Identifying the allergen that caused your eczema and taking steps to avoid it are critical to preventing future reactions.
When your body comes in contact with something that could make you ill, your immune system promotes chemical changes to help your body ward off disease. You are exposed to thousands of substances each day, and most will not cause your immune system to react. However, you may come into contact with substances that are not typically harmful to the body but cause your immune system to overreact nonetheless. These substances are known as allergens, and this overreaction is known as an allergy.
Have a board certified dermatologist examine your skin problem »
An allergic reaction can take a number of forms. For some people, breathing becomes difficult, they cough, and they experience burning eyes and a runny nose. Other allergic reactions cause changes in the skin. Allergic eczema is an itchy skin rash that develops when you come into contact with an allergen. The condition often occurs hours after you have been exposed to the substance that causes the allergic reaction.
Allergic eczema is also known as:
allergic dermatitis
contact dermatitis
allergic contact dermatitis
contact eczema
Part 2 of 6: Causes
What Causes Allergic Eczema?
Allergic eczema occurs when you come into direct contact with an allergen. This type of allergic reaction is known as delayed allergy because it can take several exposures to the allergen to cause a reaction. Also, the symptoms of allergic eczema may not develop for 24 to 48 hours after you have come in contact with the allergen.
Although allergic eczema can develop because of an immune response to any substance, some common triggers include:
nickel, which can be found in earrings, jewelry, belt buckles, and metal buttons on jeans
perfumes found in cosmetics
certain clothing dyes
hairdressing chemicals and hair dye
antibiotic creams or ointments used on the skin such as neomycin
Allergic eczema may also result when the skin is exposed to chemicals in the presence of sunlight. One example is an allergic reaction that occurs after using sunscreen and spending time in the sun.
Part 3 of 6: Symptoms
Recognizing the Signs of Allergic Eczema
The symptoms of allergic eczema will be different for each person. They may also change over time. Symptoms typically develop on the skin where contact with the allergen has occurred. In rare cases, symptoms may spread to other areas of the skin.
Common symptoms include:
itching of the skin
a burning sensation or pain on the skin
red bumps on the skin that may ooze (weep), drain, or crust
warm, tender skin
skin that becomes scaly, raw, or thickened
skin that becomes dry, red, or rough
inflammation of the skin
cuts (fissures) in the skin
skin rash
Part 4 of 6: Diagnosis
How Is Allergic Eczema Diagnosed?
If you have symptoms of this disorder, your doctor will examine your skin. Although your doctor may be able to diagnose an allergic reaction, he or she may need to do further testing to determine exactly what you are allergic to. Typically an epicutaneous (on surface of the skin) or patch test will be required.
Patch Test
During this test, patches that contain common allergens are placed on your back. These patches remain in place for 48 hours. When your doctor removes the patches, he or she will check for signs of an allergic reaction. Your doctor will check your skin again in two more days to see if there is a delayed allergic reaction.
If your doctor is not able to make a diagnosis based on the patch test, other tests may be needed. Your doctor may perform a skin lesion biopsy (taking a sample of your skin for laboratory testing) to make sure that your skin condition is not due to another health problem.
Part 5 of 6: Treatment
How Is Allergic Eczema Treated?
Treatment for allergic eczema depends on the severity of your symptoms. In all cases, it is important to wash the affected skin with plenty of water to remove traces of the allergen.
If your symptoms are mild and do not bother you, no further treatment may be needed. You may wish to use a moisturizing cream to keep the skin hydrated and to repair damage. Over-the-counter corticosteroid creams can help with itching and inflammation.
If your symptoms are severe, your doctor may recommend prescription-strength ointments or creams. Corticosteroid pills or a shot can also be prescribed if needed.
Part 6 of 6: Long-Term Outlook
What Is the Long-Term Outlook for Allergic Eczema?
With treatment, you can expect allergic eczema to clear up within two to three weeks. However, the condition may return if you are exposed to the allergen again. Identifying the allergen that caused your eczema and taking steps to avoid it are critical to preventing future reactions.
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