資料來源: http://news.sina.com.hk/news/20150330/-2-3672702/1.html
為大眾提供有關敏感的健康資訊。如欲了解進行食物敏感測試的的詳情,歡迎您致電 (852) 2763 1488或電郵至info@hkbiotek.com與我們聯絡。 更多的敏感測試及營養補充品資料:www.hkbiotek.com
2015年4月30日 星期四
2015年4月27日 星期一
餵男嬰喝魚湯 急性過敏險休克
1歲以下 禁吃海鮮
沒有過敏 不需限制
2015年4月25日 星期六
(中央社訊息服務20150428 16:06:29)台灣過敏兒的人數有日漸增多的趨勢,估計全台約有480萬個過敏兒,近來因PM2.5的觀念逐漸被大家所認知,但要如何正確防治,很多民眾仍是一知半解。
2015年4月23日 星期四
早預防早治療 過敏不會變氣喘
2015年4月20日 星期一
食物安全中心指,一批名為「Myprotein Salt & Vinegar Protein Puffs」的加拿大預先包裝鹽醋味泡芙因包裝出錯,混入另一款含有小麥的燒烤味小食,但並無在食物標籤上標示,有機會令食用者過敏。
資料來源: http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/realtime/news/20150422/53658546
資料來源: http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/realtime/news/20150422/53658546
2015年4月18日 星期六
冬去春來 幼兒過敏跟著來!
要降低過敏機率,也可從積極的改善體質做起。柯建至醫師說,臨床上發現,會過敏的體質多數偏寒,因此不建議食用寒性的食物、水果,如瓜類、香蕉等。研究也顯示,益生菌、台灣綠蜂膠、含有omega3的油(DHA & EPA),如魚油、蝦油、海豹油、維他命D3等都可以緩解過敏症狀,其中又以可調節免疫系統的台灣綠蜂膠研究最多,因台灣綠蜂膠能提升身體免疫力,對於神經修復、抗細菌、抗病毒、抗發炎都有正面幫助。尤其是過敏兒從小就服用抗過敏藥品,時間一久容易產生抗藥性,對幼兒身體是不小的負擔;因此,調解免疫力、改善體質,對過敏兒而言就非常重要。
資訊來源: http://news.sina.com.tw/article/20150417/14198453.html
要降低過敏機率,也可從積極的改善體質做起。柯建至醫師說,臨床上發現,會過敏的體質多數偏寒,因此不建議食用寒性的食物、水果,如瓜類、香蕉等。研究也顯示,益生菌、台灣綠蜂膠、含有omega3的油(DHA & EPA),如魚油、蝦油、海豹油、維他命D3等都可以緩解過敏症狀,其中又以可調節免疫系統的台灣綠蜂膠研究最多,因台灣綠蜂膠能提升身體免疫力,對於神經修復、抗細菌、抗病毒、抗發炎都有正面幫助。尤其是過敏兒從小就服用抗過敏藥品,時間一久容易產生抗藥性,對幼兒身體是不小的負擔;因此,調解免疫力、改善體質,對過敏兒而言就非常重要。
資訊來源: http://news.sina.com.tw/article/20150417/14198453.html
2015年4月16日 星期四
Gluten-free diets reveal more about Western anxieties than they do about the protein
Eating gluten can produce a range of maladies. Stomachs bloat,
energy drains away, stools – as the doctors call them – disintegrate. So far,
so scientific, but an important qualifier is missing. Close and personal
contact with a cupcake – one of the many gluten-based treats – won’t produce
such symptoms in the human body unless its owner is among the one per cent of
the population that has coeliac disease.
To put it another way, the next person you meet who goes
on about the dangers of gluten is – scientifically speaking – not on solid
ground. The non-coeliacs who avoid gluten, in fact, probably reveal more about
Western anxieties than they do about a protein once known best for giving
breads their chewy texture.
Alan Levinovitz, author of the The Gluten Lie, leads a growing
backlash. “The state of science right now,” he says, “is this: the vast
majority of people who think they react to gluten don’t.” Since the publication
of Wheat Belly (2011) and Grain Brain (2013), both treatises against gluten, a
soaring number of people – most of them in America – have sworn off it: Gwyneth
Paltrow espouses the gluten-free lifestyle, Miley Cyrus avers that it helped
her get over fatigue.
While many Asian people happily eat gluten on its own, served
fried and known as “seitan”, for the West it has become the villain in the
breadbasket. That alone might ring a warning bell: one of Ben Goldacre’s tests
for quack science is inexplicable geographical variation – based on the idea
that if something is making people sick (or well) in one part of the world, it
will probably be doing so in another.
Levinovitz suggests the spate of “gluten sensitivity”
self-diagnoses might have more to do with historical narratives than any
particular sensitivity on the lining of celebrity, or any other, intestines.
“The most famous myth in the world,” he says, “is the dietary fall from grace.
Adam and Eve go into the garden, eat the wrong food, and become mortal. So it
makes sense to us intuitively that everything that’s wrong with us can be
traced to a mistake we make with that we eat.”
To prove
that point, The Gluten Lie traces the erroneous history of diet
demonisation, from the Daoist monks who believed that grains “rotted
and befouled” the body, to the late-20th-century campaign against fat –
stripped from yogurts and so much besides (but now recommended to endurance
athletes in place of carbohydrates). Perhaps most relevant is the
scientifically bogus fatwa on MSG, the supposedly “headache-producing”
ingredient in cheap Chinese food that also happens to be found naturally in
Parmesan and tomatoes. The lesson that humanity appears slow to pick up –
perhaps because it’s so bland – is that moderation across the board is probably
the answer to all questions of diet.
2015年4月13日 星期一
Special issue of Gastroenterology highlights how food impacts health and disease – 腸道問題反映出食物如何影響健康
Patients are always interested in understanding what they should eat and how it will impact their health. Physicians are just as interested in advancing their understanding of the major health effects of foods and food-related diseases. To satisfy this need, the editors of Gastroenterology, the official journal of the American Gastroenterological Association, are pleased to announce the publication of this year's highly anticipated special 13th issue on food, the immune system and the gastrointestinal tract.
"This special issue provides a tour de force of biological and clinical data regarding how food impacts health and disease," said Douglas A. Corley, MD, PhD, MPH, and Detlef Schuppan, MD, PhD, guest editors for this special issue. "We hope this will inform future research by identifying gaps in knowledge, while providing patients and clinicians with evidence-based summaries to guide clinical recommendations."
In the last two decades, we have witnessed a marked expansion of research into how food and nutritional elements influence health and disease. Food and its interactions with the immune system are a critical topic for gastroenterology to address, changing our view of digestion and resorption of food as the principal role of the gastrointestinal tract. Articles in this special issue of Gastroenterology evaluate immunology, biological mechanisms and clinical studies of foods and food-related diseases for all the major topic areas, including food allergies, celiac disease, non-celiac wheat sensitivity, carbohydrate (FODMAP) intolerance in relation to irritable bowel syndrome, cancer, obesity and brain-gut interactions.
The specific topics covered in this special 13th issue of Gastroenterology are outlined below.
Food and the Microbiome
- Diet in the Pathogenesis and Treatment of Inflammatory Bowel Diseases; by Dale Lee, et al.
- The question of what to eat is among the most commonly asked by patients, and among the most difficult to answer for clinicians.
- Food, Immunity, and the Microbiome; by Herbert Tilg and Alexander R. Moschen
- By increasing our understanding of interactions between diet, immunity and the microbiota, we might develop food-based approaches to prevent or treat many diseases.
- Food Allergies: The Basics; by Rudolf Valenta, et al.
- Learning about the structure of disease-causing food allergens has allowed researchers to engineer synthetic and recombinant vaccines.
- Diagnosis, Management, and Investigational Therapies for Food Allergies; by Mike Kulis, et al.
- Although there are no therapies currently available for routine clinical care [of food allergies], recent reports have indicated that immunotherapies targeting the mucosal immune system may be effective.
- Molecular, Genetic, and Cellular Bases for Treating Eosinophilic Esophagitis (EoE); by Marc E. Rothenberg
- We propose that EoE is a unique disease characterized by food hypersensitivity; strong hereditability influenced by early life exposures and esophageal-specific genetic risk variants; and allergic inflammation and that the disease is remitted by disrupting inflammatory and T-helper type 2 cytokine?mediated responses and through dietary elimination therapy.
- Food Components and Irritable Bowel Syndrome; by Peter R. Gibson, et al.
- The concepts behind, and delivery of, specialized diets differ from those of pharmacologic agents.
- Advances in Diagnosis and Management of Celiac Disease; by Ciarán P. Kelly, et al.
- There is increasing interest in developing nondietary therapies.
- Local Communication Among Mucosal Immune Cells in Patients with Celiac Disease; by Jeroen van Berge, et al.
- We review the immune processes that occur in the lamina propria and their potential effects on epithelial pathology in celiac disease.
- Nonceliac Gluten Sensitivity; by Alessio Fasano, et al.
- Although there is clearly a fad component to the popularity of the gluten free diet, there is also undisputable and increasing evidence for nonceliac gluten sensitivity.
- Neural Responses to Macronutrients: Hedonic and Homeostatic Mechanisms; by Alastair J. Tulloch, et al.
- A greater understanding of the neural circuits affected by the consumption of specific macronutrients, and by obesity, might lead to new treatments and strategies for preventing unhealthy weight gain.
- Peripheral Mechanisms in Appetite Stimulation; by Michael Camilleri
- Understanding these mechanisms is key to the physiological control of feeding and the derangements that occur in obesity and their restoration with treatment (as shown by the effects of bariatric surgery).
- Diet and Upper Gastrointestinal Malignancies; by Christian C. Abnet, et al.
- Public health recommendations for normal-risk individuals regarding diet and gastrointestinal cancer should probably emphasize the importance of eating for overall health rather than eating specific foods to reduce risk for specific cancers.
- Nutrients, Foods, and Colorectal Cancer Prevention; by Mingyang Song, et al.
- Diet likely influences colorectal carcinogenesis through several interacting mechanisms. These include the direct effects on immune responsiveness and inflammation, and the indirect effects of overnutrition and obesity -- risk factors for colorectal cancer.
2015年4月11日 星期六
沒接受過正統餐飲業訓練的Andy,因自小熱愛烹飪,加上身為中國及印尼混血兒,擅長東南亞菜及廣東菜。他原本打算在美國當私家偵探,偶然機會下幫助朋友「破案」,替對方查出食物過敏源頭,令他決心當上廚師。他見不少香港外國人因食物過敏而煩惱,去年成立了網上公司Urban Health,專門設計健康餐單,獲知名旅遊網站《TripAdvisor》給予不俗評價。最近,Andy增設Pop-Up Kitchen服務,菜式以健康為大前提,用料天然及無麩質,不下味精及雞粉調味,挑選合作的廚師是名不經傳的Home Chef,因而能煮出住家風味。例如這次合作的Chef Seema是健康食材店店主,也是入廚多年家庭主婦,其自家製雲呢乳酪鼠尾草布甸是罕有美味甜品,而且營養豐富,打破健康食品的沉悶印象。
2015年4月9日 星期四
10 million Britons have food allergies – 大約1000萬個英國人都有食敏敏感
An estimated 10 million people in the UK are allergic or intolerant to at least one foodstuff yet many think sufferers make an unnecessary fuss about the problem, research has found.
While a third (35%) of people think those with them make a fuss, a quarter (24%) admit they feel no empathy.
More than half (57%) of those questioned who have an allergy or intolerance said they find it very difficult to live with their condition and it affects their quality of life, with nearly the same amount (53%) saying they find people are generally dismissive of the issue.
A 1997 study found hospital admissions in the UK due to food intolerance or allergies had risen by more than 500% since 1990.
The charity Allergy UK said it is unclear exactly why so many more people are suffering from food allergies and intolerances, but possible reasons could be due to diets made up of more processed foods and fewer fruit and vegetables.
Researchers are investigating whether reduced levels of nutrients like Vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acids (found in fish) or antioxidants might be the reason.
The most common food allergies among adults are to fish and shellfish and nuts, while children are often allergic to milk and eggs.
Food intolerances are much more common than allergies, with lactose, or dairy, the biggest cause of intolerance.
Source: http://www.freshplaza.com/article/138876/10-million-Britons-have-food-allergies
While a third (35%) of people think those with them make a fuss, a quarter (24%) admit they feel no empathy.
More than half (57%) of those questioned who have an allergy or intolerance said they find it very difficult to live with their condition and it affects their quality of life, with nearly the same amount (53%) saying they find people are generally dismissive of the issue.
A 1997 study found hospital admissions in the UK due to food intolerance or allergies had risen by more than 500% since 1990.
The charity Allergy UK said it is unclear exactly why so many more people are suffering from food allergies and intolerances, but possible reasons could be due to diets made up of more processed foods and fewer fruit and vegetables.
Researchers are investigating whether reduced levels of nutrients like Vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acids (found in fish) or antioxidants might be the reason.
The most common food allergies among adults are to fish and shellfish and nuts, while children are often allergic to milk and eggs.
Food intolerances are much more common than allergies, with lactose, or dairy, the biggest cause of intolerance.
Source: http://www.freshplaza.com/article/138876/10-million-Britons-have-food-allergies
2015年4月6日 星期一
Battle to keep kids with food allergies safe away from home – 跟家中致敏原搏鬥
When your child has food allergies or intolerance it's scary. While they're at home you can generally ensure they're safe. But what about when they're away from home - at school, at a friend's house or staying with family?
Children are not adults, they do not have the same ability to advocate for their health and may not always make the best food decisions - especially if something yummy is offered to them.
Many young allergy-affected children would find it difficult to easily turn down a piece of chocolate cake if it was offered by an adult and there were no allergy-free options available. Especially if they were in a room full of their cake-eating friends.
As a parent, you've got to be able to trust that the people who are looking after your child are following the dietary instructions you've provided. However, all too often I've heard of cases where people have either deliberately or accidentally ignored parental advice.
Recently I received an email from a concerned mum. Her children are gluten and dairy intolerant and, despite informing the school repeatedly of their dietary needs, this week they were given Anzac biscuits by their teacher.
No prior notice was given, so the parents couldn't provide an alternative option, nor did the school make any effort to safeguard the child in question. I have no idea whether this was a deliberate case of willful ignorance on the part of the school, or a genuine mistake, but it's not good enough.
Children should be safe at school, and that means ensuring they aren't exposed to hazardous substances - and for allergy-affected children, food can be a hazardous substance.
I've also heard of many cases of grandparents or other well-meaning family members giving children with food allergies unsafe foods because they felt the child was "missing out on treats".
Allergies tough on families
As a child, my parents were very clear about their desire for me not to have much sugar in my diet. And it was for good reason - when I had sugar I was miserable for at least a week and had awful stomachaches (and damn it, this is still the case as an adult).
My nana, who was the kindest, most lovely grandmother you could hope for, was constantly giving me sugary treats. Chocolate, lollies and all kinds of yums. It used to drive my parents crazy because after staying with my grandparents I was sick as a dog for weeks afterwards.
So why do people insist on ignoring the dietary guidelines set by parents? I can only think of two reasons:
1. They think they know better what your child should be eating.
2. They don't want the child to miss out on treats
Let's be clear, neither of these reasons are acceptable for ignoring the dietary guidelines provided by the child's parent. Parents have to deal with the fall-out when their advice is not adhered to, and this could be anything from mild to sever, from behavioural issues to physical illness.
Just because a child doesn't go into immediate anaphylaxis does not mean that they do not have a food allergy or intolerance.
Whatever the side-effects of dietary slip-ups, it is not for other people to judge whether they are serious enough to follow a specific diet.
Let me say it once very clearly: if you've been advised by a parent not to feed their child a certain food, DO NOT feed that food to the child. It's not difficult.
Respect parents' rights to care for their child.
Source: http://www.stuff.co.nz/stuff-nation/assignments/does-an-allergy-rule-your-life/11639671/Battle-to-keep-kids-with-food-allergies-safe-away-from-home
Source: http://www.stuff.co.nz/stuff-nation/assignments/does-an-allergy-rule-your-life/11639671/Battle-to-keep-kids-with-food-allergies-safe-away-from-home
2015年4月4日 星期六
過敏類型1:食物過敏 過敏症狀:腹瀉、濕疹
過敏類型2:皮膚過敏 過敏症狀:濕疹
2015年4月3日 星期五
Food Sensitivities, Intolerances and Allergies – 食物敏感與食物不耐受
Food Allergies vs. Food Intolerances
Did you know there are differences between a food intolerance and food allergy? Naturopath, Mubina Jiwa, shares everything that you need to know!Since our body is so good at managing reactions it is tough to isolate food intolerances. Intolerances can pop up three days after eating a culprit food, and in some cases it may be weeks before the symptoms are bothersome enough to notice.
There are two basic immune based reactions. Food Allergies and Intolerances
The first thing to determine is whether what you are experiencing is truly an intolerance and not an allergy.
Food allergy symptoms typically appear immediately after eating, touching, inhaling or getting injected with the allergen. Food allergy symptoms are often quite severe and may even be life-threatening. If you have an allergic reaction you may notice a red skin rash, difficulty breathing, red eyes or even a drop in blood pressure. Most people know what their allergies are at a young age, but some can develop later in life. The best way to get an allergy tested is to go to an allergist and have a skin prick test.
Food intolerance symptoms are not life-threatening and are delayed. They can cause a variety of symptoms and may contribute to chronic health concerns. Like allergies, an intolerance can develop at any point in life.
What is an intolerance?
It is your body fighting the food that you are eating. That food is scratching at your intestinal lining and causing inflammation which can lead to a disturbance in your gut lining that then produces adverse symptoms. When testing for intolerances the gold standard is to eliminate foods and then introduce them one at a time. Yet, this can be difficult due to the fact that there are many ingredients in foods that we eat. Many people will opt for a simple blood test that can determine your intolerances. Blood testing for food intolerances can be done at your naturopath, certain pharmacies and other health clinics.
Intolerance symptoms:
- Joint pain
- Gas and bloating
- Mood swings
- Headaches
- Lower back pain
- Acid reflux
- Congestion
- Skin issues
- Diarrhea
- Constipation
- Weight gain
- Cravings
The idea is to take away common aggravators, flush out your system and then re-introduce them one at a time.
How do you prep for this type of elimination?
It’s tough to jump right in to it. They key to any successful change is preparation. Pick a few weeks when you aren’t going to any parties or special events.
Give yourself two to three days to prep with these five steps:
1. Get armed with a list of common allergens
This includes; dairy, beef, pork, shellfish, soybeans, peanuts, corn, wheat, spelt, kamut, rye, barley, oats, banana, citrus fruit, eggplant, potato, tomato, bell peppers, sugar
2. Mental gymnastics
Any task is manageable as long as you put your mind to it. Instead of thinking about what you can’t eat focus on the things you can eat! Base your diet on free-range lamb, chicken, turkey and fresh fish. You can have any whole grain that is gluten-free and brown rice. Don’t forget that you can eat vegetables that are seasoned with fresh spices.
3. Read labels
The most important thing you can do is start reading labels. Doing this will show you just what you buy contains (usually multiple ingredients) and chances are you had no idea what was in your food. For example soy sauce contains wheat and many flavourful sauces are made with sugar.
4. Eat more home cooked meals and reduce your intake of processed/refined foods.
5. Make healthy swaps
Switch your sweet snacks to fruit and your crunchy snacks to vegetables. Switch from coffee to green tea and then move to herbal teas, like dandelion.
Now that you’ve prepared well and found a good time to start off you go. Ideally you want to try to eat clean for two to three weeks. This gives your body a chance to reduce any inflammation and heal up your digestive system.
Once the two to three weeks have passed you can re-introduce culprit foods one at a time. But don’t eat foods with multiple culprits, like pizza which includes tomatoes, cheese, wheat and gluten. If you have a reaction you won’t know which of the three things is bothering you. Start by eating a banana and monitor how you feel for the following three days. If you feel fine, great, you can add the banana to your dietary rotation. If you feel any differently than how you were feeling during its elimination, keep the banana out. If you do experience symptoms give your body two days to flush it and then move onto the next item.
Final tips;
- Remember that just because you are okay eating a food doesn’t mean you should gulp it down every chance you get. You should rotate it with other foods in your diet and avoid eating the same thing more than twice a week.
- You just did a fantastic diet! Remember that healthy feeling and try to stay away from the refined and processed foods (or at the very least keep them to a minimum) - your body will thank you!
2015年4月1日 星期三
藥物引過敏 女子鬼門關走一回
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