Food Allergy Advocate Cautions Parents on the Dangers of Food Allergies
With so much news on food allergies, without the right information it is easy for people to confuse the two. It’s important to know the difference because it could literally be a matter of life and death. Food allergies and food intolerances have important differences and it is becoming increasingly more important to understand them. Here are some tips that may help you and our family as you navigate the journey.
Food for thought…..What’s the difference between a food allergy and an intolerance?
What’s the difference between a food allergy and an intolerance?
True food allergies are immune system responses your body has to certain foods. The top 8 foods that comprise more than 90% of all food allergies are wheat, soy, milk, eggs, fish, shellfish, peanuts and tree nuts. (Peanuts are actually a legume not a nut).
True food allergies can cause people to have a severe life threatening immune system response called anaphylaxis which must be treated immediately
There are a few ways people are diagnosed with food allergies that are considered IgE mediated (immune responses) and they can include things like, skin testing, food challenges and blood tests. Check with your medical provider for medical advice to determine if you have a food allergy and follow their guidance.
On the flip side, intolerances to food can really irritate your body and systems but don’t cause an immune system response
Understand the dangers. Food allergies are generally more dangerous than food intolerances. However, medical experts often recommend that you discontinue eating foods that irritate you or make you feel sick.
If you have an allergic reaction to a food that causes anaphylaxis you will need to seek immediate help. Call 911 for medical emergencies. If you have a food allergy action plan from your physician, make sure to follow it. However, you may be able to avoid a hospital visit if you only have a food intolerance but your physician will need to help you determine this.
Pay attention to your body. It’s important to pay attention to your body after you eat something. You may want to document any reaction and make your doctor aware of it. Learn all about the signs and symptoms of food allergies or You can also get great tips on living with food allergies on
Although food intolerances aren’t as dangerous as food allergies, your doctor can provide guidance. You may need to adjust your menus at home and be more aware of the ingredients in the food you eat at restaurants. You might need to eliminate some foods and replace them with others.
Understand the issues of food intolerances. A food intolerance can be complex and more difficult to understand.
Although your body doesn’t have an immune response to an intolerance, you may still feel very sick. You may experience stomach issues, cramping, bloating, and other symptoms.
Lactose intolerance is one example of a food intolerance that isn’t an allergy.
It’s important to note that once you eliminate or stop eating the food that is causing the intolerance, then your symptoms go away if this is what is causing it. Be careful when doing eliminations to always check with your doctor to maintain proper nutritional
Symptoms that mimic. Food allergies and food intolerances can have overlapping symptoms. This complicates diagnosis and makes it more difficult to determine which one is happening in the body.
Overlapping symptoms can include stomach pain and other issues.
Potential causes of allergies and intolerances. Scientists continue to research why and how food allergies and intolerances develop.
Genetics may play a role in food allergies and intolerances. If you have a family member who’s allergic to soy or another food, then you may be at a higher risk of having a similar allergy but researchers are still researching to find the answers.
Researchers have also found that the human body can lack certain enzymes that make it difficult to digest your food. This can lead to a food intolerance.
Food additives can also create intolerances because you may be sensitive to them. Packaged and processed foods have multiple chemicals in them that can lead to issues and intolerances. You may become sensitive to one or more chemical additives.
It’s important to pay attention to the differences between food allergies and food intolerances. You may want to consult your doctor about questions you may have related to food issues.
Information contained herein is not intended to take the place of medical or legal advice but instead are general in nature. Consult the websites mentioned for research and statistics as well as seek the help of your physician.