Spoon Guru is a new iOS app created to help those with specific dietary requirements figure out what they can and can't eat without the hassle.
Once you've downloaded the app you create a profile about your dietary requirements. There are a range of options, like gluten free, organic, paleo or vegan. You can just stop there and select which apply to you, or drill down to make your profile even more specific. So let's say you prefer a gluten-free diet, but you've actually noticed that you're okay when you eat durum. Well, you can tell the app that and it'll tweak its results accordingly.
From there, Spoon Guru serves up all sorts of recipe and product recommendations that come with detailed nutritional guidance. You can find something specific by using the advanced search tool and also add-in even more preferences too. So let's say you're wheat-free but you also prefer to give eggs a miss from time-to-time, you can specify that when you search but don't necessarily need to make it part of your profile.
The app also has a barcode scanner designed for when you're out shopping and it's not clear whether the stuff you want to buy will be right for you. All you need to do is scan it in and Spoon Guru will tell you whether you can or can't eat it.
The app is a particularly useful guide for those who have just started a new eating plan or just found out they've got a food intolerance and aren't sure yet what that means for eating out and dreaming up new recipes.