魚油 | 魚肝油 | |
來源 | 從深海魚提取 | 從鱈魚的肝臟提煉 |
主要成分 | 奧米加 -3 脂肪酸 | 維他命 A 及 D |
食物來源 | 深海或高脂魚類: 三文魚、吞拿魚、鯖魚、鯡魚等 某些植物、硬殼果及果仁: 亞麻籽、黃豆、花生等 人體不能自行製造 | 維他命A: 奶類、肝臟、深綠或深黃色蔬菜和水果 維他命D: 蛋黃、肝臟、魚類。 每日曬太陽約15分鐘,刺激皮膚製造維他命D |
Fish oil is beneficial to our health as it contains fatty-acids essential to our body. EPA and DHA in fish oil are fatty acids that cannot be synthesized by the human body, thus must be obtained from diet or supplementation. DHA benefits the development of the brain, vision and central nervous system, while EPA supports the cardiovascular and immune system. They are recognized to be the two most beneficial omega-3 fatty acids that help regulating our body functions by maintaining hormonal balance.
Adult: Fish oil merits in strengthening brain function like memory and concentration. Want to fight against aging? A daily intake of fish oil brings you youthful body and skin, keeps heart healthy and helps to reduce cancer risk.
Kids: Sufficient Omega-3 fatty acids help kids learn better by supporting their brain and eye health.
Pregnant or lactating women: Intaking omega-3 fatty acids during pregnancy and lactation help women to bring good neurological, visual and cognitive development for their kids, and also a positive effect on reducing risk of allergies in infants!
People who suffer allergy: EPA is particularly important in soothing inflammation and the related allergy symptoms, and thus helps our body functions better.
Fish Oil | Fish Liver Oil | |
Source | Deep-sea & Fatty fish | Cod’s liver |
Ingredients | Omega-3 fatty acids | Vitamin A & D |
Food Source | Deep-sea & fatty fish like Tuna, salmon, mackerel and herring and some plants like flaxseeds, soy bean and nuts. Cannot be synthesized by human body. | Food source of Vit-A: Diary, liver, dark green and yellow fruits & veggies. Food source of Vit-D: Egg yolk, liver and fish. A 15-minute daily sunlight exposure is sufficient enough for our skin to generate Vit-D. |