2015年6月29日 星期一



想過敏 口服免疫最流行
而史丹福大學旗下的露西爾‧帕卡德兒童醫院過敏和免疫學副教授卡麗‧納多(Kari Nadeau)則相信,食物過敏可能是「基因和環境之間的某些因素——空氣污染物、煙草煙霧、添加劑和化學物質的共同作用」。


2015年6月27日 星期六

You Could Be Allergic to Your Beauty Products - 可曾想過, 愛美的妳都可能對化妝品敏感?

As someone who is allergic to most awesome things (dairy, soy, avocados, being outside), I've become adept at navigating food labels and blooming gardens. The only area where I'm lax: My products. I mean, if I'm not shoving it into my mouth or rolling around in it, it can't hurt me, right? I ran my sound logic by cosmetic allergist Julie Kuriakose, and surprise! I was wrong. Products containing the same ingredients that make you sneeze, wheeze, and feel sick to your stomach can also cause issues on your skin, says Kuriakose.
Even a few drops of, say, avocado oil or blueberry extract may still contain the fruit’s protein, which is what causes a person’s allergic reaction, Kuriakose explains. And if you have seasonal allergies, don’t think you’re home free just because products never contain ragweed or pollen. Get ready for this truth: Chamomile and honey are both part of the ragweed family; tea tree oil contains tree pollen, and daisy extract comes from weeds.
Of course, you probably won’t go into anaphylactic shock from a few dabs of daisy-extract lotion—unless your allergies are really severe—but the aftermath isn’t really worth the risk. “Intense itching and redness that last for days are common symptoms of an allergic reaction to a product,” says dermatologist Joshua Zeichner. Or if your scalp suddenly and persistently itches, even if you didn’t use anything in your hair, you could be having a reaction, adds Kuriakose.

2015年6月25日 星期四

Milk- and Egg-Free Cake - 無蛋和奶的蛋糕食譜


Heat oven to 350.

Grease pan(s) with an allergy safe food if you are making this for someone with food allergies. We have luck with most Pam sprays and or dairy-free margarine also works.  

1.5 c flour
1 c sugar
1/4 cup cocoa powder
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp vinegar
1 tsp vanilla
1/3 cup oil
1 c cold water

Combine ingredients by hand or with a mixer. Pour batter into greased pan or muffin cups afterwards. 

Bake in oven until done, when cake springs back to the touch or a toothpick comes out clean. Time varies on the pan you use, 15 to 30 minutes possibly.

Source: http://www.milkallergymom.com/2008/05/dairyegg-free-cake.html

2015年6月22日 星期一

孕媽咪吃花生 寶寶出生就過敏

避免急性壓力 遠離過敏
多吃紅色、黃色蔬果 調節免疫力

2015年6月20日 星期六



資訊來源: http://news.sina.com.hk/news/20150428/-32-3737230/1.html?cf=hp-tab1Realtime

2015年6月18日 星期四

You Asked: Do I Have a Gluten Allergy? 我是否有麩質敏感?

What you eat could be the cause of your headaches, joint pain, sluggishness or dozens of other ailments. Or maybe not.

People tend to conflate the terms allergy, intolerance, and sensitivity when they talk about food-related reactions, and especially gluten. The first two refer to well-understood digestive disorders with predictable symptoms, says Dr. Robert A. Wood, division chief of allergy and immunology at Johns Hopkins.
If you have a true allergy, your immune system produces antibodies designed to protect you from something it sees as a threat—be it nuts or shellfish. Even a little nibble can cause cramping or stomach pain, a runny nose, skin rashes, or swelling and breathing issues, Wood says.
An intolerance is an inability to properly digest or absorb specific foods or nutrients, often due to a lack of one or more digestive enzymes. (For example, people who are lactose intolerant don’t have the enzymes required to break down lactose.) This inability can lead to gastrointestinal problems like stomach pain, vomiting or diarrhea. Wood says food intolerances, unlike allergies, tend to be “dose dependent”—meaning the more of the food you eat, the worse you feel.
Take gluten, a type of protein found in grains like wheat, rye and barley. When it comes to gluten-related health concerns, says Dr. Alessio Fasano, director of the Center for Celiac Research at Massachusetts General Hospital, roughly 1% of the population has celiac disease—a condition that causes a sufferer’s immune system to attack the small intestine whenever gluten is present. A smaller percentage of people, maybe 0.5%, have a related wheat allergy. “We can verify each of these through blood tests and screening,” Fasano adds. Blood tests are the first step in identifying the underlying condition; to get a definitive diagnosis, a gut biopsy is usually required. For people with these conditions, cutting gluten or wheat is an absolute necessity.
But unlike allergies and intolerances, food sensitivities occupy a gray zone. Like an allergy, they may be related to immune reactions. But they’re poorly understood and symptoms are hard to pin down, says Fasano. “If you believe reports, a food sensitivity could cause a stomachache one time, then a headache, then joint pain or even cognitive problems,” Fasano says.
Because the mechanisms underlying sensitivities aren’t known, Fasano says there’s no way to test and validate them. That ambiguity has led to a lot of confusion and disagreement among researchers, while creating ideal conditions for spurious health “experts” to push food elimination diets that may do more harm than good, he says.
Eliminating gluten is the most common (and some would say trendy) example of this, Fasano says. Some estimates suggest a third of Americans are trying to avoid or altogether ditch gluten. “There’s this misconception that gluten-free foods are healthier or somehow linked to weight loss,” Fasano says. “But for most people, going gluten-free probably will not be beneficial.”
There may be another category of people who suffer from a sensitivity to wheat or gluten. Some popular books have suggested, in the words of Grain Brain author David Perlmutter, that gluten “represents one of the greatest and most under-recognized health threats to humanity.” But there’s not much data to support such claims. Fasano says what data there is point to stomach or abdominal pain as the most common symptom of gluten sensitivity, followed by skin conditions like eczema. While foggy thinking and fatigue are tied to gluten, there’s no agreed-on explanation for these symptoms, Fasano says.
Aside from celiac disease, Johns Hopkins’s Wood says that the medical science community is so convinced gluten isn’t a major health issue that there’s very little funding or interest in studying the subject further. “I think the bulk of people avoiding gluten are avoiding it unnecessarily,” he says. “Most doctors or people who’ve looked into it think it’s more of a lifestyle choice than a valid health issue.”
And when people claim to feel healthier after ditching wheat or gluten? “Lots of junk foods and snack foods contain gluten,” Fasano says. Some estimates show one-third of all grocery store items contain gluten—many of them the additive-stuffed, overly processed packaged foods nutritionists would love for you to eighty-six from your diet. “If you cut out those things, of course you’ll feel better,” Fasano says. “But it’s not because your body has a problem with gluten.”
While he doesn’t believe gluten is the health villain many have made it out to be, Fasano says food-related reactions are common, from gastrointestinal issues like stomachaches or cramps to non-GI issues like headache and joint pain. Fruit, beans, alcohol and many other common foods have been linked to symptoms of allergy or intolerance.
If you feel certain foods, including gluten or wheat, may be triggering pain or another type of physical reaction, Fasano recommends visiting a gastroenterologist or an expert dietitian—someone who can help you identify the source of your problem without putting you at risk for a nutritional deficiency.
“You wouldn’t take antibiotics or insulin without seeing a doctor first,” he says, “and you should take the same precautions when it comes to making changes to your diet.”

2015年6月15日 星期一

Parents, schools work together to manage food allergy concerns – 控制小朋友的過敏問題需要家長和校方一同合作

One in 13 children, about two in every classroom have a food allergy.  In all, Food Allergy Research & Education (FARE) reports that about 6 million children in the U.S. have a food allergy.

Trevor Mulheisen, a second grade student at Oak Ridge Elementary school in Royal Oak, is one of them.

"Trevor has tree nut allergies: pistachios, cashew, and walnut," said Elizabeth Mulheisen, Trevor's mother. "If he has a suspected ingestion of his allergen, for my comfort level, he is to be given the EpiPen immediately."

Oak Ridge Elementary is a peanut-restricted school.   All classrooms are peanut and tree nut free.  

The Mulheisen's have a written plan outlining what to do if he is exposed to his allergies at school.   As part of his plan, Trevor has an EpiPen in his lunch box, his classroom and the school office.

"There's a document called a 504 plan, which children with life-threatening food allergies qualifies under the Americans with Disabilities Act and so that can really help in navigating with the schools to set up a 504 plan that talks about everything to do with your child's needs in the school environment and then that way everybody has a copy of it" said Mulheisen.  "They can reference to really understand the individual child with the food allergy or any other medical condition they might have."

In 2013 the Centers for Disease Control released voluntary guidelines for managing food allergies in schools. Among the recommendations, schools should have a food allergy management and prevention plan. 
Every child at risk for anaphylaxis should also have a written plan like a 504.  That plan would outline how a child will be safely included in activities and how an allergic reaction will be handled.

Mulheisen is on the allergy awareness committee for the PTA at her children's school.  They look for ways to raise awareness about allergies and educate the students.    She is very happy how her school is managing her son's food allergy.

"We've had wonderful open communication, and his teachers have been really proactive," said Mulheisen about working with Dr. Jason Parrott, the school's principal and his staff. "They've just been wonderful to work with, and always asking questions, and making sure that Trevor is not only safe but also included in things that happen at the school."

"It's a lot of education not just to the child but to everyone in his life," said Kim Speck, Palmer and Lanie's mother.

In the Speck family, Palmer, 12, is allergic to peanuts, beef, eggs, dairy, sesame, and mustard and his sister Lanie, 7, has a peanut allergy.  They go to public school in Oxford.

"Sending him to school was obviously very nerve-wracking but we've had great experiences with the public school system and them being very accommodating," Kim Speck said. "Especially now that he's gone to middle school and it's not just into one classroom.  They wipe down his chairs daily, each teacher in between classes wipes his chairs down so his chair is free of any danger.  The same thing happens at lunch.  Everyone is very aware."

Randy Speck said raising children with food allergies helps him with his job as the superintendent of Madison District Public Schools.

"For a lot of kids food is a major staple that they need and schools provide much of that, so we need to make sure that they're safe and families feel like they're safe," said Randy Speck.

Children with severe food allergies are at risk for a potentially fatal reaction called anaphylaxis.  If they have an allergic reaction, they need the drug epinephrine quickly.  In Michigan, all public schools are required to have EpiPens and staff trained how to use them.

"If our students are coming to school and are worried about being safe, or worried about having something in the building that could hurt them or harm them, then they're not really thinking about what they have to do in the classroom," said Dr. Jason Parrott, principal at Oak Ridge Elementary school.

The Michigan Department of Education is trying to do more and is developing state guidelines for handling food allergies.  The state has convened a group of people that represents many sectors, including education, public health, school nurses, pediatricians, allergists, and parents to help develop the guidelines.  They hope to finalize them this summer so schools can use them in the next school year.

Speck believes it's time for there to be a uniform approach to how schools deal with food allergies.  He said parents shouldn't have to worry.

"Schools have an opportunity to be leaders in this real cause for kids. We would do it for most any other disability, we do it for special education needs

"If there was a uniform policy it would make life, it would allow me to breath easier that's for sure and I think it just sends a message across the board that this is a significant issue," Kim Speck said.  "It's on the rise and it's life and death. It's not that they might get sick, it's that they could lose their life."
because we know there is a need to serve all students when it comes to academics. Well there is a need to serve all students when it comes to their dietary needs as well, we just got figure out a way to do it," Randy Speck said.

2015年6月11日 星期四

壓力難解 當心全身過敏

壓力會加重過敏症狀 根據美國俄亥俄州州立大學心理學和精神病學教授格拉色(Janice Kiecolt-Glaser)的最新研究,壓力確實會加重過敏症狀。換句話說,過敏與過敏原有關,但壓力恐怕會加重症狀表現,尤其過敏反應一旦產生後,若壓力還持續存在,症狀就變得更嚴重。



輕劑量和減藥量的用藥原則 精神健康基金會董事長、國立臺灣大學醫學院名譽教授胡海國指出,壓力會同時造成生理和心理的反應。經由腦的邊緣系統,在心理上會感受到緊張、焦慮、沮喪等種種情緒,又經由腦神經系統的生理機轉,會引起腦下垂體和腦下視丘的連串生理反應,進而引發自律神經系統、賀爾蒙系統、免疫系統的三種反應,其中過敏的癥狀即屬於免疫系統。




培養腦力 以增強壓力的耐受度





除規律性之外,還要有充實感。胡海國指出,生理的反應來自於心境的影響,因此若能找到有意義、有價值、有目標、正向的事物進行,會讓心靈產生充沛感、豐富感,使腦內神經傳達物質的分泌量穩定,增強腦力的庫存量與韌性。如此,在壓力生活中仍然保持心情愉快,而更有勇氣和力道去突破困難,建立新的立足平衡點,超越困境,構築樂活精神。 做好壓力管理 取得身心靈內外平衡 儘管減輕壓力也未必會使過敏症痊癒,但卻能減少過敏發作的頻率,讓症狀減緩。當現代人面臨的是一個壓力無所不在的環境時,二十一世紀的成功秘訣正在於如何做好壓力管理,以取得身心靈的內外自在平衡。

資料來源: http://mag.chinatimes.com/mag-cnt.aspx?artid=31038

2015年6月8日 星期一

Shelley thought she had hay fever. In fact CHEESE was causing her sneezing fits – 47歲美藉女子的嚴重花粉症原來是由芝士引起?

Shelley thought she had hay fever. In fact CHEESE was causing her sneezing fits 

  • Shelley Coleman, 47, from Plymouth, had severe hay fever symptoms
  • Her eyes would stream, nose would run and she'd get a tight throat
  • Six months ago she had a mildly irritable bowel so went to an allergy clinic
  • Practitioner suggested that she may be intolerant to dairy
  • She cut cheese, milk and butter from her diet - and results were immediate

With her eyes streaming, nose running and throat tight, Shelley Coleman reached for her usual antihistamine remedy.
'I'd had severe hay fever symptoms since my teens,' says Shelley, 47, who lives with her husband Martin, 57, a retired banker, in Plymouth. 'It was something I just accepted as a burden I could do nothing about.
'In my 20s, I would take as many as three or four tablets a day to try to keep the symptoms at bay. Back then, the pills made you really drowsy, so I would often walk around like a zombie.

'But without them, my eyes would water, I couldn't stop my nose running and I'd get a dreadful itch at the back of my throat, which I'd try to scratch with my tongue - which in turn made me sneeze. It was unbearable.'
Hay fever, an allergic reaction to pollen, tends to worsen in the summer, but Shelley, who runs a curtain and blind-making business, suffered all year round.
'I assumed I was allergic to pollen from a range of plants and grasses,' she says. 'The fact that the sunshine tended to make it worse only confirmed that in my mind.'

Source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-3037515/Shelley-thought-hay-fever-fact-CHEESE-causing-sneezing-fits.html

2015年6月6日 星期六

米可白嘴饞吞餅 鬧過敏癢不停



2015年6月4日 星期四

換季皮膚易過敏 加強保濕防曬





資料來源: http://www.ettoday.net/news/20150501/499162.htm

2015年6月1日 星期一

Hong Kong has a serious lack of allergy specialists: journal – 研究數據顯示,香港嚴重的缺乏過敏專家

When Julian Ngai was five years old, he sipped a teaspoon of milk and suddenly stopped breathing. His mother Sandra Lai Pui-ling was terrified as an unconscious Ngai had to be sent to the intensive care unit, where he was administered extra oxygen.
It had been part of a traumatic – but life-saving – allergy test he was given at the Queen Mary Hospital in Hong Kong, with doctors later concluding he had severe reactions to dairy, particularly eggs, as well as peanuts.
Since then, Ngai, now 10, only eats food his family has packed for him – even when they are going out to a restaurant. There are rare exceptions with restaurants where they know the food doesn’t contain anything he’ll react to, like the fries at McDonald’s. He has also undergone six months of treatment which helped him recover from his egg allergy.
He has even gotten to the point where he can eat one egg a day. “Once he’s tasted an egg, he always wants to eat them in front of other people to prove that he’s over the allergies,” says his mother, who is an accountant.
Ngai’s parents got him tested for allergies shortly after he was born in Canada. By then, they knew he had food allergies, but got him tested again at Queen Mary Hospital when he was older because some children will just get over their allergies at that age.
“Now he’s very happy because he can finally taste eggs. He says even raw eggs taste good,” says his father, Andrew Ngai, adding that Julian has not had an allergic episode in three years.
Hong Kong Allergy association chairman Marco Ho, a child immunology and infectious diseases specialist at Queen Mary, suggests Ngai is one of the lucky ones. The lack of allergy specialists in the city means that desensitisation treatments like Julian’s are not easy to come by.
An article published in the Hong Kong Medical Journal this month found that allergy services are a “seriously unmet need” in Hong Kong.
A desensitization treatment involves gradually injecting larger and larger doses of allergens (eggs, in Julian Ngai’s case) until the person no longer has a reaction. But it starts with another test like the one that sent Ngai to the ICU.
The Journal explains that only four public hospitals (including Queen Mary) have clinics for food and drug allergies, but they cater to child patients only. There are two full-time and four part-time staff members at Queen Mary’s allergy clinic.
The overall ratio is about one allergy specialist, or allergist, for every 1.46 million people in Hong Kong, according to the journal authors. Comparing that to numbers from the World Allergy Organisation, that puts Hong Kong well behind other developed countries like Japan and Australia.
Ho says that though there is a “definite demand” for proper allergy assessments and treatment, patients often have to wait for nine months to a year.
Sandra Lai says that after their family moved back to Hong Kong from Canada more than a year after their son was born, they spent three months looking for an allergy doctor.
She also says they had to go to the private Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hospital for the treatment, racking up HK$200,000 in bills. So far, the treatment worked. Ngai eats an egg every day. If he keeps it up for three years, then he’ll definitely be over his egg allergy.
“In Hong Kong, we barely have paediatric clinics and there are no facilities at all for adults. Quite often, [young patients who become] adults will come back to us for care and we have to tell them that we’re paediatricians and can’t treat adults,” said Marco Ho, the specialist.
He adds that in countries like Britain, there are different specialised allergy services for children and adults. He explains that some people only show symptoms of allergies as adults, so under Hong Kong’s current shortage of adult specialists, adult patients have trouble even getting diagnosed. He adds that allergies are chronic conditions, which means they don’t go away without treatment.
Adults must seek out specialists on their own, outside of dedicated clinics.
This is bad news for people like Ida Lam Shuk-yee, 48, who has been living with allergies all her life. One can see it in her hands – the lines and creases of her skin turning a shade of red, looking like open wounds that had recently healed.
There are also faint red spots on her skin – a condition called eczema, a skin allergy.
Adding to her health woes, Lam, who has asthma (asthma and allergiesoften occur together), is allergic to painkillers, seafood and chemicals like perfume, paint and cleaning products.
Lam says she has had difficulty finding a job because of her obvious condition.
“A lot of people might not hire you for fear that your physical appearance can affect their business. For example, restaurants and hospitals will want someone presentable,” Lam says. “But even on our best days, you can still tell we have skin allergies because we’ll never have smooth skin.
“Once, an employer said to me, ‘I can hire you, but you have to get a doctor to certify that you’re not infectious. And you have to wear white gloves if your skin gets red’,” she recalls.
 “I wondered, ‘Do you want me to wear gloves to protect me or because you don’t want other people to see something that they’ll find gross?’” she says.
The incident struck a nerve with her and to this day she can’t see white gloves without recoiling.
Lam worked for seven years as a clerk in an industrial building, but in 2011, her allergies got so severe that she could not even walk up the stairs.
She quit her job and for the past two years has been living off her savings. She also has to take care of her elderly parents, who are 88 and 80.
Lam still needs regular check-ups for eczema at a public hospital. “Worst-case scenario is I use up all my savings and I [get] public assistance,” Lam says. “Getting treatment is very expensive, beyond the reach of a lot of patients.”
Marco Ho, the specialist, says the eczema clinic at Queen Mary Hospital is treating around 700 cases, while the food allergy clinic has a similar caseload.