2015年6月27日 星期六

You Could Be Allergic to Your Beauty Products - 可曾想過, 愛美的妳都可能對化妝品敏感?

As someone who is allergic to most awesome things (dairy, soy, avocados, being outside), I've become adept at navigating food labels and blooming gardens. The only area where I'm lax: My products. I mean, if I'm not shoving it into my mouth or rolling around in it, it can't hurt me, right? I ran my sound logic by cosmetic allergist Julie Kuriakose, and surprise! I was wrong. Products containing the same ingredients that make you sneeze, wheeze, and feel sick to your stomach can also cause issues on your skin, says Kuriakose.
Even a few drops of, say, avocado oil or blueberry extract may still contain the fruit’s protein, which is what causes a person’s allergic reaction, Kuriakose explains. And if you have seasonal allergies, don’t think you’re home free just because products never contain ragweed or pollen. Get ready for this truth: Chamomile and honey are both part of the ragweed family; tea tree oil contains tree pollen, and daisy extract comes from weeds.
Of course, you probably won’t go into anaphylactic shock from a few dabs of daisy-extract lotion—unless your allergies are really severe—but the aftermath isn’t really worth the risk. “Intense itching and redness that last for days are common symptoms of an allergic reaction to a product,” says dermatologist Joshua Zeichner. Or if your scalp suddenly and persistently itches, even if you didn’t use anything in your hair, you could be having a reaction, adds Kuriakose.

