Scientists Suggest that Sugar may Harm Your
They also believe that a chemical found in
fish oils may help combat the effect.
According to a study by scientists from the University of California Los Angeles , diets which are
high in sugar can reduce brain activity. The researchers believe that a
chemical called DHA can help the body overcome the effects of the sugar. DHA is
naturally found in fish oils.
For the research, a group of rats were fed a
diet of corn syrup for six weeks. Half the animals were also given regular
doses of DHA. Before they began their special diets,
the rats were trained for six days on navigating a special maze. At the end of
the six-week period, they were put back in the maze, and the results were
startling. The animals that didnt have DHA were much slower in the maze.
Professor Gomez-Pinilla from the research
team noted that the rats which didnt receive the DHA supplements had started to
build a resistance to insulin. Commenting on that finding, he said: Insulin is
important in the body for controlling blood sugar, but it may play a different
role in the brain, where insulin appears to disturb memory and learning.